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  1. Yeah, I get that. Anyway, I have a video of me beating the first boss of Old Sonic just to show that it is possible. I apologize for the lack of sound. I don't quite know how to get sound recorded with CamStudio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpeVBegjrI0
  2. I think old sonic should have won. That game is really awesome. I know that it is supposed to be bad games, but it is so epic it is a shame that it didn't win. I even would say that this game was better then a lot of the SAGE09 games, simply because of the unique style of it. Though maybe it is better that it didn't win because it is supposed to be the worst games *shrug* I don't quite know the twist in the game yet as I can't beat the second boss (Yes there is a second boss, and he is harder then the first if you can believe that).
  3. No, I was thinking about it during a conversation with a different community about various sonic fangames. Honestly, I don't even know if it is even the correct SRB thing I am thinking of. I think there might have actually been 3 different "remakes". I tried to use the "wayback machine" to see if I can find the correct name of it, but I didn't have any luck.
  4. Hello people of Sonic Fangames HQ. I used to lurk here a long time ago when demos were still on the site. I would like to ask about a specific demo that I have been looking on the Internet without any luck in finding the game, or any information about the author who made it. I am even unsure if this was the correct title of the game. It was a demo that seemed to be very loosely based on the original sonic robo blast. In fact it was completely different from the game in most aspects. I loved the unique art style and the secrets that it offered, even though it was a short demo. I want to know if anyone here knows anything about it, and if they have the game, that they would post a link to it. Just a note, this isn't Sonic Robo Blast - TGF. This was a much different game altogether. Thank you.
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