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Everything posted by justin123

  1. check at Sonic Retro. they've disassembled a couple of the old sonic roms, so they will know the exact numbers.
  2. That will be the best way to do it. There is a hydrocity water tutorial on here somewhere for GM.
  3. you will pretty much need a animation for each action, so its completely up to you.
  4. I'm not sure, but I think you could use a alpha mask.
  5. I know in c++ (or any other language) you will have to use bounding boxes around 3D objects to detect if another object is going to collide with it. I was waken enough in school to know something about Sine and Cos.
  6. Your best bet (from the south XD) is to delete and uninstall stuff.
  7. You can draw each frame on tracing paper and scan them one by one. Then use adobe illustrator to outline, color, and add effects to them.
  8. Besides the complex math, it may be easier for me to develop the graphics engine and the physics engine from scratch along side each other. That way I know exactly how both work.
  9. Would good physics library like Bullet 3D work well for a 3D Sonic game, or should I go through the process of coding from scratch?
  10. I'm strictly c++ now. I don't want to get back into the LIMITED Game maker world again. I'm making the graphics engine from scratch instead of using a graphics library (hopes this work out). I just need some idea of how the physics work.
  11. I've been thinking about building a 3d Sonic Engine. I know how to do the graphics end, but I don't have a clue about the physics part. Is there any resource or book I can refer to?
  12. I'll eventually have some screenies of my c++ engine
  13. Ok, thats easy, TOO EASY. You're better off figuring that one out.
  14. use the player_collision_bottom script. Example: if ( !ground && y_speed !=0 && player_collision_bottom( I Forgot the arguments ) ) { player_hurt();//I believe that was the name of the script, if not change it. action=action_hurt; }
  15. I never seen an error like this b4. Random erros are one of the many reason why I went to c++. Anyways it could be game maker. It usually doesn't let you run the game if there is a Direct Sound error unless you are running gm8. Try using a dll like saudio or shaltif's FMOD dll.
  16. Looks great. The grass needs to shaded a bit more.
  17. From what I've seen around here, everyone seems to like original content. Plus if you make all of your graphics, music, etc, you have a less chance of being sued by SEGA (like they care anyways because they're retards).
  18. add another "}" at the end in the step code. { if (surface_is_set) { surface_reset_target(); surface_is_set=false; } } [/CODE]
  19. Surfaces are easy. Sprite Part: 1. make a 16x16 sprite. 2.In the sprite, use the line tool and color the left and left-top edges to make a corner. Object Part: Make New Object Set new sprite as the object's sprite Create Event: In a script put this: width=0; height=0; surface=surface_create(width, height); x_speed=0; y_speed=0; xMov=0; yMov=0; surface_is_set=false; is_Sprite=false; is_Background=false; index=0; Step Event: In a script put this: if (x > view_xview[view_current] || x+width > view_xview[view_current]+view_wview[view_current] || y > view_yview[view_current] || y+height > view_yview[view_current]+view_hview[view_current]) { surface_set_target(surface); surface_is_set=true; draw_set_color(c_white); draw_set_alpha(1);// you Can make an alpha variable if you want. if (is_Sprite && !is_Background) { xMov+=x_speed; yMov+=y_speed; draw_sprite_tiled( index, -1, xMov, yMov); you can also make a image speed variable too. } if (is_Background && !is_Sprite) { xMov+=x_speed; yMov+=y_speed; draw_background_tiled(index, xMov, yMov); } surface_reset_target(); surface_is_set=false } else { if (surface_is_set) { surface_reset_target(); surface_is_set=false; } Draw Event: Script Again: if (x > view_xview[view_current] || x+width > view_xview[view_current]+view_wview[view_current] || y > view_yview[view_current] || y+height > view_yview[view_current]+view_hview[view_current]) { draw_primitive_begin_texture(pr_triangle_list, surface_get_texture(surface)); draw_vertex_texture(x,y,0,0); draw_vertex_texture(x+width,y,1,0); draw_vertex_texture(x+width,y+height,1,1); draw_vertex_texture(x,y,0,0); draw_vertex_texture(x,y+height,0,1); draw_vertex_texture(x+width,y+height,1,1); draw_primitive_end(); } [/CODE] In the room, place the object. Hold down the control key, right click on the object. In the menu, click on "creation code". This will open a script box (If you didn't already know). put this: [CODE]width=//How wide height=//How tall index=//the name of your background or sprite //If your image is a sprite: is_Sprite=true; is_Background=false; //If the image is a background reverse the variables above. x_speed=//how fast to scroll horizontally y_speed=//how fast to scroll vertically[/CODE] I didn't test this code. If it doesn't work reply back. I'll fix it. ~justin123
  20. Do you know how to use surfaces? If so, I just had this idea in head that could work.
  21. Nope, but I do know that it is in xml. heres whats in the tmx file: I want to store more data about tiles, objects, and backgrounds.
  22. I'd use this if there was a way to load the map in c++. I googled it but I couldn't find a c++ reader for the level format.
  23. I'll just continue to write my own, that will be easier.
  24. Does anyone know where I could get a 2d tile map editor that works with C++ and DirectX 9, or would I be better off writing my own?
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