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Posts posted by Briraka

  1. They had great character physics in Adventure 1 and 2, then threw it out the door with Heroes, and again in Shadow.  By the time Shadow came around they really had to completely rebuild character physics from scratch.  Without any sort of conservation of momentum, '06 hardly has "physics".  More just like... controls.

    Oh, so you were thinking about the gameplay engine while I was thinking about the game's general design philosophy.

  2. The Sonic Adventure Engine made more progress, mostly because my experience with Little Big Planet's similar system of 'logic bricks'. Added ring counter thanks to someone who is also working on a blender game (www.youtube.com/user/Chishado) So feature now are:


    - Jump, Double Jump

    - Spindash (not fully working)

    - Dashpanels (In progress)

    - Rings, Ring Counter/HUD

    - Springs


    So yeah you could possibly actually make something with this version of the engine, just would need to know how to import your own assets and build off of it. But this one is not up for release, yet.


    This is pretty cool, but I'm wondering how you're going to handle loops and corkscrews? Scripted events like in the Adventures?

    • Like 1
  3. Already posted this in the game's thread, but most people only check this thread, so might as well post it here.




    There's more stuff in the background, but you can't see it due to Sonic's position.


    But yeah, this is Sunrise Gate Zone Act 1 for my project Sonic Overture for those who don't know.

    Those are some pretty good graphics... so good that the Sonic 1 sprite sticks out like a sore thumb. :P

  4. Well, if I had to describe her around 3 or so words, it'd be something like "Agile, Serious, Curious, Cool" or something like that. I want her to be kind of relate able as well, so I don't want her to look too ridiculous but I do still want her to have a definitive look. What she does in the game is run, jump, pick up/put down objects, and shoot things. She's a scientist so she's serious about her work, smart, resourceful, and curious about everything. If that helps at all. Also thanks a lot for your input guys, its really helping me figure out what to go with.

    @Alex: Its hosted on dA so I don't know what your computer's problem is but here's a link to the actual page: http://sonicbommer.deviantart.com/art/ProjESTATE-Beta-Alt-Designs-01-441292565

    @SonicFan2010: I think XG is still alive.

    Okay, I change my vote to the one on the left. If she's supposed to be serious, I'd think she would wear her hair in a more uniformed fashion.

  5. WOW. This game looks a lot better than BTS...

    ... and BTS was fantastic! Also, have you considered Mighty to be a playable character? He could play like a heavier, stronger Sonic. The bowling ball to Sonic's pinball. I think putting him in could also give your music team more time to work at the soundtrack.

    All in all, great work, Lake!

  6. I'd say add the homing attack. Even if this is supposed to be a classic - styled game in 3D, it's still hard to try and hit stuff with the z - axis.

    Besides, you could make it work like it did in Sonic Adventure. That game's Sonic gameplay was almost like a 3D classic.

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