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Everything posted by Strife

  1. I'm gonna have LAZER! stuck in my head all day now. xD Also, his crouching animation during the LAZER reminds me of how Mario can jump while crouching.
  2. Hiya! You should check out this thread for some useful tips: http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1014
  3. Aha, silly me. xD Thanks for clearing that up, Hyper. In that case, I could prolly make a thread sometime soon. And thanks, Seraph. LH, that's a really neat trap idea for the second act. It kinda reminds me of Mystic Cave's gratuitous spike placement, though not nearly as cheap. xD Also, does the background scroll more fluidly yet?
  4. Thank you, sonicyoda! I most certainly will, and I'd love to make another TH game in the future. As far as a new thread goes, are threads for non-fangames allowed? I've always been kinda fuzzy on that one.
  5. Thank you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbo_fpVG8v4 Speed Highway At Dawn from the first Sonic Adventure game... with Mega Man X instruments. xD Somebody on YouTube made a request for this remix, so I figured, why not?
  6. Aww, no Tails. Sad face. :C But hey, as long as the other characters make up for it, then I'm good. Will Knuckles appear with his cool hat? Also, Metal Robotnik would be really scary as a boss fight, along with the OVA's take on Metal Sonic. Being a reboot, you got yourself a ton of options. =D
  7. Ah, thanks for reminding me, Lark! I had gotten some flak for the limited joypad support (which, admittedly, I cannot test myself since I don't have a joypad), along with some other gameplay issues, and I uploaded a new version yesterday: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1q5qyh3rv5ja0ks/THxmas_v092.zip This version doubles the regeneration rate of the stardust meter, makes enemies flash when hit, doubles the damage of Violet's charge attacks, and alters Indigo's dash, among other things. There's a full list of changes in the text file. Also, I attempted a fix for the joypad, so please let me know if it worked. As for the health system, I was mostly inspired by the Halo series in the sense that you can stay alive as long as you know when to back out and allow yourself time to heal. This is mostly to give the feeling that the player character isn't a meat shield that can survive multiple rockets to the face. xD You may have a point about the vagueness, though, and I've been wondering if I should actually display the player's health onscreen instead of using the heart symbol when it's below halfway. Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.
  8. Pink Sonic = Amy Rose. At least in her retro outfit. xD Anyway, with regards to the main menu video, it looks really awesome! =D The only thing I can think of that would make it better is if there was a floating island or some other large mass in the distance where the ocean is, to give the scene a greater sense of unity and to better summarize the epic journey Sonic is about to embark on. On the other hand, its current look is reminiscent of a DVD menu, which could be a neat shoutout to where you got the original idea from. x3
  9. Vexer wins the universe. My only concern, really, is how jagged some of the badniks and bosses move around, especially the ones that have swinging spike chains as their gimmick. A little bit of trigonometry and you can make those guys amazing. In any case, though, this is definitely the fangame to look out for in the near future. :3
  10. Thank you for all the positive feedback, everyone, especially with regards to my aurora background. I really appreciate it. To answer your question, P3DR0, it's not animated unfortunately. I would agree, though, that it'd be pretty cool if it was. Also, I like the Sonic Adventure 4 logo in your signature, Cstyler. :3 Epic.
  11. I second what Overbound says. The logo definitely looks like something official. =D Anyway, a couple of you had interest in trying that Christmas game I've been posting screenies of, so you can find it here if you're still interested. There's also a few more screenshots on that page. Also, I'm not sure if this would give Overbound an idea of what to do with his background, but in any case, this is something I did for the final stage of my game: An aurora would be difficult to do in the Genesis style, but maybe the ice castle would take its place. Perhaps you could try reworking the fluffy icy section underneath the castle wall into an ocean with the castle's reflection?
  12. Your Sonic model is animated very, very well, I must say. =D He seems to run a lot more fluidly than most other 3D models I've seen. It looks like your 3D engine is coming along nicely too. Also, the bass line in the music reminds me of Launch Base Zone. :3
  13. Which makes me feel bad for poor Tails, who seems to reap no benefits from Sonic's powahz. xD But anyway, the special effects in this game are absolutely amazing. Thanks to the combination of effects, screen shakes, and brilliant use of sounds, combat against even static foes looks a really satisfying experience. I can only imagine what it would be like to fight bosses!
  14. I've encountered a similar problem to that, Hyper. I think what you need to do is run a test for the bottom detector's X coordinate when compared to the X coordinate of the block. A condition like this, mayhaps: X position of detector > X("block") - 10 + X position of detector < X("block") + 10
  15. That's a pretty good point, yeah. ^^ I think it might be due to the way I shaded the gray blocks, but maybe I can fix that up by raising the shaded part a bit. I really really hope I can finish the second boss fight today so I can move on to the third (and by the looks of it, final) zone. Also... composing Christmassy music is harder than I thought. xD;
  16. Thanks Kess. LH - Coincidentally, I'm working on a condensed version of the game for an MMF2 Christmas competition. I only have a week left to get everything done, but I'm pretty sure I can make the deadline barring unforeseen events, so it should be playable soon. :3 Hybrid - Which tree? From my screenie? I do use that tree sprite a lot, if that's what you mean. xD;
  17. I think I understand, but I'm not quite sure. ^^; How does this look compared to the first screenshot?
  18. Thanks! Most of it in drawn pixel-by-pixel, but I sometimes cut corners with the bigger objects, such as the background and trees, by loading a picture into Photoshop, selecting Save For Web, and reducing the number of colors to around 2-4. As for everything else, I pretty much have to resist the urge to shade. A big part of my style is the apparent lack of shading, which gives it a cutout feel like South Park and whatnot. It also makes it easier to animate stuff. :3
  19. Agility Facility Explodium Expressway Cold Canyon Paradise Peninsula :3
  20. Christmas-themed city area. Hard to see stuff in the foreground, IMO, but simply darkening the background results in a gross yellowish-brown color. Any ideas on what I can do?
  21. Wow, that's awesome! =D Congrats Oddwarg! I find it mildly amusing that the commentors at Destructoid are complaining, of all things, about Eggman's name over Robotnik. xD
  22. Liking the background rocks. =D Though, I would recommend fading them a little bit so they blend in with the blue background more. At the moment, the contrast feels too strong for a background later. Also, I think a layer of shrubbery/plants in the background, in front of the rocks, would do wonders. Not sure if it should be behind or in front of the water layer, though...
  23. Ah, so Corrupted may be taking the Duke Nukem Forever route? xD I could certainly understand the lure of making a flash animation that looks like a real video game (such as, for example, that 3D remake of Mushroom Hill Zone), but on the other hand, it seems far too elaborate to be a complete hoax. You definitely have some strong points, though. Anyway, I watched the latest video of MMX Rise, and I definitely like the improvements from last time. X seems to move around in a style that's much more true to the SNES titles, which is a big plus in my book. This is lookin' better and better with each post.
  24. I think this stands up there with Mega Man X: Corrupted in terms of quality and gameplay. Now I have two awesome MMX fangames to look forward to in the future! =D
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