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Everything posted by ZonicZoneCop

  1. Vector: What? Fine...you losers step off, only one can claim the computer room. Charmy: Aw... Espio: Fine, I have better things to do.
  2. Vector: That's cold. We helped you beat that Metal Sonic once, remember? Espio: We were also at the Olympics.
  3. Vector: Well...now we need an alternative source of rent.... Does anyone need to hire some detectives! We work from 6-9, all 7 days of the week! Charmy: Except on Saturdays, where it's 10-9. Cartoons are on! Vector: Right, can't forget about those.
  4. Vector: Don't you remember? We got caught finding your lost chums! We deserve a danger fee! Charmy: Yeah, a danger fee!
  5. Vector: Hey Sonic! You still owe us for that mission you sent us on! Pay up!
  6. Espio: What. Charmy: I'm scared! Vector: Is that Team Fortress 2?! Me and Espio play that in the computer room when we have time! Espio: I like the Spy. For obvious Reasons Vector: And I can play a mean Heavy! Charmy: I'm too young to play Violent games, so they put on Pyro Vision, and only let me use a candy cane! Vector: His mind is safe, but he sucks butt in Competitive servers.
  7. Espio: There could be many reasons why! My killer spy skills, my rugged good looks, how can I pin it down to just one? Charmy: It's certainly not his modesty~ Vector: And for your second question, Vanilla is more then just a MILF you know! She has poise, grace, and she smells like cookies. And before you criticize me and Vaniiilllaaaaaaaa, look in the mirror Cooper! Your girlfriend is a fox, if you didn't know!
  8. Looks like Worlds Collide is really going to rock the Archieverse... http://www.sonicstadium.org/2013/07/sonic-lost-world-comic-archie-cast-redesigned/
  9. Espio: Mighty? He's right over there. Why do you ask?
  10. Lots 'o others are doing it, so meh~ You can ask any of the extended Chaotix questions, so that's Vector, Espio, Charmy, Mighty, Knuckles, Heavy and bomb. So get GOING.
  11. I've been feeling more hungry late- OHHHH, never mind, Sonic X is on~
  12. Having owned all 3, I'd have to go with Sonic Unleashed. It's atmosphere was a perfect mix of story and humor, and I thought the werehog was a nice change of pace~
  13. Happy that people are using this! Enjoy your Sonic #250 preview! http://kotaku.com/all-the-robot-masters-show-up-in-the-mega-man-sonic-com-597094392?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Twitter&utm_source=Kotaku_Twitter&utm_medium=Socialflow
  14. He always seemed like he served Ixis out of a duty, like a necessary evil. I assume it'll be wrapped up in due time.
  15. I've noticed that there is no pre-existing thread for the Sonic comics so I decided to do it first~ But first, a few rules... 1. This thread is for discussion on the comics in both of the Sonic titles. There shouldn't be much on other comics unless they pertain to these two (Like MegaMan during the crossover). Also, none of that UK comic stuff around here! (Unless it is relevant) 2. Let's try to be nice to everyone! Honest criticism is always welcome, but insults are not tolerated. 3. Also, please try to keep spoilers hidden for those who don't want to see them. An issue can be considered non-spoilerable about a week from it's release, but hide them until then. 4.Finally, let's have fun with this! I'll personally add in preview pages and useful stuff when I can, but it is up to you to make this enjoyable. Now that that's out of the way, let's get discussing! First topic: How is everyone enjoying the crossover?
  16. I just found out this place existed! Names Zonic, as you can see~ I'm in to comics and the junk.
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