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About DPJ93

  • Birthday 05/15/1993

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  • Interests
    Games, piano
  • Current Project
    hm.. Many actually

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  1. Yay, I just recieved Sonic 3D Remix.. I searched around, found a youtube video of that game which was no longer there, sent a message to that guy and he uploaded it This is nice.. But, well, if anyone has got the sonic3DengineV3, please upload it and post a link.. Thanks! Edit: Sonic 3D Remix beta can be downloaded here: http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/12/21/2232494/Sonic%203D%20Remix.zip
  2. Okay, thanks! I'll check it out. Dobermann already gave up... He said to me he would never make a new site with his own domain.. So if he at some point get time to, he'll put up a portfolio or something at his old site "dobermann47.free.fr" Also, I haven't seen him on msn for.. like a month.
  3. @LarkSS, yeah, I'm that guy who left you a message on youtube. Sure, if you've got enough spare time to search around for the game you were making out of it, I'd be happy. About Dobermann, well... He's been working on Halo Zero 2 all since the days he was on these forums... But now he's stopped working because he got a huge bill because of too much usage of bandwich on his website... And the Sonic Xtreme Remix level editor, well, he quite recently checked it out, but it didn't work anymore. (Maybe because he's now using Windows Vista?). His latest website is still up for a little more while though: http://DobEntertainment.net
  4. Heh, thanks for the replies! Glad you didn't just ignore this
  5. Hey. I've been searhing around like crazy to find Dobermann's Sonic3Dengine for MMF. But I haven't found any downloads anywhere. So, first. I am fully aware of the rule against asking for the source of a game. But since this WAS released as open source back in 2006, this post should not be against the rules. So, do you remember this? Do you still have this Sonic3Dengine on your computer? Or you know someone who's got it? Please upload it to somewhere and give a link to it. I'd be very thankful, as I am collecting on all of Dobermann's creations. The newest version of the MMF engine that was released was "Sonic3DengineV3". Also, I'm looking for Sonic 3D Remix too.. If you've got this on your computer, please upload it and post the download link here. And yes, I am sure that a beta of Sonic 3D Remix was released. Hm... A long time ago, Dobermann also made a 2D Sonic game... I don't know much about this. Have you got it? Let me know Also, for your notice. I have asked Dobermann about the open source version and Sonic 3D Remix, but he doesn't have this on his computer anymore. Thanks in advance!
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