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Everything posted by FanGameRevolver

  1. When I try to do voices or sounds, I try to emulate the emotion. If I try to sound exactly like something, I tend to strain my voice, making a very unnatural and downright awful sound. Basically I can really only do my own voice, but in my head I can do it pretty well.
  2. @blaze, I was originally using it but it made her look a little too dark to me. I might use it for a character with darker skin though. some of the pallet is just me toying around and adding colors I thought went well with what I had, not really trying to find more for her, but possibly for other characters or objects. Such as the blues, etc. I did however use that brown for her mouth which looks great So: @supersonic, Bro thanks. I'm surprised how the little detail makes a noticeable difference like that.
  3. Clearly this is a recolor I did sample some things and used amy as a strong reference though.
  4. Edit - Just noticed a 3 frames where her head was off horizontally by 1 pixel, this doesn't reflect that change Individual frames in the spoiler. Got Jumping and hurt frames to toss in before I've got what I need to get started on an actual game. How do you think it coming along guys?
  5. Graphical update for Kayt Story. Damn I cant tell if this is still going to be a Cave Story fangame or if its turning into a sonic fangame. Hell maybe I'll go for a little of both. All I know is I love how it looks so far. I think I'll start some programing,...once I figure out where the hell I want to take this.
  6. Flower + meter. Immediately thought of the meter used in the silent realm trials (from Skyward sword). Basically its a flower, and the petals wither away one by one, until nothing is left.
  7. oh man thanks for that tip. Haha, if they flew across that bit they would just about vanish.
  8. Great news, I can't wait to see what comes out of that. Do you have a link to this persons DA, Just for curiosities sake?
  9. Currently playing an awesome game called cave story. ...and so, as any other insane person interested in game development I'm inspired to make a fan game prequel sort of thing. Also I love how well the sonic CD pieces seem to mesh with the cave story sprites.
  10. Loving the game so far. Exploration feels easy to do yet rewarding at the same time, most of the levels feel very unique, and the player switching every act keeps things fresh. The gameplay doesn't deviate or expand much from, say, sonic 2, cuz I guess there's no need to fix what ain't broke. This is probably the most polished fan games I've played. I mean I've played a lot of sonic fangames, and typically I don't even feel compelled to dodge hazards in most fangames after about 5 or 10 minutes. But in this game I can't wait to hone my skills for the next new hazard. Currently I'm stuck on a boss with tails. I think it's called perilous park zone or something. (DUCKING LAZOR BEANS) I just can't seem to figure out how and when its ever appropriate to hit him.
  11. Also wanted to point out that I had been humming the theme to act one all day yesterday,...and I was totally ok with that.
  12. Oh my god, why must you toy with me strife. I want this game, right now.
  13. Star Ocean 3: Till the end of time. Saved just before entering Firewall (final story mode dungeons) Game is pretty amazing, though. I was annoyed that the storyline near the end here was like "LOL AMAZING TWIST!" and then has done absolutely nothing with it and instead spammed me with bosses. ...Not like that's a bad thing, the combat is easily the highlight of this game. Its rare that I play an RPG because the battle system is that much fun. And currently I plan to finish the game, before heading out to make use of Black friday deals and score generations, and buy more games. ...then again I still have FFX, and xenosaga, that I also recently picked up and have yet to play.
  14. FUCK. I WANT. Cant seem to sit through this whole game due to its age, but would love to see this modernized.
  15. last news I heard from the game is that they canned SFR, and released what they had of chemical plant.
  16. THE CARDSLINGER OF THE UNTAMED WEST. A skilled evil henchmen, with a hidden love for our protagonist. Will he be able to whoo the hero to the darker side of this lawless land, ...or will he bite the bullet, ...err, Card?
  17. I'm sorry, but that close up shot, I can't tell if that's hair, or a jelly fish on her head. Its the shading I think. Still looks pretty solid even with that bothering me XD Really digging the game development so far, don't forget about your other project though!
  18. So, I picked up a psp recently, Saw PS-Portable2, and I loved the classic games on the genesis, so I bought it. Seeing as the last PS game was PSIV, I figured that I might want to pop in and see how the games have changed. So far I'm loving it, I think it captured the characters, actions and feel of the classics, while really ramping it up with the technology on the PSP. The character creation is stellar as well. I'm imagining PSO2 to be a bigger, more accessible version of PS-portable 2, with more emphasis on multiplayer. -right now this is looking pretty sexy.
  19. MS paint bro: 1.Open sprite sheet / tilesheet in ms paint 2.Get shade you wish to recolor and assign it to LEFT click. 3.Get the shade you wish to change it to, and assign it to RIGHT click. 4.Choose the eraser/rubber tool, and select the biggest or desired brush. 5.Hold down the RIGHT mouse button and paint over the areas you wish to recolor, and you and you should be be erasing (aka, recoloring) only the selected color. ??? 9.You should have red sonic
  20. The first pops out, it might just be forum theme I'm using. I like it, but its kind of bright, maybe if the red was a bit darker this would be perfect. The 2nd one is dull. third has too similar a scheme as the hero. I like the idea of the pallet changing to show health though.
  21. If you meant the blocks I was trying to make some look like they were poping out, and some pushing into the background, Probably should use a darker grey for the back ones though. but really I has no what I was doing lol. I did it in an evening class using WIN7's paint, so I was probably going mad or something. And I think I managed to make it a little more interesting at least. A simple filter really helps give it more of a mood.
  22. Yo guys, I think this debate here could be its own separate topic. Anyways bros, I need some help. What can I do to make this area look more fun and exciting looking?
  23. I like How this is coming together so far. Just a retro-ish looking platformer I'm playing around with at this point. -and P3dro that is friggen gorgeous
  24. Artillery F Challenging Metrovainia adventure, small file size http://gamejolt.com/freeware/games/adventure/artilerry-f/3917/ Torus Trooper Intense arcade shooter, visually pleasing, very small file size http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cyu/windows/tt_e.html Sonic FGX sonic advanced 4? http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/30975
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