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Posts posted by sonicyoda

  1. The real issue I had with this is that you can't control the camera (or if you can, you certainly can't do it with the mouse). It would be a tonne easier to play if you can move the camera with the mouse so you can direct Sonic in the way it's facing (like GDK/Freerunner).

    Also, the stage is too bland. It's clearly a corridor with half the textures missing (or if they're not missing, those white ramps look very silly). Also not keen on the random transition from grass to sand/stone.

    You should work on giving the player a wide, open space to explore with different land-masses to explore. Take a look at Robo Blast 2 for influence on how to make an interesting 3D stage to explore.

  2. Yeah, you're just splitting hairs now Blazefire. There is nothing about the title "Sonic Advance Worlds" that suggests all its' graphics come from Sonic Advance 1. I'm positive the title refers to the Advance series in general.

    Also, is it possible to complete that demo or is it supposed to be a simple play area with no goal?

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