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Everything posted by Tarnish

  1. I wasn't really making this thread with the aim to 'recruit' people to help me, but I guess we can give it a try. But just so everyone knows, I'm not really good at working in a team or simply with other people..at least that's what I think after working with Streak Thunderstorm and a few other people. On another note, I'm planning to tidy up the Dropbox folder a bit and animate + post a few more ideas I recently came up with before the end of the year. As a little 'teaser', I'm just gonna say the goal was building an entire stage using (almost) only playing cards...think I can come up with enough ideas involving cards to make the stage interesting and varied enough?
  2. The ideas that could be the hardest to do would be those that involve (in my opinion) somewhat complex physics, enemy AI or liquid that needs to behave pretty realistic. I'm sure these are possible for a professional development team, but for someone who does it alone, only as a hobby..don't know about that, but you're definitely free to try. And good luck with that University degree.
  3. Yes I was, until Streak just disappeared. I have no clue what happened to him or his project.
  4. Hmm, where to start..I guess by saying hello. Some of you may have heard my name a few years ago in connection with some Sonic/Tails/Shadow sprites used in some fan games or at deviantart. Since then I've been wanting to create a fangame of my own but as you may have already guessed, that project never really got off the ground, let alone getting finished. Nevertheless I've been collecting ideas for it, writing them down and animating them so others could understand them better if I ever find people who would want to work on it with me. These ideas range from gameplay mechanics for different characters to stage ideas/concepts, plot elements, dialogue snippets, boss and enemy concepts, music ideas, powerups, unlockables/bonuses, cutscenes...pretty much everything a game needs. Believe it or not, I actually did quite a bit of research into the Sonic games and franchise in general to see and know what makes them tick. I read and watched quite a lot of reviews/LPs for most of the main titles to know what people like in them and what they don't, what are they looking for and/or expect from Sonic games in general. I was also looking what ideas might be 'salvaged' from some of the more trainwreck titles, as every game has to have at least 1 or 2 good ideas amidst the ruins. I've also read through this site which I highly recommend for everyone who wants to understand what was good in the classic games and what is problematic in the modern ones: http://sonicjam.wikidot.com/nssnsi:index . It proved to be very useful for me to understand why I was liking something but couldn't explain why I was liking it (hope you can understand what I meant there..), and gave me ideas how to adress some problems that are present in recent Sonic titles. By now I came to realize I'm probably never gonna be able to create the game I imagined and built in my head over the years, but I thought instead of keeping my ideas to myself, I could show and share it with others in hope that some may use them for something or just simply get a kick out of seeing them. Who knows, maybe there's a programming genius out there who needs some more ideas...hey, it can happen. For those who just want to see them, you can find them in the dropbox link below, but for those who are curious about a little more backstory behind this collection and how I think when it comes to Sonic games, keep on reading: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z1hwhpnewug5jz0/3euxhCT8Qh <<<<------------DROPBOX LINK I've been wanting to make my own Sonic (fan) game pretty much since I saw the blue blur on the Mega Drive back in the day. Of course my very first ideas were terrible and consisted of pretty much copying the things I found cool at that age (Out of this world, Heart of the darkness, etc.), but growing up and with school to focus on this 'project' eventually got forgotten. About a decade later I rediscovered the Sonic franchise (that I assumed dead after the Mega Drive era)..and this was when things started to go really bad for the blue blur. I was interested in the next few Sonic games (Shadow the hedgehog, Sonic Riders, even Sonic 2006), but the games after those just didn't thrill me..like, at all. The franchise just kept throwing games at me that didn't interest me one bit, while I still loved the older games. With Sonic Colors in 2010, I pretty much gave up hope that they'll ever make a Sonic game I'm gonna like and a crazy thought popped up in my head saying 'I can come up with better stuff than those!'. And with that I began collection ideas for my own Sonic game again, but with a more mature mind, these ideas were much more new and (I hope) original, creative, things that haven't been done yet but still fitted Sonic. WARNING!! SMALL RANT SECTION COMING: My main problem with the official Sonic games was/is that since Sonic Heroes, they are always based around some (usually unfitting) gimmick: team gimmick, gun gimmick, boost gimmick, werehog gimmick, on-rail gimmick, sword gimmick, classic/modern gimmick, wisp gimmick..see what I'm saying? These gimmicks usually have absolutely nothing to do with the core Sonic element, which is (if anyone has forgotten): the awesome physics and momentum based gameplay. At first (I believe) they tried to incorporate these gimmicks into this core element, but recently I feel they just use these gimmicks to REPLACE this core element. Now you may say that these gimmicks are necessary to keep the games fresh, otherwise the games would be the same thing over and over again and would become boring and repetitive. That may be true, but I believe there is also a limit for everything: there is a limit Sonic (or any other for that matter) games SHOULD NOT cross. When a franchise is moving into a direction it is starting to lose its originality, its core element that made it famous and more importantly STAND OUT from other franchises, it's starting to cross that limit. When it starts copying or borrowing elements from other games/franchises or just starts adding random (new) things just to 'keep things fresh', I believe it long crossed that limit. In short: the franchise MUST NOT lose its feature that made it original and stand out, and should only add new things into the formula if it MAKES SENSE and FITS IN with that unique feature. In the case of Sonic games, that feature is obviously the physics and momentum based gameplay. So for a Sonic game to make sense (in my book anyway) it must have that awesome physics engine and momentum based gameplay, and add new elements that FIT IN with those. (Just to clarify: I haven't played every existing Sonic game, but I have played those I had the opportunity to or watched playthroughs/reviews/LPs of them at least to know what they are like, what people thought of them.) From what I've seen and/or experienced, SEGA/Sonic Team either just mimicked/copied (with not much success I might add) the classic Sonic games (Sonic 1,2,3 & Knuckles) with no to very few changes in the formula, or went and created games that were 'new' but had very little to do with the core Sonic formula (don't forget: physics and momentum based gameplay). They NEVER really made anything between those two extremity (or I feel like that anyway). They never made a game that had that unmistakable core element, but also had enough new elements that not only made the game stand out from the rest, but also made sense for Sonic, that fitted in with the Sonic formula. So with that all said, you basically now know what I was aiming for when I was collecting these ideas: I was aiming for a Sonic game that had that core element, while adding new features/elements/ideas. I wanted to make the next step in the development of the classic Sonic formula that I awaited SEGA to do, but (so far) never happened. I'm sure some people (if anyone is still reading this that is..) are wondering whether this is a 'classic Sonic' type of game or a 'modern Sonic' type of game. Well the answer to that is that I envisioned this to be a '2D modern classic' type of game, incorporating (or die trying) the best of both worlds. For example: Sonic can use the homing attack, but it has its advantages and disadvantages..You CANNOT use it to cross a chasm with a chain of enemies over it, so the player is better off using the classic 'bounce from enemy to enemy' technique..Didn't see that coming now did ya? However, in some cases the homing attack may prove useful against a single strong enemy if you want to knock it over or push it down a ledge..or knock a hovering enemy into a wall..Or another example: the elemental shields make their comeback, but instead of making Sonic perform new moves, they affect how his homing attack behaves, affect its abilities.. We can all agree that in the last 6-7 years, pretty much the only character we could get to play as was Sonic. (Racing games, olympic games and Sonic Dash doesn't count as you can't really call those Sonic games..throwing Sonic characters into a game doesn't make it a Sonic game in my book.) I like playing as and Sonic and all, but he got AWFULLY boring for me after all these years. Did Sonic Team really introduce all the other characters through the years just to either throw them into the abyss or make them act as mindless idiots for Sonic to save? In the early and glory days of the franchise, heck no. They were there to be playable characters as well and spice things up, to add more variation to the games. In recent titles, they merely focus on Sonic and try to add variation by constantly changing up and trying to 'reinvent' his moveset, how he controls, his abilities etc. In my opinion this only results in incoherence and frustration for the player, not to mention they were constantly wasting the opportunity to add variation by refreshing the moveset of some other characters, like Tails of Knuckles for example. I can (almost) count on 1 hand how many times they made Tails and/or Knuckles playable in the main games. There was Sonic 2, 3 & Knuckles, Adventure 1 & 2, Heroes (sorta), Sonic 2006 (sorta again)..and since then, nothing, nada. I feel they pretty much exhausted what they can do with Sonic control/gameplay wise in the past few years (althought I have a few ideas of my own), but (in my opinion) they barely scratched the surface when it comes to Tails or Knuckles. So with that all said, I was aiming to create a unique gameplay not only for Sonic, but with Tails and Knuckles as well. It wasn't that hard actually, since (like I said) SEGA/Sonic Team barely gave them any attention, and their unique abilities (flying/gliding and strength) have a lot more potential to be discovered and released. I was also trying not to just simply throw together a mish-mash of random ideas, I tried to form them into one solid 'engine' in my head. By that I mean if I came up with a new gameplay element or mechanic, I tried to think through: does this new element 'collide/conflict' with the already existing mechanics? Can they co-exist together? I also tried to think through my ideas with the players' eyes, because it's one thing that I know what they're supposed to do, but can they figure it out as well without me outright telling them what to do? When I was coming up with these ideas, I wasn't thinking with any softwares'/programs' limitations in mind, I just let my mind go crazy, so I'm aware if some (if not most) of these ideas are too hard or downright impossible to code. As a last note, I just want to add that since this whole project was started mainly because the official Sonic games didn't and still doesn't thrill me at all, I 'ingeniously' named it 'Sonic Thrill'. It's short, simple but effective so I think it suits the project. (Only later did I found out that a music band already uses that name..oh well.) So anyway, hope that folder is worth looking at..It may be a bit chaotic at the moment, I'm working on tidying it up a bit and add more as I animate(as a lot of them are still on only paper)/write/come up with them. Some might seem duplicates of others or just WIPs as I was working on an idea, those will eventually get deleted/moved. You can post feedback if you feel like it, or don't, it doesn't really matter to me as I said I just wanted to get all this 'out of my system' so to speak to those who can maybe actually put it to use.
  5. Thx, glad you enjoyed them. I actually intended that The Wall remix to be creepy/spooky a bit, as my aim was to make it sound like an underground cave/mine theme. That's why the reverb and creepy instruments. So I guess I did something right if it gave you that feeling. Here's the original song if you're curious: And yeah, that GHZ remix is getting pretty mixed reactions from ppl I show it. Gotta work on it some more I guess.
  6. Just posting some remixes I've been messing with lately. These are all Genesis/SMD styled remixes using the Genesis soundfont, if you wanna know before listening. I'm not a musician, can't play any instrument, so keep that in mind, but I like messing with tunes in my head and I think they are not bad despite those facts. They are mostly still WIPs and I have no clue if I'll ever finish them or not. But anyway, here they are: Turrican 2 - The Wall (Genesis/SMD Sonic Remix) WIP: Sonic Invincibility (Sonic Heroes Main Menu Remix): Green Hill Zone (20th Anniversary Remix) WIP: Hope they are more or less enjoyable.
  7. Yay, first thread and post on the site. I pretty much just got bored and thought I might as well post this here, hoping some ppl may like it and get a few kicks out of it at least. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80O1lp3JZP8 As the title suggests, it's a remix (made by me before anyone thinks otherwise) of the Splash Hill Act 1 tune from Sonic 4. Not too fancy I guess but I tried to make it the best I could. It's my first and so far only finished remix, so what did you expect? lol So enjoy.
  8. Would be nice if you weren't calling me names behind my back, especially when you don't know me. And about that Shadow sprite, even tho it's not exactly the same as my edit, it has parts that seems like the ones I made to it.
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