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Everything posted by Rawr

  1. I still remember Sonic fondly and lift the aspects that used to inspire me, but over the last few years I've moved on to different things that I love even more than Sonic (including Mega Man and that's a series that has pretty much been dead for a while haha). I just haven't really been captivated by the series post Generations. I dunno I miss the whimsical, surreal, classic type of world (and all the more endearing designs imo). Things were simple, but weren't presented in this shitty kids cartoon fashion as of late. The writing is really turning me off lately too, and Boom is kinda like that next nail in the coffin for me. I probably won't ever totally abandon the series but w/e. But also I've become more of a hardcore fan of Studio Trigger and while I don't attach myself loads to anime, I have been really inspired by their work (and previous work of the likes of Hiroyuki Imaishi from that studio) and stuff like Redline - stuff I can regurgitate back into my art. So I have no time really for Sonic these days when I factor in a lot of other influences/interests as of late. I wish I could say otherwise but oh well.
  2. Fuck trying to be original. I mean that in the best way possible. The thing is, as was stated, we are basically a sum of the things we have experienced or been exposed to in our lives. Nothing comes without having something in which we can base our ideas from. In a world populated by so many people there is a high chance that someone else has had that exact same idea or something extremely close to it that you think is 100% original. I think just making sure your end product is something fun is all that really matters in the end. Besides, if we didn't have influences or inspiration we wouldn't have the wide range of properties and forms of media that we have out there now. Things consistently get better through innovation. The thing is unless you're doing a direct rip/plagiarism, you're still creating an original piece of work. I am heavily inspired by things like Mega Man or the works of Trigger animation studios, but I think my stuff has a lot of my own personal input on it that it's fairly representative of -me-. I think when people try too hard to be totally original they lose sight of why they are making something and the message or intent can get lost, creating something extremely subpar. Not to say shooting for new ideas is unreasonable but I have seen people try to be so out there that it ends up just being superficial garbage. Be true to yourself and really the rest will all fall into place from there. That's how I see it when concerning creative mediums.
  3. Just as a heads up, if there is a post you guys see that should be brought to the attention of mods please use the report button. It helps draw our attention to posts we might have missed, thanks :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rawr


      Haha no not just you, I've seen people in general doing it - this is just a reminder that the function is there.

    3. InfinityAlex


      But I like backseat modding; it gives me self-worth. :(

    4. Spykid


      dw, you can back-seat mod... and ill report you for it :P

  4. You aren't alone!! I thought it might have just been me as well haha. Not sure where they went.
  5. I swore I deleted all those posts yesterday so they wouldn't clog the thread up, but here they are back from the dead haha. Let this just be a lesson in 'what not to do' when posting in threads people. Anyway situation has been dealt with so we can all get back on topic now I think
  6. I hate being a hardass Bleus, but you're spamming and that is no good. Like Alex said there is a little button at the bottom of your post - if you feel the need to absolutely add something new in use that button instead of double/triple/quadruple posting. You've done this in a few topics now so this is your last warning (before I gotta start issuing actual strikes) - I'm going to be hiding some of these spammy off topic posts in the mean time. Also please try and stay on topic thanks.
  7. I really don't like a lot of these designs, I'm not sure if its the art style or just the overall designs. Some of them are okay, but in general really aren't my cup of tea.
  8. Just as a heads up I might not be around much this week due to some personal things going on with my family right now. Things should be normal closer to the end of the weekend.

  9. The second one is definitely more legible - but I am unsure if its just the font in general or the really bright green against the red that makes it hard to read. I'd experiment - maybe try making the text white instead? Either way I do think the font itself might also be the problem. Everything else is looking pretty cool though - keep it up!
  10. I've found this to be the case here for a long time, and a lot of it just stems I think from what other people have stated in this thread. Also fangames are not really...well - important I guess in the long run. Making games is a lot of time and effort, so even with premade engines people are at the point where the vanilla engines don't do it for a lot of people. Modifying the engines to be unique takes time to learn/do. The audience is looking now for things to differentiate these games from one another because there is definitely a lot of surface level similarities between every fan game out there (which to be fair is to be expected). So like Nefault said, its got a lot to do with that I think. Fangames are growing larger and more complex. But also a lot to do with my first point. People get their fangame started and then they work on it a bit, but not to the point where there is a demo available to play and then just stop it. So many projects have come and go - and hell I started a fangame back in 2008-2009 about Knuckles that I didn't get super far with just due to the fact that life got busy (college). Axing a fangame out of my list of projects was the easiest decision to come to haha. I think a lot of people probably make that same choice. Then you get people who just wait for SAGE which imo, is alright because they are held twice a year now it seems and that is a good chunk of time between each one to develop a game further in your spare time.
  11. Got myself a UE4 subscription, gonna make the time to learn the program. Also to get back into doing 3D - I've been out of college for 3 years so there is a lot of rust there but oh well.

    1. SonicWind


      Good luck getting the hang of it again.

  12. I've been having a really shitty time drawing lately so I decided to draw a pic of Walter White 'cause Breaking Bad is awesome. I did use a pic for reference. As a sketch I'm not 100% satisfied with it but it could be worse. I feel rusty as shit these days.
  13. can't wait for the day I can quit my job and go kick ass in the realm of art haha.

    1. OverbounD


      I know what you mean.

  14. Mine was a joke. I used to be MFZB on SFGHQ until around 2010 I think when one halloween we all changed usernames to something different (in which I became rawr). I just never bothered to have it be changed back and I kinda like it now.
  15. As a Canadian I can assure you I wasn't eating it up at all. In fact none of the cartoons from Teletoon I watch at all. Actually scratch that too - I rarely watch any western Cartoons these days aside from Rick and Morty (which I -really- need to catch up on I'm 29409249302 eps behind) and the odd time Regular Show. I'm more of an older Warner Bros. kinda guy.
  16. "best girl?". I guess that means I'd have to draw my fave sometime again which is Ryuko because to me she's the raddest. Also thanks.
  17. And I related that in the second part of what I wrote after I wrote about how shitty I thought Super Saiyan God form was. "Also, I guess it was also only a matter of time before yet another Goku saiyan transformation that made him super powerful was to be used by other characters to make them all not obsolete as well haha." No matter what way I slice it I think the SSG form is incredibly stupid and seeing someone else from a saiyan line (I am going to be very surprised if it isn't Trunks as a SSG) using that form defeats the purpose and is pretty stupid as well. Before that though Super Saiyan by itself was the peak of powering up...but then they exceeded that. Then it was Super Saiyan 2 and 3 and all the other stuff they threw in like fusions. Then you had Gohan being able to go past that without doing anything special like you said. Then finally they have Super Saiyan God. I don't think having the other forms before that is really any excuse as to how lazy it looks (especially with the name they gave that form). I feel that's DBZ in a nutshell though...it started out cool, had some neat ideas and Super Saiyan Goku at the time was pretty rad - and then they tried to ramp it all up in an interesting way only to start giving up and throwing in a bunch of stupid crap haha. I prefer the original Dragon Ball any day of the week over the latter half of DBZ.
  18. I think Super Saiyan God in general is the most generic evolution in the super saiyan line and I'm disappointed they didn't do anything cooler with it. As hilarious looking and kinda cheesy the SS4 form from GT looks/is, it at least played upon the whole monkey vibe and at least felt like it signified a transition into something a bit more beyond human. That really isn't a complaint leveled out against this game but what I consider a bit of laziness on Toriyama's part with that form - he could have totally outdone that element of GT but oh well. SSG form looks just like Goku activated kaioken or something. Also, I guess it was also only a matter of time before yet another Goku saiyan transformation that made him super powerful was to be used by other characters to make them all not obsolete as well haha. This is a huge complaint I have with Dragon Ball Z in general though and why I vastly prefer the original series over DBZ. Anyway as for the game I do like the cel shade look and I at least hope its good. I wouldn't mind picking it up if only to just blast a few dudes in the face.
  19. An area 2 WIP of a song I posted recently. It still has a ways to go.
  20. "A new excitement awaits" You mean the same excitement that you've been making over and over since the 90s with the same story arcs over and over again. I mean I'm just ribbing it there but when it comes to Dragon Ball Z related media by this point I'd say there really isn't anything new to experience haha. Still hoping its good I haven't played a DBZ game since Budokai 3 so maybe I'll check this one out.
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