Sonic Desktop Items 
Welcome to Shadow of a Hedgehog's desktop area; the biggest collection of Sonic wallpapers on the Internet with
197 different kinds of Sonic wallpapers,
42 classic Sonic Team game wallpapers,
20 iPhone/iPod Touch wallpapers, and
19 PSP wallpapers with a grand total of
278 wallpapers. Some of the wallpapers are so rare that you'll
only find them here. However, desktops don't just have wallpapers so we have icons and screen savers as well!
There are low quality thumbnails for each and every wallpaper so you can see a preview of them. Just select your wallpaper size underneath the thumbnail and download it. For the PSP and iPod wallpapers, click on the thumbnail for the larger version. Next to each section is a number in parentheses telling you how many of items are in that section. Take a look around and spice up that bland desktop.
Sonic Team Series Wallpapers
iPhone and iPod Touch Wallpapers
Sonic Screen Savers
Sorry, no screen savers yet.
Desktop Item Submission Rules and Guidelines
If you send a wallpaper please send it in one (or more) of the following resolution(s) - 1280x1024, 1024x768, and 800x600 (but not 640x480 because it sucks and no one uses it). PSP wallpapers are in the 480x272 size. SoaH will give you credit for the file(s) you've created.
Submit only content that you personally created to
(Hedj's note: be sure to include your name in the body of the e-mail, or I won't know who to credit!)
SoaH features only quality media. Don't get upset if your work is rejected. If you've posted it via the message board, members will generally give you advice on how to make it better. Make it better and try again!