My New Show: [Wild] Improv Challenge

I want to take a break from Sonic and talk about my new web series. [Wild] Improv Challenge gives improvisers a wild, random, and improvised challenge from me. The series showcases the growing improv scene in Oklahoma City, thanks strongly in part to my friends at OKC Improv.

Above is the video is the third challenge taken. Alyssa and Bryan Buckley of Red Letters were challenged to be in a buddy cop film by pulling out cop archetypes from my hat and then venture out to “bust some punks.” Bryan played a hyper-active cop while Alyssa played the stereotypical black cop. Wade Martin and Kenny Madison of Good Cop/Nice Cop end up on the receiving end of Red Letter’s justice crusade.

You can watch other challenges and new videos on Mondays at Dennis Spielman’s [Wild] Improv Challenge!