A wizard named Merlina, granddaughter of the original Merlin, summons Sonic to help free the mystical realm of King Arthur, who has been possessed by an unknown evil that comes from Excalibur’s scabbard, and is now ruling the realm as…

Sonic Rush Adventure is a new high seas adventure where Sonic clashes with ruthless pirates. Players set off from Windmill Village as Sonic and blast their way through seven action-packed and widely diverse levels. Sonic Rush Adventure makes full use…

The gloves are off and Sonic and his rivals are gearing up for an intense new head-to-head competition exclusively on the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system. This sequel to Sonic’s 2D action platformer features all-new “jostling” controls for tighter competition and…

Sonic celebrates his 15th anniversary and blazes his way onto the next generation consoles for an epic adventure designed to deliver the most intense sensation of speed experienced to date. The game is set in Soleanna, the beautiful city of…

Sonic Rivals is a head-to-head competition between Sonic and his top rivals, where the gloves are off and winner takes all! Built from the ground-up, the engine allows gamers to rip through tracks in some high-spirited single player and wireless…

In Sonic Riders, Dr. Eggman challenges Sonic and his friends to a Worldwide Grand Prix, and the prize for coming out on top is an ultra-rare Chaos Emerald! Gliding on air boards, which are performance-oriented for each playable character gamers…

Sonic takes high-speed action gaming to a whole new level, literally in Sonic first Nintendo DS game. He’s pairing up with royalty – Queen, Blaze the Cat. This dynamic duo is a pair from different dimensions…but it’s a match made…

Sonic Gems Collection includes the arcade phenomenon, Sonic the Fighters, the ever-popular Sonic CD, and Sonic R. Not only that but there are six game gear games, Sonic Spinball, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic The Hedgehog, Triple Trouble, Sonic Drift…

Sonic and friends from other Sonic Team games get together in this classic style pinball game as he must save Tails, Amy, and Knuckles that have been brainwashed by Dr. Robotnik at Casinopolis. All songs here were ripped by Jashiin…

Unknown to our heroes, Dr. Robotnik is not the main villian of this game and a deep rooted hate from an old enemey of Sonic’s comes forth offering a challenge to Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles to stop him. While that’s…