LOL Sonic: Rounds 31-40

LOL Sonic: Rounds 31-40

Since funny pictures are serious business on the Internet, SoaH has gotten in on the act — but with a twist! Every so often, a Sonic related picture is posted in the “LOL This Sonic Fans” forum in our message board. People are challenged to edit/photoshop an image in any way to make it funny. Any technique may be used, including, but not limited to: captions, photoshopping the image, adding in other elements, comic panel it, and motivational posters. The best of the best, as voted by our SoaH City members, are displayed in this section. If you want to partake in the events, then join the forums today, or just you can just sit there and whine about how these images are not funny.

WARNING: Images may contain mature content!

Here are rounds 31 through 40, with the latest towards the top.

Image 33

First Place

What is PINGAS by Blacklightning

» First Place: What is PINGAS by Blacklightning
» Second Place: Who really deserves a break? by olivia16
» Third Place: Game Over by GoldTheAngelHog

Image 32

First Place

How to train your Chao by Blacklightning

» First Place: How to train your Chao by Blacklightning
» Second Place: Pedo Chao by Bobtheflyingmonkey
» Third Place: Left in the dust by olivia16

Image 31

First Place

Something is not right here by JohnGrave

» First Place: Something is not right here by JohnGrave
» Second Place: I told you so by olivia16
» Third Place: WRRRRYYYYYYYY by Blacklightning