LOL Sonic: Rounds 21-30

LOL Sonic: Rounds 21-30

Since funny pictures are serious business on the Internet, SoaH has gotten in on the act — but with a twist! Every so often, a Sonic related picture is posted in the “LOL This Sonic Fans” forum in our message board. People are challenged to edit/photoshop an image in any way to make it funny. Any technique may be used, including, but not limited to: captions, photoshopping the image, adding in other elements, comic panel it, and motivational posters. The best of the best, as voted by our SoaH City members, are displayed in this section. If you want to partake in the events, then join the forums today, or just you can just sit there and whine about how these images are not funny.

WARNING: Images may contain mature content!

Here are rounds 21 through 30, with the latest towards the top.

Image 30

First Place

Taking Out The Trash by SonicfanRICH

» First Place: Taking Out The Trash by SonicfanRICH
» Second Place: Burn It With Fire! by Shaun
» Third Place: YES by Gsuki

Image 29

First Place

Candy for Bokkun by DigitalLuv

» First Place: Candy for Bokkun by DigitalLuv
» Second Place: FUK U IMMA ROBAT WAAAAAGH by Blacklightning
» Third Place: Overqualified by Scientific Genius

Image 28

For this round, users got to pick between two different Sonic Colors images.

First Place

Who is the Captain? by Azure Prower

» First Place: Who is the Captain? by Azure Prower
» Second Place: Window Shopping by Sooku
» Third Place: AIR IS OVERRATED! by SonicfanRICH

Image 27

First Place

A Better Way to Travel by Sooku

» First Place: A Better Way to Travel by Sooku
» Second Place: Whatever by Havoc
» Third Place: The Internet comes to life by Azure Prower

Image 26

First Place

The Way A Sandwich Should Be by Rayl

» First Place: The Way A Sandwich Should Be by Rayl
» Second Place: How are you feeling today? by Al
» Third Place: In space… no one can hear you scream by Azure Prower

Image 25

For this round, users got to pick between two different images.

First Place

Rage by Havoc

» First Place: Rage by Havoc
» Second Place: Somewhere in Space by JohnGrave
» Third Place: I KNOW HE’S IN THERE! by Hawk

Image 24

First Place

I’m NOT your pet! by Reebes

» The Original Image
» First Place: I’m NOT your pet! by Reebes
» Second Place: GIT OFF MALAWN! by April Manha
» Third Place: Roadkill by gamerguy21
» Forth Place: His preciousss by Hawk
» Honorable Mention #1: Enslavement by Maso
» Honorable Mention #2: That Cheap Kirby by April Manha
» Honorable Mention #3: Plop by Havoc
» Honorable Mention #4: Want Adventure? by BlazingTails

Image 23

First Place

Video Games’ Deadest Diets by Chibi Yoshi

» The Original Image
» First Place: Video Games’ Deadest Diets by Chibi Yoshi
» Second Place: Brothel by Havoc
» Third Place: Funny edit is not funny by BlazingTails

Image 22

For this round, contestants needed to have Sonic collect the star a la Scribblenauts style.

First Place

Large Image so click here to view Derp by Havoc

» The Original Image
» First Place: Derp by Havoc
» Second Place: Why We Can’t Have Nice Things by BlazingTails
» Third Place: Chain Reaction: After you already used God by Reebie

Image 21

First Place

Chaos Ballet by MephilesZehDark

» The Original Image
» First Place: Chaos Ballet by MephilesZehDark
» Second Place: Clear and Crispy by TheWaffleFactory
» Third Place: Sonic The Jew by Havoc
» Honorable Mention: SHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT by HCP Epsilon