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Boost Speed? MMF ^_^;

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Uh yeah, the thread about boosting speed with Game Maker got me concerned about this. (Sorry was I wrong to create a new thread?) I figured that since my game is early in development it would be best to tackle this issue in the beginning. So yes, how can I speed up performance of games in MMF? I'm not having trouble now, but maybe later when a large level is developed?

Thanks :D

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I'm not sure if this all applies to MMF2, but still...

Here's what I can say from my personal experience:

1. When planning your game's engine, use groups of events and deactivate them if they're not needed at the moment (especially if they include fastloops).

Look http://www.clickteam.info/kb/start/index.php?showtopic=382 for reference.

2. Keep number of active objects as small as possible. Avoid having lots of cloned object if there's no serious reason - it's better to use duplicates if you can.

3. Turn off DirectX and VRAM in runtime properties, especially if you use ink effects. You might also turn off Machine independent speed, although some people say it speeds up the application. But I don't like it, it makes the game feel choppy sometimes. And you can't count FPS with it turned on.

4. Turn on "Deactivate if far from window" on objects which you don't need working all the time (rings, enemies, etc.) - great speed boost if used correctly!

5. Make sure "true" conditions are listed before "false" conditions in the events. The deal is: when "true" conditions are listed first in the event, MMF reads it only when these conditions are true. Otherwise it will read it every runtime loop, regardless of what these conditions say.

These are true conditions:

Object collides with another object

User pressed ... (either Keyboard or Joystick)

Button has been clicked

Menu option has been selected

Sorry, I don't remember any more. I'll see if I can find an article about condition types.


Be sure to read Clickteam Knowledge base for reference.


Hope this helped.

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