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Menu Template/Engine for MMF2


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So back when I started to use MMF2, I lacked a lot of knowledge about it and didn't know what to do, I wanted templates for stuff and I couldn't find any, nor tips on how to do one. As time passed I learned more stuff and finally made a menu.

Just so I can avoid people getting frustrated and giving up, I present to you gentlemen.

Menu Template/Engine (Wow, what a great name...) in .mfa!

It has instructions on how it pretty much works, it has some very basic and ugly art, but it's up to the user to make something great out of it.

It has its own basic sound engine (When I mean basic, I mean BASIC), comments/instructions on the code so you can learn how some stuff works in MMF2 and how the menu template/engine works.

So yeah, I pretty much made this for beginners.

This is why I allow anyone to use it in any kind of project!

If you're starting your fangame, why not give it a shot?

Here's a copy of the "disclaimer" thing, just so you don't overlook it.


You are free to use this .mfa (Or frame) in any project you want, you don't need to give credit, but it would be GREATLY appreciated if you did!

Just don't claim this code as your creation? Is that clear?

Good. Let's go.

This Frame was programmed by Jassbec.

If you have any suggestions or complaints please let me know so I can fix/add stuff when I get the chance to do so.









Example of what can be done


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Add screenshots. People don't really want to download what they don't know how it looks like. Specially something that you can pull if off easily without barely any knowledge in MMF2 (not saying that yours is that simple, just saying that a Menu is pretty easy to do, but there are way more advanced ones out there).

An .exe is also a good idea for people who don't have a copy of MMF2 or just want to test it out to give feedback.

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If you want help with this kind of thing, Jass, we could work together on it. I'm honestly better at menus than gameplay engines. Along with AI, it's one of the few things I can do by myself in MMF2.

EDIT: More detail, I suppose...

I can do multi-tier menus in one frame and X/Y navigation through menus. I can't think of much else, menus aren't terribly complex.

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