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I want anybody to be my partner for my Fan-Game


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Hello everybody.. I am working on a game called (Sonic'13) but I found that I need someone to help me out.. I want a guy that knows how to make a great Fan-Game, Because I am a begineer, and don't know any dam thing about making Fan-Game, please anyone help!

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Do you have any information about your game? It's gonna be next to impossible to find a partner without first having some sort of info. Also, I see you said you don't know much about making games. You should probably first decide what creation program is comfortable for you (i.e. Multimedia Fusion, Game Maker, Construct, etc.), and look up interactive tutorials on getting started (YouTube has plenty). Games require preparation, otherwise, they fall through the floor.

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I'm going to be brutally honest here: No one is going to want to partner up with you. It just doesn't happen that way, especially when it sounds like you essentially want a game made for you.

That being said, if you are using Multimedia Fusion or Game Maker I recommend checking out the tutorial section at SFGHQ. (http://sonicfangameshq.com/tutorials.html) It's incredibly outdated these days, but there are some basic things in there to help you out.

If you are using Multimedia Fusion 2, you can check out Sonic Worlds (http://sonicunited.org/hsfqmtif/forum/showthread.php?t=7787) a ready-to-go Sonic engine that is incredibly well documented.

If anything, find yourself your choice of program/language, experiment, and then ask questions. If you are willing to put in some kind of effort you will eventually find more assistance, but just asking someone to partner up with you won't get you very far.

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If anything, find yourself your choice of program/language, experiment, and then ask questions. If you are willing to put in some kind of effort you will eventually find more assistance, but just asking someone to partner up with you won't get you very far.

This right here. All of us developers had to start somewhere. You will feel better about your project if you try to do it yourself instead of having someone else make it for you. Especially if their idea of the project differs from your own. You may not make the best game out of the gate, but it's a learning experience. I don't know about you, but I take any chance I can to expand my knowledge.

Sonic Worlds might be hard to understand on a novice level, so you should try getting the basics of MMF2 if you go that route. When you feel you're starting to get the hang of using MMF2, then check it out. As far as fan made Sonic engines go, it's one of (if not the) best out there to my recollection.

Either way, pick up a program, be patient and go to Google when you have problems. You'll be better off doing so. Good luck.

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