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  1. so after playing a bunch SAGE fan game i felt like trying to drew my own stage just to see what i can do, so here's my very first own small level design, i'm sharing this with you, your welcome to tell me what ever you like, you can tell me weather it sucks so hard that you wan't to choke me or you can tell me it's good for a first time or something else.
  2. I would like to start off this topic by saying thank you to everyone who played Sonic Adventure Emerald at SAGE 2014 Act 2! I got a lot of good reception from the critics (especially Sonic United XD) and this has been the best SAGE yet for me. So the main nitpicks I received were faults with the graphics, controls, level design and such. While I did mostly modify the source engine by myself (with some coding ported from the Sonic Fan Dev Engine), I have to admit I'm not an advanced spriter or coder. I can code basic things but other than that .-. So I'm looking for these kinds of people for assistance on firstly, my current project Sonic Adventure Emerald and then a Classic Sonic game I have in mind. If you're interested please reply to this topic or contact me via Skype (bartmantheawesome). Thank you.
  3. Sonic Adventure Emerald 31st August 2014 UPDATE I know this is a little late but there was a demo of my fan game at SAGE 2014 Act 2 and is still available for download: Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ki0a6zxc70z46fq/Sonic+Adventure+Emerald+SAGE+2014+Demo.zip YoYo games: http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/228781-sonic-adventure-emerald-sage-2014-demo {All further demo releases and updates will be posted here} Original Description Why, hello there everyone! Around these parts I'm known as Bartman The Awesome or in simpler terms Bartman814, the leader of Sonic Fan Dev Guild. I have recently joined the Sonic United forums and I'm rather happy to be part of this community =3 So what is this topic about, you might be asking yourself. Well since this is in "Fan Game Showcase" that should give you a hint that I will be telling you about my fan game called Sonic Adventure Emerald. The game started development in December 2011 with the first demo being released in May 2012 with three stages. The next demo, dubbed the "Summer Demo" was released with 3 new stages in August 2012. The most recent demo of the game, the "1 Year Demo" was released on 19th March 2013, adding a new stage totalling up to 7 stages thus far. You can play these versions on my Yoyo games page but bear in mind this is not the 2014 version of the game. The current version of this game started development in August 2013, which happened between a Skype conversation with me and The True Power of Teamwork as he offered to clean up the game a bit. After his part was done I decided to make some of the graphics neater and add elements from the Sonic Fan Dev Engine, the engine Sonic Fan Dev Guild was working on at the time. The game is close to completion as 8 of the 10 stages plus several challenge areas have been completed and a version of SAE will be playable at SAGE 2014 Act 2. Also check out my YouTube channel for more updates on the game! There's also my team Sonic Fan Dev Guild's channel to check out too!
  4. I've noticed that there is no pre-existing thread for the Sonic comics so I decided to do it first~ But first, a few rules... 1. This thread is for discussion on the comics in both of the Sonic titles. There shouldn't be much on other comics unless they pertain to these two (Like MegaMan during the crossover). Also, none of that UK comic stuff around here! (Unless it is relevant) 2. Let's try to be nice to everyone! Honest criticism is always welcome, but insults are not tolerated. 3. Also, please try to keep spoilers hidden for those who don't want to see them. An issue can be considered non-spoilerable about a week from it's release, but hide them until then. 4.Finally, let's have fun with this! I'll personally add in preview pages and useful stuff when I can, but it is up to you to make this enjoyable. Now that that's out of the way, let's get discussing! First topic: How is everyone enjoying the crossover?
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