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  1. We have discussed how well Sonic Adventure holds up, and now we are moving onto discussing how well the sequel holds up. Sonic Adventure 2 is the sequel to Sonic's first big 3D title Sonic Adventure. It was released in 2001 for the SEGA Dreamcast, which was shortly later put to rest. It's currently most well received 3D Sonic game on Metacritic, and the second most well received Sonic game overall on Metacritic. A year later an updated version was released for the Gamecube which introduced some new features while at the same time introducing new problems. The updated version was met with a decent reception. It went onto being a best seller for the Gamecube. In 2012 the game was ported to HD systems, but introduced even more new problems. The sound often glitches, and the controls are overly sensitive and twitchy in this version. Overall it seems that it wasn't optimized correctly for the HD systems. The 2012 port was met with a mixed reception, but was in the digital charts for many months regardless. Sonic Adventure 2 is 11 years old. How well do you think it holds up today? I personally believe it holds up pretty well. Graphically it still looks good. Gameplay-wise it's still enjoyable despite the genre roulette in story mode. Level design isn't as open as in the first Sonic Adventure title, but it's still fun regardless. There's some issues with the controls at times, but I find them to work well enough for the most part. Keep in mind I'm talking about the original version of the game, which has less technical issues than the rereleases. Story-wise, it's still entertaining and enhances the overall experience. I find myself going back to the game a few times per month. I'm aware of the fanbase recently having a more negative outlook on the game, but it's still one of my favourite Sonic titles regardless. I'd like to hear your opinion on the subject.
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