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Abominal Taz

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Posts posted by Abominal Taz

  1. I thin I said this 1000 times but I love Electronic. Most importantly...


    I Friggin' Love



    I have all the albums on my iPhone, I listen to Brainwasher while I paint or illustrate in Manga Studio. Daft Punk really gets my music sensors going. My favorite album is the Alive tracks.

  2. I've kind of been "around" for some time, but my ADHD made it difficult for me to ever dedicate myself enough to finishing anything.


    Preach to the choir bro. I'm busting my hands trying to meet this July 4th deadline for my project reveals. Of course I'm getting stuff done, but I'm just have a rough time getting a massive amount done. Way to work around your ADHD. Let's cheer each other on yeah!

    • Like 5
  3. I fail to see the hooking element in this. In fact, I'm still baffled this exists...


    Well Psychologically, tapping something over and over and gaining reward from it over and over gives you the feeling of positive gain, and keeps you tapping to increase the number of the reward.


    Non-boring version: People just...do it.

  4. I gotta have to say something about this : p

    Yes i know,a lot in this game looks like its Copied from SB/ATS but i truly did NOT wanted to copy stuff from Lake.

    Yeah,the Sprites looks the same but well,those are the best Sonic Sprites i found on the Internet and because of that i simply had to use them, (also i don't like to use original Sprites made from Sega (exa:Sonic 3)) and they are not even exactly the same,Lake quite edited them to fit his own Style.


    If this really bothers you guys trough,i of course can change the Animations (like the Super Peel Out) to not look like its copied.


    Listen man, if you really are that inspired by B/ATS, that's okay. It is good to change things up so you have your own style too though. You're not being a dirty plagiarist here, you're just inspired.

    • Like 3
  5. Ok, no need to be totally rude. If you read it at all it you'd have realized that it was a sarcastic post, Complimenting the game in an indirect way. You know like satire. But calling me a smarta** with no basis to do so i feel is an abuse of modship powers sir, and that's where the joke stops being funny and becomes serious. I feel that I am in need of an apology from you sir. Just cause your an admin doesn't give you right to trow stones.


    You really need to quit pushing you luck because you're questioning my calls here. I'm not abusing my power, I'm telling you that was mean spirited. You're not a mod, you don't call shots at me, you don't sass me either. So you really need to do me and you a favor and get back on topic in a civilized and constructive manner. If you have that big of a beef with this dude's game, take to his PM inbox. You're not looking like an underdog here.


    And sarcasm isn't easily read on the internet, fyi.

  6. LMAO! I got a warning for that?! Did you not read the comment? I dont think you did.

    Please reread and really see what im actually saying.

    Yea you did get a warning for that. And you need not push for anymore here because you're crossing the fucking line being a smartass with me, kid. Get a grip, quickly.

    • Like 1
  7.  I'm down with them interacting with humans some but it's just so easy to worry this will be an Alvin and the Chipmunks thing.


    Um, Uh Oh....In the cartoon series Alvin, Simon, and Theodore were somewhat human sized. In the movie, they were the size of an actual chipmunk. My fear here is, what if they make Sonic and friends their real life size?

    • Like 2
  8. If anyone here wants to play Spark, you will be able to in this SAGE. =D

    I will participate in this SAGE with spark, but for the most part, I will be using it as an excuse to release a demo in a time people are actually looking for it. (lesson learned with chrono adventure)

    Not sure how much stages will be available tough and i don't thing the sounds will be replaced by originals in time


    No sweat brah. Whatever ya got bring it, I'm looking forward to seeing what you mugs got this time around.

    • Like 1
  9. It's real. And it's live action/CGI. Let the end times begin.




    Oh my God...Did they not see the 18 min. "experiment" currently on youtube? The CGI/Live action formula does not go over well with almost any video game franchise, let alone Sonic. This would work so much better and take less heat from fanbases if it was done the way Sonic Boom is being done now. Edit: Or Night of the Werehog, I keep forgetting about that.

    • Like 2
  10. Nintendo's conference was funny, had some great games, and some substantial teasers. Xenoblade Chronicles looks fantastic. Hyrule Warriors also looks great, and we got a release date for Super Smash Bros 3DS, as well as Palutena joining the roster.


    All 3 system companies have had great showings, and I think the next year of gaming is going to be pretty fantastic.


    I hear that. Bayonetta 1 & 2 on Wii U this fall, a new Legend of Zelda, Yoshi's wooly world looks cool. I like what I saw.


    Nintendo won.

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