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SoaH City Message Board

Abominal Taz

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Status Replies posted by Abominal Taz

  1. Hey guys. I've thought a lot about what I said about the staff here, and I do take it back and apologize. It was just a random thought that leaked out and I feel like such an asshole for directing it towards you all. This is a fine forum with dedicated staff, and that's something we can all really appreciate. I probably should't make a big deal over this, but I just wanted to let it out. Thanks all.

  2. Sonic Overture: My New Life DLC Coming soon guys! :D

  3. Haha Taz you locked that thread at the same time I did. I was like WAIT WHAT HAPPENED.

  4. Really guys? I study up on Traditional/Modern art and you all are hedgin' it up?

  5. Really guys? I study up on Traditional/Modern art and you all are hedgin' it up?

  6. Hey guys! I had a great first day of University, I even made profit on two of my paintings. Say what-up?!

  7. well this is nice, I finally get a computer decent enough to run generations so I can start up modding, but the version of 3ds max I need to use for collision is no longer available.

  8. Damn mission 53! I cannot finish Sonic Adventure DX without beating you! But I can't beat you either...

  9. All these damn kids overrunning this foru- don't fucking look at me like that.

  10. This isn't related to Sonic, but a guy who's name rhymes with"Bobin Filliams" was found dead today, likely a suicide. Am being sad, game is not happy end.

  11. Good goolash! Whoever this prick is, he must love me moving his comments to the spam pile in SAGE.

  12. Good goolash! Whoever this prick is, he must love me moving his comments to the spam pile in SAGE.

  13. Umm... can no one else see the status updates/new topic bar?

  14. Can someone fix my screw up in the screenshots thread

  15. Sage needs moar Da Rock

  16. Whew, so many critiques given this SAGE 0_o...

    1. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Well I can't tell with his "professional" explanations behind him cocking up.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Whew, so many critiques given this SAGE 0_o...

  18. Whew, so many critiques given this SAGE 0_o...

    1. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      The funniest one is Sonic 4 remastered. I mean damn...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. So. There's some prudish moron on my game's comment section complaining about smut when what he's complaining about is mainly mild fanservice.

  20. So. There's some prudish moron on my game's comment section complaining about smut when what he's complaining about is mainly mild fanservice.

  21. BlueCore made a trailer for his new game. Oh boy.
  22. BlueCore made a trailer for his new game. Oh boy.
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