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Abominal Taz

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Status Updates posted by Abominal Taz

  1. I got good results from my doctor. I'm really healthy! I just need to drink more water, but I'm in good health.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Yeahp! I'm going to be around for a very loong time.

    3. MykonosFan


      Awesome! I know I don't get enough water myself, apparently a lot of people don't haha.

    4. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Odd since I can drink a whole gallon in one day.

  2. Oh God!! Megaman is in Smash Bros. 3DS/WiiU!!

  3. Wow. Sony just took the lead. Nintendo better have some top notchers tommorow.

  4. Oh boy, The Purge was friggin' awful. I'm sorry to say the only breadwinners this summer is Ironman 3 and Hangover part 3.

  5. Waiting for the 10th is like waiting for Christmas morning. This E3 is gonna be legendary.

    1. MTwinny


      Legendary for Mircosoft to potentially screw up big time.

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      I know right? It'll be so much fun!

    3. Luke


      To be honest, I'm not that hyped for E3. :/ I am only really looking forward to Rayman Legends and Sonic Lost World.

  6. I just had to hide from Jehovah's witnesses. Jesus Christ...

  7. I hit advanced Member already? Wow. I thought I'd have to make 100 posts.

  8. Thinking of a signature for Redux, but I can't think o nothin yet. Hmmm.....let me write something and get back to youse guys.

  9. I really enjoyed Back To the Future The Game. Telltale did it right. They gave the films the good game they deserve.

  10. I regret underestamating the power of psychology. The information in these books ring so true. I think I'll take a psychology class at my new school or hopefully it's part of my requirements.

  11. I got the telltale games humble bundle for $6. I really reccomend everyone who hasn't taken advantage of this and likes telltale games to do so. It ends in 4 days so hurry!

  12. Tis June 1st, a day closer to E3 press conferences.

  13. I finally beat Cave Story's perfect ending. Holy wow! That was hard.

  14. I'm gaining popularity on my tumblr page for my art. It gives me a reason to work harder and make more...

  15. Memorial BBQ today. No rain, just perfect.

  16. Has anyone heard of Rush Bros.? If you didn't know already, it's available on steam now.

    1. Stritix


      It looks pretty good. I might try it out.

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      I might get my hands on it too. It's got three or four game genres in one so that sounds interesting.

  17. Well, I'm off to crititque Hangover Part 3. Hopefully, this won't be too painful.

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