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Status Updates posted by luksamuk

  1. Now successfully using OpenBox + Tint2, and I regret nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GSF


      If your window manager is screwing up your performance, you're doing something wrong. I run kwin and turn off compositing when I'm going to try a game.

      Which was your previous setup? (if it was gnome3, I can understand - it's a POS no matter where you look)

    3. luksamuk


      I was using XFCE with its default WM. Thing is, I use NVIDIA Optimus and I didn't run the WM on my NVIDIA card. I believe the DE itself was somehow weighting the processor. It couldn't be the GPU.

    4. GSF


      There's no way xfwm was being a heavy weight, it's pretty light. It is outdated, though so it might be that.

      Also, proprietary drivers are always hell to get working.

  2. Damn messed-up audio codec, I'll just go back to recordmydesktop or use ffmpeg directly instead. http://youtu.be/jj5V69ynJyU

  3. I'm thinking Sonic The Hedgehog over OficinaFramework. Already replicated Mario and Flappy Bird, it's about time to get serious.

  4. Just bought CF2.5. Next step is to buy exporters. I won't mind going back to the old MMF2 days for the sake of iOS and Android apps. It could be fun as hell. (Too bad there is no Linux exporter D: )

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. luksamuk


      Btw, do you know if Anaconda runs with CF2.5?

    3. GSF


      Not for now, it seems :|

    4. luksamuk
  5. Finally, OficinaFramework near its end. Ready to dive into assets and actual gameplay.

  6. Just released a very-early-alpha for my games' framework. Will you please check it out on Game Creation Research & Discussion? :D

  7. Ok, finally got bitmap fonts to work on my system. Anyone has suggestions on clear, monospace fonts specifically for programming?

    1. GSF


      Artwiz fonts. They're for linux, but you can get Windows packages here. http://bb4win.sourceforge.net/bblean/awiz.htm

    2. luksamuk


      Nice :D I happen to actually be looking for Linux fonts. Thanks.

  8. This little C++11 thing I'm making is gonna rock hard. The documentation is going simply awesome.

    1. ChaosLord


      >not using C++14

      Jeeeez maaan, get with the tiiiimes.

  9. If DirectX has the same power and simplicity of OpenGL, then I don't know why DirectX seems SO COMPLICATED to me.

    1. justin123


      Believe it or not, OpenGL has a bit more complicated API than DirectX...

    2. ChaosLord


      DirectX is generally considered more simple since it has less redundant methods to do simple actions and has much more support. OpenGL is also based on a mislead standard they set years ago. (However I'm still an OpenGL fan because cross-platform yeeeeah!)

    3. luksamuk


      Yeah but the syntax bothers me a lot. I managed to make a simple program in C++ using DirectX, with SDL 2.0 windowing support, and it still seemed so complicated because of how the variables are always declared with names such as LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9...

  10. So, later today I'll officially start messing with Unity 2D and smooth animations. Let's hope this all ends well.

  11. Why is making an indie game so complex? D:

    1. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Because you have so many ideas that you want to stand out and it gets overwhelming that it becomes difficult.

    2. luksamuk


      oh. Well thought.

  12. Holy crap I'm tired.

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