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Posts posted by ShadowMasterX5

  1. The switch in Riptide Relic Act 2 works, but now you start at an area close to the switch, I didn't use any checkpoints either, When I cleared Act 1 it sent me there :/



    The pipe in Steel Station still won't work, that's where it leads, the pipe is in a room with 3 pipes, the first 2 pipes have a red spring at the end, and the 3rd one won't work >_>

  2. I know I'm late to the party lol, but this fangame is so awesome, Vexer you've done a really nice job with the level design, music choices, fun bosses, and that final boss is pretty cool too. I enjoyed Sonic Axiom very much, thank you Vexer for your hard work and effort on this fangame, and thanks to Blazefirelp and all the others that did those awesome music tracks (Newgrounds, Overclocked Remix ect.). Also Good job on fixing bugs too XD. Just one thing though, Super Sonic and Knuckles can't break blocks by running into them/touching them, you think you can fix that ;)?

  3. Originally Posted by Chronic View Post

    Thanks everyone Cheers OverBound!


    Tileset is no where near done I plan to include padded out parts of the structure along with curves and stuff but heres what I have for now. I dislike the colour but I'm shit with colours so if anyone could hlep there it'd be much appreciated

    OMG, that background, you should make a whole game Chronic, I shat bricks when I saw that background, just fix the water (make the colors of the waves a little brighter) and you're good to go :D
  4. Sega sucks with this shit :(, oh well I guess I'll look forward to just Sonic Generations then (I want that gold Ring......)

    @Ila Yeah Sega is pretty bad at managing their products when it comes to regions or special editions =P, at least Sonic Generations is looking good. Btw that's a very cute picture :P

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