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Posts posted by Sponick

  1. I just got a ps3 for christmas, and it got freezed when closing the internet navigator o.O!

    So I decided to search in internet (PC internet obiously) if it was normal or it happened to more people.

    After reading in a lot of forums, the conclusion is:


    Some consoles uses to freeze ingame, for some strange reason, and closing the navigator when loading some pages too.


    Sony did a great disaster with the ps3 firmware. It could delete thing from HD, stop recognizing the HD, kill the BD reader,....kill the entire ps3 really.

    If you dont have any problem with your ps3 you are really lucky then.

  2. So you dont know what is a bug? -.-

    Maybe physics and timers are not copy&paste from de original game, but it does not mean the engine dont works.

    But notice I cannot make the engine physics to like everyone.

    Ones will tell me I should change this thig, and this another thing.

    others will tell me that things are really close to the original.

    Just seing the first posts...xD

    But thanks for saying this things :D

    And PD means Post Data xD

  3. Sonic REX Engine


    Sonic REX Engine wants to bring you the best of all Sonic Engines available for Game Maker.

    There's a lot of work made, since I want the engine to be 100% solid and bugfree

    (coming from the fusion of more or less all sonic engines for game maker, it's really a hard thing to do).

    A lot of new stuff have been added, testing them to make sure they works well.

    Step by step, maybe this will become a S3k clone engine, or at least, that's what i want biggrin.gif

    Still in beta stage, the engine lacks of some things, like SFX and some animations, and Knuckles is out.

    Also there are no enemies. Just gimmicks and more gimmicks.

    Nevertheless, the engine is good enough to make a decent sonic game.

    I think all stuff is shown in the Test Zone so make sure you play the entire level!

    Well just check this out and tell me what you think:



    -Arrows to move

    -Space for jumping and other actions

    -Enter to pause the game


    ESC key disabled to close the game. you need to pause the game and the press ESC to go to main menu, then exit.


    The Engine Itself:

    -Damizean, as always, the sonic engine god.

    -For animation system, angle calculation collision checking scripts and all engine base.

    -Rogueyoshi, another god.

    -For making the Sonic Dash Engine, which is the best source to learn how pros programs a game.

    -Me, the disciple.

    -For merging, compiling, adding, changing, and modifying things to create this.


    -Chaos Rush, for the sprites of the Test level.

    -GBlastMan, for the current engine Logo.

    Thanks everyone!!!

    Have fun!!

    Best regards, SPK


    I also worked in things that belongs to games in general, non sonic-specific games, like menus and a smal pause system.

    They're written in a way that is really easy to understand and gives an idea of which is a very good way to code them.

    I want that people can learn something with this, not just to make a layout for a sonic level.

    Quick trick. Double jump with more of 50 rings and with any shield :D

    All downloads:

    Beta 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?yfomzi4zyov

  4. Well, much better than the old one, and the font dont suck at all... just that "k" that seems an "R".

    And the cog...it's slightly deformed but I think it fits with the style of the logo.

    It could be better, but I'm pleased too.

    PD Also, after the fail logo, every logo seems better :D

  5. I know Street fighter have a lot of fans.

    But I still cant understand why.

    I mean, it's the most repetitive and simple fighting game I've ever seen :S .

    Doesnt matter the graphics or the number of characters, all fights are identical.

    Also there isnt a big enough number of combos for each character -.-

    I enjoy 100 times more playing DB:Final Bout xD

    I cannot understand why people dont get tired about this game xDDD

    And I think it would be better less characters and more combos -.-

    PD This does not mean I dont respect this people =)

  6. I'm gonne release a new sonic engine soon and I think that a new logo for it would be cool.

    I hope someone here in this community will help me, please :D

    If anyone is interested PM me, i will give him all the information needed, i want this to be something private ^^

    Credits will be given, of course.

    Thank U !

  7. I think that "Project Needlemouse" means there's something more just than a new Sonic game. Maybe a new console, who knows.

    SEGA did a great job making the dreamcast, it was a powerfull console. Doesn't matter the catastrofic marketing -.-

    Maybe they're trying to learn from the mistakes they did with dreamcast to bring us a new powerfull hardware to play with :D


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