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Posts posted by Ristar

  1. You mean loading screens the game? Fuck no, the story was absolute shit, some of the levels were ok, and the music was very unmemorable.


    never played it. considered buying it and then bought another game that was 100x better at the same price... viva pinata.

  2. If he's using colors as an example then basically by "reinvent" he means "add another gimmick".

    I'll hedge a bet that Modern Modern Sonic will be a cross between classic and modern sonic. Short spikes, green eyes, slightly shorter legs.

    He doesn't need to "reinvent" the gameplay. He needs to take what they've learned and steer it towards successful past ideas. What I would like to see is basically the Modern Engine meets Sonic 3 & Knuckles style adventure. So pretty much the same levels for everyone but with multiple paths for each character.

  3. You guys may know me as a handsome, skilled music composer - creating fantastic scores that capture the essence of the subject matter perfectly.

    What you don't know is that I started a job yesterday that absolutely guzzles dicks. It's probably one of the worst jobs I've ever had and I've realised that I'm going to have to learn some new skills as Music and Art don't really get you anywhere unless you have very good luck.

    Now, what I would like to do is teach myself web design. There are a lot of people out there that would love to have a website made for them and I reckon I'm smart enough to do it.

    However I'm retarded when it comes to HTML and such so I was wondering whether any of you beautiful people have any advice on books I can read that will help me learn this stuff.

    I would like to learn some HTML and CSS to begin with. Any advice on other things I could learn? And any good books for learning these things?

    My job seriously sucks though, it's one of those where everyone hates it and is just waiting for the next thing.

    Thank you!!! :awink:

  4. Hello SFGHQ. I am here to toot Ristar's horn.

    The bottom line is: Worth it. Seriously, his work is fantastic. If you're really set on your project, go ask him for some tunes. I've been listening to a new piece of his for a while, and it is beautifully composed and the atmosphere is spot-on. Hell, you don't even need to take my word for it - check out his Vibedeck and sample some pickings. I am 100% sure that my other team members agree with me that Ristar is a professional presence and his work is top-notch. The guy has to make a living, you know, so throw him some bones!

    Wheyyy thanks a lot :D

    He also uses a kickass DAW.

    Just thought I'd mention.

    Hell yes I use a kickass DAW! Mass Effect gave REAPER a bad name :P

  5. Hello!

    I've had to make the decision to start charging for Sonic music. As I said, it won't be much, between £5-10 per track and I can do package deals for a good deal less.

    As much as I enjoy making the Sonic tracks, I can't keep doing them for free as it really limits my portfolio. If there is a very good possibility that the game will be released (and therefore get me some exposure) then I can make exceptions - but otherwise it's really counter-productive for me to spend all my time making free Sonic music when I could be expanding my portfolio through other avenues.

    I hope you understand and will maybe even send some money my way should you want some music. I always put 100% into my music, and I'm sure everyone who I've made music for so far will attest to that fact.

    So I'd like to say a big thanks to the people who've really helped my portfolio out: Gamerdude/Blyde/Rael; Falk/Lake; Chronic; LH and Dark Raven X.

    Remember, I'm still available but I just can't do this for free :)

  6. Updated Johnny Vibedeck http://vibedeck.com/andytunstall

    By "update" I mean I've cleared out a load of old shite that was sort of painful to listen to and added a couple of femme-fresh tracks to the playlist.

    I am available to do non-Sonic work as well, I know some of you chaps are doing all sorts of sweetass games so hit me up if you need some stuff. It'll be nice to get some variety in my portfolio.

    From now on I'm having to charge for Sonic-based music (as in super fast 160BPM stuff) as I really have more than enough of it in my portfolio - so to take on the work for free wouldn't really benefit me.

    I wouldn't charge much. Something like £5 - £10 per song, depending on length. Can do deals too.

  7. my girlfriend read the full story and watched the video and said it's just complete uneducated bullshit propaganda. i trust her because she's smarter than me.

    so fuck kony, fuck the kony campaign and fuck everyone who thinks joining a group on facebook will achieve something.

  8. Blue Velvet.

    Starring Kyle Maclachlan, Dennis Hopper, Isabella Rossellini and another girl.

    "After finding a severed human ear in a field, a young man soon discovers a sinister underworld lying just beneath his idyllic suburban home town."

    Pretty weird shit, but hey it's a David Lynch film. The "Baby wants to fuck!" scene is still pretty horrifying though. Good characters that you actually give a damn about.



    Starring Robocop and quite a few people from Twin Peaks.

    "In a dystopic & crime ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg with submerged memories haunting him."

    What can I say? It's fucking Robocop! I've never actually seen Robocop all the way through, so it was nice to see the first half last week when I was ill as a dying pony. Gratuitous violence and hilarious stop motion animation. And holy shit dat theme tune http://youtu.be/Ekk6hkVt07U?t=1m31s

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