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Everything posted by MTwinny

  1. Sigh...alright. Welcome "back" new person. Geez. :/
  2. Sonic Lost World will ruin the fanbase even more. I can see it now.

    1. Luke


      How will it ruin the fanbase?

    2. MTwinny


      Oh if you remember the Sonic 06 hype, then you'll know.

  3. Well if we are talking new generation cosoles, then SEGA and Microsoft to me isn't a good thing. Mircosoft screwed SEGA up when it rushed Sonic Team to put out Sonic 2006 just for the holiday season. Then what kind of Sonic game do you want?
  4. I think they look alright. Fits the feel of the way it looks. I take it you never read the game's plot then? Sounds like you hating on the game already because it's not suiting your needs?
  5. I can't pretend I don't know her...judging by that username of hers XD
  6. Reading the last few posts I see some people are doubting the game already. Already knew about the three game deal (when the game was first announced btw), which will all arrive within this year apparently. So don't worry you'll get your multiconsole Sonic fix next year. Luckly I have a 3DS so I'm good. Just glad there's not a trickle of "dimps" from the info on that version. But I do worry the hype for this game will backfire, thus it may end up being another Sonic 2006.
  7. Is that parkour I see there? And now to repeat the tweets I've said on this cuz laziness: However, I'm not the type of person to buy a console with a hefty price just for one game. For a few yes, but not just one. And yes, that does look like Sonic-Xtreme in HD with Sonic Colors and Super Mario Galaxy. DONE RIGHT I HOPE.
  8. You've returned~ Why do I have a feeling I know who you are?
  9. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. The second to last Dark Moon piece...is a bitch to get...
  10. SEGA siding with Nintendo as part of that Sonic deal can help them out too.
  11. Again? No more Sonic 1 ports to consoles....even if it's a Taxman production...
  12. I bet those are the "new characters" for which I am fine with. They look very cartoony which is a major plus. Hopefully that means some comedic sides to those guardians will come up.
  13. Missed the Xbox One annoucement?

  14. I never seem to get the 3DS versions...I'm hoping to finally make that up with this one. Course, I want to know if the music from the Sonic side are new takes on original songs in the Dream events.
  15. "new friends" Oh no I don't want more new characters in the series...we have enough as is.
  16. And now the people are pissed SEGA "sold out" with Lost World being exclusive.... ...given Sonic titles on Nintendo consoles always did well for SEGA in the past...
  17. And SEGA Japan trademarked "Sonic Lost World" with no 's'. Folks...this isn't rumor. We got real indo on the next Sonic game. Which may be part of the main series line.
  18. I don't know you because I never heard of you from the SSMB, so welcome to this place! XD
  19. Expect to see a lot more of The Last of Us come E3~
  20. I was just browsing the galley that pic came from too lol
  21. Off topic but I know who did that pic of Blaze~ Back on topic, I was just kididng around schmooky. But you should really play the old Crash games whenever you get the chance.
  22. You...haven't played the Crash series....yet you heard about...my god....you missed out on childhood nostalgia man...especially the Naughty Dog era...just. .-.
  23. Another Sonic 1 port....SEGA love banking on these.
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