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Everything posted by Huepow00

  1. lols ALSO Due to my scanner being a piece of (EXPLICIT) - I must wait 1 hour for a $2 CD from CVS with my pics on it... sorries.
  2. I am remaking this engine, 8Way Movement is deffinetly supposed to be in there, I'm just having trouble with it. I'm no good with running engines, but I'm gonna try to implement a key that can be specified and pressed to control weather your walking or running. Spindash has proven to have many flaws and bugs in rpgmaker, but *shrugs* The sprites are not my own, and I ripped all the springs and game materials.
  3. Oooookay then, I'll see what I can do then. Gimme a day or so
  4. I agree - but I said Anyone who wanted to contribute could, and he did. Also, yes Inoe and im using an outdated Fruity Loops version, I need to grab some better equipment and sounds... But I did at first INTENTIONALY intend for this project to be quick, easy, and without much effort... So thanks much to anyone who likes it . EDIT: Oh, and it'd be EASY to transcribe most of the Sonic 06 music into midi...I just chose to do it in Fruity Loops instead. LMAO I've been thinking about it though, for those who wanted Sonic 06 midi's for their fangames, I figured there would be a demand for them somewhere, So like I said, I've been thinking about it.
  5. Thanks much, ah - In the game room they had Soul Caliber II, Dance Dance Revolution, Guilty Gear, and a few others.Ah, That's my banner for My Einhander Fangame, which I will be making a topic for here very soon. Ah I didn't hear much music while I was there...sorry. Hi there. I create alot of progressive trance, techno, lotsa game remix's and a few more standard instrumental pieces now and then.Ah sure, theres TONS of fur conventions. http://greenreaper.co.uk/wikifur/ConventionMap.html
  6. Thats okay.. I did thanks, I'll be uploading the piccys tonite when I have time. Yes, and I dont think I was direct enough with why I posted this, but I was just wondering if anyone else here might have gone, or what they think, or ANYTHING realy...
  7. Thanks, I havn't worked on it in a while - but I figured I'd post my only sonic related game first. The story has to do with paradoxial loops and time shifts.
  8. Mhmm - thats what I need to work on...But I'm not sure what I can do about it... I'm thinking of reworking the engine with a running system... That way the player can run at hi speeds when holding a key or something, and can walk normally otherwise... that would make it easier to deal with enemies and objects.
  9. CALIFUR PICS Califur.3 – Saturday So this is the first con’ I’ve ever been to, and hurrah for me – it’s also the first furry con’ I’ve ever been to, two for the price of…well actually only $25! XD Woke up at 6:20AM and got ready, left my house around 6:40AM. I was going to be the one driving, so I had to go pick up all my friends. About 15min. to my friend Zach’s – he’s a blue fox, and from there another 10min. to my friend Jen’s house. Jen’s a pink vixen. She had a partial Fursuit consisting of a commissioned headpiece and paws and a tail that she made herself. From there we drove for about a half hour to go pickup my pet Kitten, a feline, obviously. It was about 10AM by the time we showed up at the con’. Once we showed up we had to get our badges and pay, which actually didn’t take as long as we thought… lol We wandered over near the Art Den for a few min to take a quick look around. First thing I did was grab a copy of Steven Martin’s Bump-Er Crop 2k3 CD, ran back and put that in the car and then joined my friends again. Zach bought himself a cute lil blue fox tail and we helped pin it onto the back of his pants for him. Kitten was getting bothered by ‘Evil Pup’ – some big red dog, he wasn’t too bad – but I could see why she was getting annoyed with him. We decided to head to the other side of the room and figure out what to do. I called my pet Kit and cheered him up a bit since I wasn’t around and then we wandered over by the video room and the Fursuit Lounge. We hung out in the lounge for a while, it was nice and quiet and the AC was all the way up – there wasn’t much going on until later in the day, so we just rested a bit. After that we walked down the street to an Asian marketplace and got some lunch. Spent about an hour eating, it was very good. After that we headed back to Califur and snuck into the gaming room for a while. Not many people in there so we went back to the lounge to hang out again. We were waiting for the showing of Watership Down to play a few rooms down, cause we wanted to see it, but when it was supposed to start – they let us know that they didn’t have the movie… Darn! Everyone was loving Jen’s partial suit too, lotsa picky requests. That was okay though because the Fursuit parade was starting and we Jen wanted to go join in. Oh man was that fun, lots of really well done suits and all very smexy. Got a lot of pictures of everyone and hugging ensued following just about every picky I took. After that, we started chatting with this really cute artist named Amber Fox. His friend had been sold earlier at the pet auction so he wouldn’t see him till 12AM that night – poor guy, so we let him hang out with us until we left. Went back to the lounge cause we didn’t wanna be apart of the auction either, so we chatted with some fursuiter’s for a while. It was around 5PM or 6PM and the Art Den was supposed to close in a few hours, so we ran back over there to find some stuff to buy. OMG was there some amazing art, Jen even grabbed a piece by balla. I got a cute fox laying in the grass and a lil bunny hugging a fox. Kitten bought Kit a t-shirt that had a lil stick-figure of a fox running around on it that said “LOL FURRIES”. XD After that we hung around with Amber a bit longer, we were waiting for someone to come pickup Zach, it was already 7:30PM by the time he showed up and we were all so exhausted from walking around all day that we ended up leaving then as well. Drove everyone back home and got back to my house around 9:30PM at least. My friend wanted to take me to go see Spiderman 3, but I was just too tired, so I crawled into bed and went to sleep. I’ll edit the topic once my film is developed and ready around 2PM today and let ya see all the piccy’s I took.
  10. I hope videos are okay. I made this a while back and released it over at Sonic Cage Dome. It's a Sonic Engine for RPGMaker2k - complete with documentation. I'm planning on adding to it and making it a bit easier to use. SONIC RM2K ENGINE TEST VIDEO
  11. © Huepow00 – DreamStone Productions Sonic : The Lost Paradox INTRO & GAMEPLAY VIDEO DOWNLOAD ALPHA RELEASE HERE Our story opens with Sonic racing to escape a massive Space Station as it fall’s towards the planet’s surface on a collision course. Free-falling into the atmosphere with the destroyed Station in the distance, Sonic – Having successfully stopped the evil Dr. Eggman yet again, awaits Tail’s to show up and get him to safety. Suddenly, a bright light emits from the station blinding all around it. When it finally clears, the entire structure has disappeared. Confused and hurtling towards the surface at breakneck-speeds, Sonic suddenly winks out of existence as well…What has happened? Features Include: + Day/Night elements + Innovative Cutscenes + Push-Block puzzles, Switch-Maze puzzles, & Ice-Maze puzzles + Jumping ability + Springs & Zippers + Speed & Adventure Courses + Character Upgrades + Time Loop Countdown Screenshots:
  12. XD Yesh, but - I don't like Long Long Filenames. *fail* In any case, their not Remix's.
  13. First of all, I made these all note-by-note in Fruity Loops... And they are not remix's - they are Re-Arrangements. EDIT: If you are confused because the filenames have the word REMIX at the end, it's because thats how I had them labeled on my PC so I could find them... I wasn't about to write out the word arrangement for each one...
  14. Sonic 06' Arrangement Project TRACK LIST ©2006 ~Huepow00 01 His World [ ] PENDING 02 Kingdom Valley - Wind [~] Listen To a Sample 03 Flame Core - The Cavern [ ] PENDING 04 Boss - Egg-Cerberus & Egg-Genesis [~] Listen To a Sample 05 Crisis City - The Flames [X] COMPLETE (Click to Listen) 06 Dreams of an Absolution (Instrumental) [X] COMPLETE (Click to Listen) 07 Other - Invincibility [X] COMPLETE (Click to Listen) 08 Radical Train - The Abandoned Mine [~] Listen To a Sample 09 Radical Train - The Chase [~] Listen To a Sample 010 Wave Ocean - The Inlet [~] Listen To a Sample *Bonus* [01] Sweet Dreams of An Ocean (By Resel) [02] His World (By Roboashura) [03] Dreams of an Absolution (Original Vocal Mix) (By Huepow00) Anyone Interested in Joining the Project is free to submit their remix's and re-arrangements in this topic...
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