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Chaos Rush

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Everything posted by Chaos Rush

  1. But doesn't the older engine have something similar to state machines? Anyways, could you explain me the big difference between the Xmas engine and the Examples pack? Thanks, and obviously the very old "green" engine is out of the question.
  2. Well, recently I've been wondering what's the best and most stable 360 movement engine. It's natural for most people to think that the most recent is the best, I currently prefer to use an older build. Anyway, the three engines I'm talking about are: 1. The latest Sonic Dash Engine 2. The Examples Pack that Damizean released at GMC 3. The old "Cyber Green" engine Primarily I'm asking somebody who would know the most about these engines, such as Kain or Damizean.
  3. I'll wait to see if you've changed anything. Also my examples use Genesis styled sprites (with the signature "Sonic Dash outlining", so the spriting style should match previous Sonic Dash engines). I'll just post what I have right now: DamiRyoshiEngine_Simple.gm6
  4. Hey AeroGP, would it be okay if every time you updated, can I post an example of your update?
  5. All six Star Wars movies on DVD. EPIC WIN .
  6. Well, I plan on frequently updating the engine (though I won't post actual examples, I'll just explain how). The first thing I'll add: Corkscrews. The reason why they aren't in the engine is because I'm too lazy to assemble the character sprites. And yes, I kinda got the idea of updating this from the Sonic Firestorm blog thingy. The method for this is taken directly from Sonic Dash, therefore I credit Damizean & RogueYoshi for this. Anyways, follow these steps: 1. First, we'll add 2 new sprites. They are: (The sprite origin should be 0,0) (The sprite origin should be -192,0) 2. Next add the actual corkscrew animation for Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Again, I'm too lazy to assemble these myself, so I'll just post sprite sheets containing them: Sonic Tails Knuckles I am assuming you know how the animation system works in this engine, so I'm not going to go into detail on defining the animation frames and such. 3. Now create an object called, "objCorkscrewUpper". Make it's depth -100. What this does is that when your character runs through the actual corkscrew, you should only be able to see him half the time. 4. Now create another object called, "objCorkscrew". Add this in the create event: instance_create(x, y, objCorkscrewUpper);[/CODE] 5. Now for the real stuff. Add this in the create event of objSonic, objTails, and objKnuckles (Objects-->Global-->Player): [CODE]action_corkscrew = <insert number here>; action_corkscrew_roll = <insert number here>;[/CODE] 6. I'm assuming that you defined your corkscrew animation simply, "corkscrew". Go to Objects-->Global-->Player-->objSonic/Tails/Knuckles-->End Step event. Click on the code under "Animation Set". Add the following piece of code right after the line, "animation = "spring_jump";" [CODE]if (action == action_corkscrew && animation != "corkscrew") animation = "corkscrew"; if (action == action_corkscrew_roll && animation != "rolling") animation = "rolling";[/CODE] 7. Now go to objSonic/Tails/Knuckles-->Step Event. Click on the code under, "Object Interaction". Add this at the end: [CODE] if ( action == action_corkscrew || action == action_corkscrew_roll ) { var corkscrewObject; corkscrewObject = player_collision_main_object(x, y, objCorkscrew); if ( abs(x_speed) < 5 ) action = action_normal; if (corkscrewObject == noone) action = action_normal; else { var relativePosition, angleInCorkscrew; relativePosition = x - corkscrewObject.x; angleInCorkscrew = degtorad((relativePosition/384)*360); // Set position acording to relative position to corkscrew y = corkscrewObject.y + 26 + (1+cos(angleInCorkscrew))*(75*0.5); // Change animation frame depending on angle if ( action == action_corkscrew ) animation_frame = animation_corkscrew_start+abs((radtodeg(angleInCorkscrew)/360*11) mod 12); } } else if ( abs(x_speed) >= 5 && ground == true && player_collision_main_object(x, y, objCorkscrew) != noone ) { // Set different actions based on current if ( action == action_rolling ) action = action_corkscrew_roll; else action = action_corkscrew; // Common stuff ground = false; }[/CODE] And now have fun with your corkscrews! This works just fine, I've tested it (my fangame at SCD, Sonic Renegade, has corkscrews, and the last demo of Sonic Revival also had corkscrews). Anyways, thank Damizean and RogueYoshi, since this was taken from the older version of the Sonic Dash engine. To tell you the truth, I want people to view this engine as a much simplified form of Sonic Dash.
  7. The Sonic Revival engine uses Damizean's old movement engine (before the X-mas engine came out). if ( ground == false && key_action_pressed && action = action_jumping ) { if (instance_exists(objBadnikParent)==true) { var nearestEnemy; nearestEnemy = instance_nearest(x, y, objBadnikParent); if (distance_to_object(nearestEnemy) < 60) { x_speed = (nearestEnemy.x - x)*0.1; y_speed = (nearestEnemy.y - y)*0.1; } } }[/CODE] That's the main code for Homing Attack that I found by searching, anyway. You might have to define an extra variable that activates when Sonic is jumping, and then add something to the first line of code. Also I don't like that some people are still using my old crappy Sonic Revival engine, and I would prefer it if people used a newer, more organized one: http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5083 The homing attack code will work just fine with the new engine, simply because both engines use the same build Damizean made.
  8. Well, the download you posted sure does seem helpful, I've been wanting a dumbed-down X-mas engine for quite a while. *sigh* I guess once I'm ready I should make a new Genesis engine with the new movement engine...
  9. I have a question: It appears that all the tutorials you'll post will only work with the latest Sonic Dash engine (in other words, the Dami/RougeYoshi X-Mas engine). Some people (such as me) prefer the older engine (the examples pack on GMC to be exact), so will you be posting any tutorials for the older engine, or are the new tutorials able to work with the old engine simply by changing the name of the variables? You said you ran Sonic Revival just fine? Sonic Revival was made with Game Maker 6.1.
  10. Actually, I meant to have the frames run slower, since that how it was in the actual Sonic games in comparison to this. ...actually I think I'll delete the thread of the original Sonic Revival engine submission, and then bump the old Genesis engine.
  11. Well...part of the point of making this was to simply recreate Kain's S3K Sonic Engine with Damizean's movement engine. And of course, a good alternative to Sonic Worlds, even if Worlds has extra features. Really, most of the stuff on here is from Sonic Dash. Anyways, I said in the first post that I'll gradually make more posts on how to add some stuff (such as corkscrews, which I already know how to do thanks to Sonic Dash), I wouldn't mind if anybody (such as you) posted on how to add some stuff. One thing that I would like to ask: When Knuckles turns while gliding, how would you make that more smooth? If you noticed, internally, Knuckles was coded rather cluttered, poorly, and unorganized, could you think of anything better? Here, I'll upload it on this post without another host. Genesis Engine.zip
  12. ALRIGHTY LOLZ. Time to edit this topic. First of all, before I get to the main point, I'll explain something: Yes, this is the same thread as when I released the, "NEW Genesis Engine", but rather than making a new thread every time I release an engine, I'm simply going to put it in here. And another thing, I'm renaming all of my Sonic engines simply, "The Sonic Revival Engine". That way I don't have to make up stupid names such as, "THE NEW NEXT SUPER GENESIS ENGINE", or something like that. Now to explain: The original Sonic Revival Engine was a Sonic engine I made back in late 2007. At around that time, I was re-starting my fangame, Sonic Revival. The Sonic Revival Engine was only designed for the actual fangame, and as I look back on it now, it was rather poorly made, pretty much made simply by Copy + Pasting things from Sonic Dash. As time went on, I released another Sonic engine, which was simply the Sonic Revival engine changed to Genesis-style sprites (and Tails & Knuckles added). And in November 2008, I released a completely new Sonic engine, and I called it, "The NEW Genesis Sonic Engine". Yes, this is the exact same thread that I released it in, which is why the first two pages reflect on that specific engine. What is the Sonic Revival engine now?: It's an engine that will keep on getting updated from time to time, hopefully each one being better. Releases: The Sonic Revival Engine 2.0 (Corkscrew update on Page 2) The Sonic Revival Engine 1.5 The Sonic Revival Engine Description on each engine released so far: The Sonic Revival Engine 2.0 -Some of you may know this as the Sonic engine I just released. Anyways, this is the best one so far, USE THIS!!! Includes Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. The Sonic Revival Engine 1.5 -This is the engine I released in around April of 2008, it's inferior to the one after this, I don't recommend using this. Includes Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles (kinda). The Sonic Revival Engine -This is the original engine I released in November 2007. I think it's rather old and cluttered, so it's pretty useless. However it is the only Sonic engine I've released in Advance-style graphics, so it may be useful as a sprite resource. Includes Sonic. Currently working on: 1. The Sonic Revival Engine 3.0 (Yes, I'm working on another one) Anyways, for now, USE THE LATEST SONIC REVIVAL ENGINE!!!
  13. Ouch, sprite origins. Didn't think of that. What if all the sprites in the room had the same origin?
  14. Or instead of changing the view angle, you could have all the moving objects in the special stage have the sprite angle change instead. It would be like this: Create event: alarm[0] = 1;[/CODE] Alarm 0 event: [CODE][B]image[/B]_angle += 5; alarm[0]=15;[/CODE]
  15. Yeah, I've made help topics before on the same question, and Damizean pretty much told us on the principal on how to do it, but not the exact method. *watches as a mob of people attack to say, "OMG CHAOS RUSH IS NOT GOOD AT GML ARGH"*
  16. ...I know that this is the third time I've asked this...but... How do I make it so that: The angle of the ocean in the background changes so that it creates a 3-D effect that gives the room more depth. I know that it has to do with the ocean's actual surface and resizing the sprite, but I can't get it quite right. This is what I tried: 1. The object's sprite is the ocean backdrop. Create Event: scale = 1;[/CODE] Step Event: [CODE]image_yscale = scale; y = global.WaterHeight; if (objCamera.y < global.WaterHeight) { scale += 0.001; } if (objCamera.y > global.WaterHeight) { scale -= 0.01; } if (scale > 1) { scale = 1; } if (scale < -1) { scale = -1; }[/CODE] But that doesn't exactly do it correctly.
  17. Really? Because some thought SA:R would get completed, and then it got canceled apparently due to lack of sprites, and I believe that was only canceled because GamerGuy only accepted sprites from Pro Shadow Blaze...Anyways, hopefully GamerGuy will be willing to accept sprites from anyone that's not on the STi team this time around, then I can see this game be completed (and great too, if this game had no lag then it would be really good, I actually think this game has more potential than SA:R) This is the new engine...right? As far as I know, production of the former new SA:R engine (now the current Sonic Firestorm engine) started in September 2006.
  18. NO!!!! No one uses Sonic Revival anymore, and I'm glad. Now that I look back on it, I THINK I MADE A CRAPPY EXCUSE TO CALL IT AN ENGINE. But forget that, it's the past. But on behalf on one of the posts on page 1, someone said that there really haven't been any completed fangames at all. And that is true, sadly...I remember when I had it set in mind that, "I WILL FINISH SONIC REVIVAL!!!!one!one!" but then the game kinda just collapsed on itself. Besides that Power Hedgehog, if you are still working on Sonic GEDA, either work only on that, or work only on this, or at least set some kind of schedule where you will only work on one game for a period of time then switch.
  19. Yay, a good looking Advance/Rush style fangame! I can't really say that much until a demo, but the screens do indeed look nice, as in the game doesn't look cluttered, it looks neat.
  20. So what can you exactly do with Audacity?
  21. Actually, I can see why you'd think its too quiet. You see, that was just the generic CD recording, not our school Jazz band performing. When I heard them play it, it was loud, and the bass line was clear, and that pretty much moved the whole crowd. I'm in that Jazz band now, but this year were also doing a Latin piece that I may also post if I could find the arrangement we're doing. Oh, and for some reason my computer didn't come with Audacity. If it's for download, how many megabytes is it?
  22. Well I have a question sort of... Anyways, I'm talking about fangame music in general. A lot of times they're just midi's of already existing music from Sonic games, but I'm wondering...would other songs provide a different atmosphere to the game? Anyways, first of all, listen to this. (To get what I mean, skip to 0:15) It's a latin piece, and when I first heard it, I remember watching my school's Jazz band perform, and I thought at 1:10 it reminded me of the Special Stages from Sonic games. Of course, this year I'm in the jazz band now, but were not doing anything that fit into Sonic as well as they did last year. Beside the point, I would like to include that song in a future fangame, but I don't know if it would be more suitable for a Special Stage or just a regular level. Any suggestions on where it would fit?
  23. Does playing songs like La Negra, Brooklyn, and Phat Kat count? (Look them up on Youtube if you haven't heard) That's odd. My computer sucks and it can run this at 60 FPS. Wonder what the problem was...
  24. Yes, I'd like to get back into fangaming, but suddenly the day after I released Demo 05 of Sonic Revival, my interest somehow got deprived. Then back in early July, I suddenly wanted a Nintendo DS again, so I've been doing many extra things to help me get a Nintendo DS. And another thing, I suddenly gained back my lost obsession with Pokémon, which made me want a Nintendo DS even more (Yeah, I don't have Diamond/Pearl). And on top of that, next year at school I'm finally in Jazz Band (I get to be lead Alto, too!), so I'm practicing my Alto Saxophone a lot, and I'm also being lazy. So here are all the things that are driving me away from Sonic fangaming: * Pokémon * Wanting a Nintendo DS * Jazz Band * Me being lazy Although recently I found out that Sonic Headway is now, "Sonic Firestorm", and when I looked at the screen shots, it kinda felt like a lost memory. I dunno, inspiration is it? EDIT: And I'm trying desparately hard to find a video of Rush performing Anthem on their Roll The Bones tour. I went to a Rush concert in July 2007, it was AWESOME, and surprising that they still play considering how long they've been around.
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