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Everything posted by KyoSo

  1. My reign of terror may resume.

  2. I'm cautiously optimistic that it won't be a terrible wannabe-comedy like Boom.
  3. No and yes. I've been playing SA1 since I was a little kid. I don't want them to waste a 5-year wait on just giving me a worse version of it that looks prettier. I'd rather get another game like Mania, which despite its heavy use of familiar imagery was very much its own game.
  4. It's over a year later and I don't think so. Although part of that might be production plans being moved back due to the whole world ending thing. If it was supposed to roll out this year, we would have heard something. EDIT: Oh wait it's coming November 20th. I should have looked this up first. I'm really skeptical about this because nobody's saying anything about who's writing it and as far as I know they've never asked back any of the original writing staff. Having all the original cast isn't going to mean much if the writing isn't good.
  5. I absolutely do not understand this sentiment. What could we possibly have to gain from an Adventure remake, especially considering that some of the most fun things about Adventure are the unintended shortcuts and over-powered spindash, things that morons cite as major flaws that the devs would probably "fix"? Don't forget that SA1 is basically the only 3D Sonic game that ever controlled really well (SA2 in second place but a bit worse, and then it turns to slippery garbage in Heroes), so why would I trust them to replicate good controls when they've been doing a consistently bad job of that for the last 16 years? I like Generations but I don't play it without mods that massively improve on the controls for Modern and especially Classic Sonic, because they both control like jet-powered shopping carts in the vanilla game. Add to that how 3D Sonic level design has mostly only gotten steadily worse since SA1, and across SA1 if you compare the final version of Windy Valley to the infinitely more interesting AutoDemo version. They genuinely considered final Windy Valley to demonstrate how far they'd come across the development of the game, and it's the blandest Sonic level even across both Adventure games. SA2 is better, and I do love that game to death, but you can see the flaws of final Windy Valley becoming level design mainstays by that point. And then Heroes is like the distillation of everything that didn't work about SA2 Sonic levels without any of the good parts. I really hate Heroes. Don't @ me. Like, what do we get in the best-case scenario? The same exact SA1 but with better graphics, and that would be a miracle of an end result. Only in the magical fantasy realm of a fanwank fever dream do we get some glorious reimagining of SA1 based on the original plans of the team before they were scaled down to actually be practical on the Dreamcast. I'm sorry, but the fact that SA1 is my favorite Sonic game is precisely why I don't want to see SEGA tarnish it with a remake that has no chance of replicating the experience that made the original so special. Oh, and let's not forget that this whole mythos of an Adventure remake has been blown totally out of proportion based on a single remark by Iizuka wherein he says he likes the idea of remaking Adventure with modern tools. He doesn't say he has plans to actually do it, he just says he likes the idea. There is not going to be an Adventure remake. Nor should there be.
  6. Can we please just make the damn game-accurate action Classic Sonic cartoon that should have existed in 1995? I can get much better comedy than Sonic Boom from any number of shows.
  7. I'm just waiting for Mania 2 where, since the first one sold amazingly and was critically praised, SEGA throws off the chains and lets Whitehead be as creative as he wants. They've proven people want and like Mania, so there's no need to use familiar levels as a crutch anymore.
  8. Let's assume for a moment that Iizuka saying he'd like to remake SA1 means literally anything. Let's assume that Sonic Team today could recreate SA1's engine without making slippery to play and ruining its control system in the vein of how the Boost games play. Let's even assume that they don't screw anything up at all. What do we actually get from a Sonic Adventure remake? The same game with better graphics? At best, the same game with better graphics - because they'd probably swap the Adventure character designs for the inferior current ones. Really, what do we get outside of the momentary thrill of seeing a childhood favorite rendered with modern graphics? And that's the best case scenario.

    I understand it would make the game more accessible to younger players to whom Dreamcast graphics look like Pong, and that's a wonderful thing, but me? Someone who grew up on the game? I can revisit it any time I want, and with mods I can maximize the experience beyond what the default port provides. Give me a Mania-job on the Adventure era and then I'll be excited.

    1. Stritix


      I actually wouldn't want a Sonic Adventure remake by Sonic Team for the reasons you mentioned. I'd prefer if the team behind the Crash remakes did it instead. I can see them being faithful to the original while Sonic Team work on a new title.

      Sonic Adventure Mania would be pretty nice too.

  9. The reboot hasn't asked for any of the original writers back, which seems like a really grotesque snub and a disregard for actually bringing back Animaniacs as opposed to just making a different show called Animaniacs with the same characters and pushing it as a return.
  10. I'm of the school of thought that we should have gotten a Simpsons movie in 1993, helmed by the Season 4 writing staff like they'd heavily considered at the time. If we'd channeled the writing prowess of the show's finest creative team at the height of the show's quality, that could have been among the greatest comedy films ever made - and released around the peak of the show's popularity, too. A second Simpsons movie will either be really mediocre or really excellent, depending on who is creatively responsible for it. The original Simpsons Movie in 2007 was written by a team consisting of writers from the show's Golden Age, roughly the first seven or eight seasons. Not only did you have the original triad of Matt Groening, Al Jean and James L. Brooks, you had your John Shwartzwelder (veteran writer of 52 episodes), your George Meyer, your David Mirken, your Jon Vitti, all the greats who penned much of the show's classic era. All things considered it came out surprising good compared to the state of the actual series by that point, though none of these people actually wrote for the show any more except for the odd script. You had the movie coming out right before you got to season 19, which is when the recovery period of Season 13-18 was back to a full decline in quality. Whereas Season 11 and 12 had to succumbed to trying to compete with the wackiness of Family Guy and gone off a deep end when it came to storytelling - and Al Jean made a very good decision to try to dial that back and return the show to its roots in Season 13 - once you get past Season 18 you really get to another point where there's fewer enjoyable episode than there really mediocre ones. Especially by Season 20, which if you ask me the consistently the weakest season of the show and the last one I followed consistently - and this was a decade ago when I was a woman of less discriminatin' taste. Having over the years eventually gotten around to watching through the post-20 seasons, I've at least located the rare gems I can go back to. It's really really sad when you have two episodes as good as Season 23's "The Book Job" or "How I Wet Your Mother" and they're the outliers in the same season as "Lisa Goes Gaga" (contender for the worst episode ever) and "Them, Robot" (which was not only unfunny, but they brought on the wonderful Brent Spiner as guest star and didn't even give him any good material). And I don't think I've rewatched anything as much as classic Simpsons episodes, so me not feeling an episode is rewatchable whatsoever is a pretty grave condemnation. This show was once the greatest comedy show ever made and now it's just mediocre...and yet it's still way above average compared to most popular sitcoms. Anyway, here's hoping they can get the gang back together for another good movie, because at this point a worthy successor to the first film feels like the only way I'm ever going to get more new Simpsons I can say I actually love.
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