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Everything posted by StreaktheCommandante

  1. Give us a couple screenies of your models, animation and writing and someone (including myself) might be interested. Alternatively just link your deviantart so we can see all of it. I'm... not advertising myself juuust yet for the sole reason my own portfolio isn't decked out as I plan it to be, but you might, so go ahead.
  2. Huh... I'm surprised no-one did a thorough review of it here? So, in short, this show is either good or meh, but definitely not bad at all. As we can see, the Sonic franchise is branching out into different directions, which is an excellent move by Sega, looks like they've been listening to their fans (or, rather, how broken we sometimes are...) The main game series is going in a generally light-hearted direction as usual. The officials say the movie in 2015 will be expanding on the "gritty, edgy Sonic" direction (as with Sonic Adventure 2/ShTH, SatAM and both US and UK comic series), with a PG-13 rating, but I really wish there'll be real, serious maturity, and not the half-assed type like they did with Shadow the Hedgehog (I don't think simply adding guns (though guns are cool) and light swearing makes a game mature, unlike a certain game which has the usually-comical villain threaten to actually kill Sonic and friends and unleash "weapons of mass destruction" while his grandfather had a mental breakdown 50 years in the past, plus a pair of jiggling boobs, all in an E game... Hm... I wonder what that could be...). I wonder if they got inspiration from that fan-movie, it was meant to be a proof-of-concept for live-action Sonic so maybe this was their goal all along... and I hope Shadow gets a gun! That's what I'VE always loved about him anyways... (-------SKIP TO HERE FOR REVIEW-------) Then there's another light-hearted take on Sonic the Hedgehog, but this one is a whole different direction. It isn’t simple, childlike fun, but funny, witty snark. That is Sonic Boom. The sort of humor Sonic Boom isn’t childish, “dumb humor” that relies on slapstick, toilet humor and silliness (unlike AoSTH), but neither is it high, “sophisticated” humor relying on deep satire and subtlety, though it may have elements of either or both. Rather, it has the sense of humor perfect for the Sonic Universe, something Sonic himself would enjoy: Its humor relies on snappy witticisms, a briefcase full of snark, and a bit of douchebaggery. Sometimes it also takes a dump on established tropes, my favorite being how Sticks realized her flashback never actually happened (from episode 4), which fits well. Hey, speaking of douchebaggery, did you know Sonic’s douche level has been increased up to the nth level? Yeah, there’s been changes to the characters outside of aesthetics, and some are hit more than others… Sonic: He’s evolved his “attitude” into outright douchiness, but still a nice guy inside and really does care about his friends, just like regular Sonic. He’s the kind of guy who would insult you, save your skin, then insult you afterwards. His continual expression seems to be annoyance at everyone, and Roger does a good job expressing that. Tails: Still sort of a cute idealist, but now he’s the other snarky character. He’s more badass now, but other than that he’s pretty much the same character as you know: Smart, inventive, idealistic, but now snarky too. Knuckles: He’s literally dumbed down, maybe a little too dumb… (well, somehow he can’t read but can play piano, so uh…) He also doesn’t seem to appear enough in the show, sometimes only appearing as a cameo with no dialogue at all. Hopefully an episode dedicated to him can rectify that. However, any comedy this sort of caliber should get a dumb guy, and though he don’t chuckle, he might make you. Amy: What… happened to her? If you watched the first episode, you’ll go “oh lord no it’s Amy…”, but a second later you go “what the hell, why isn’t she discussing her marriage plans while Sonic makes his escape?”. Then you find out she’s completely revamped into… the idealistic team psychologist? In fact, despite her overly-idealistic personality (especially shown in episode 2), she sometimes becomes the “straight man” in some episodes. And of course, we all know how she’s now capable of fighting on her own. These changes are shocking, but it actually makes her a more likable and mature character, which is awesome. Oh, and I’ll talk about her relationship with Sonic below. Sticks: She’s shoved right into show without any pretext whatsoever, but luckily it was rectified by the two episodes she got for herself later on. This new character might be a little too exaggerated on her “hyper crazy wackjob” personality, and her quips are a little expectable, but it does work a charm. Some of the funniest scenes in Sonic Boom come from Sticks, so she’s worked out well. Eggman: Ah, what could we do without you Eggman… Eggman is an excellent comical villain here, with some ridiculous plans that somehow seem to work, and an over-the-top hamminess that Mike works well into. You know what’s weird though, Sonic’s gang and Eggman are always trying to destroy each other, but somehow they can hang around or even stay in each other’s homes while still being all cool about it? Perhaps that’s why it’s so funny… Either way, he’s probably one of the most likable Oh yeah, and now about that Amy and Sonic thing I promised… Her personality has changed so much she actually deserves Sonic now… but even she doesn’t want to say that out loud. But what’s so great is how everything is so subtle and implied… Sonic and Amy are going out eating. Are they just having lunch or is it a date? Sonic saves Amy… Is he just saving his friend or is it something a little more? The ambiguity is exciting innit? If you’re a Sonamy fan (if they’re even alive here), the excitement from the ambiguity will keep you on your toes… and hooked. If you’re a Sonamy fan. The action is good and complements the comedy nicely (it also shows each of the heroes' skills). The animation is great, but don't complain about the lip-syncing, it's French so what would you expect? The color scheme and 3D remind me of Endless Legend for some reason, which is one of the most beautiful games, so you can see what direction I'm heading with Sonic Boom here. The thing I really like about Sonic Boom is just how characterized everyone is and how they’re going about their daily lives. I always love it when I see Sonic characters doing daily actions like eating, sleeping, arguing, going to restaurants, watching TV, and all that good stuff. You rarely ever see that stuff on 3D Sonic, or even sometimes in the old animated series and comics. It really makes the characters *people* you can connect with, instead of in the main game series where they’re just plot elements. However, the way the show is promoted just makes for some bad first impressions. The preview episode is nondescript to the rest of the “meat” of the series. It’s really a bad showcase of the series because we all thought this’ll be a lame kids show, but it’s not. And what I don’t really get is how the show itself is good but the intro almost doesn’t exist to me from the sheer lack of quality. That’s just marketing suicide if you ask me, Sonic has always been famous for its catchy intros, so having a forgettable intro is a questionable move because it won’t affect us, the viewers, but it’s not very good for new fans. And you know something? I’m one of those “gritty” fans but I love this new show. Heck, my avatar is either my fan character alter-ego wielding a gun or fricken’ Sonic the Che-dgehog, but I ain’t complaining about how light-hearted the new reboot is, because it’s light-hearted the right way. In conclusion, this show ain’t bad. In fact, it might even be good. It deserves a Cartoon Network standard, which I think lives up to its old glory with shows like these. Okay, it might not be outstanding compared to other cartoons, but it certainly is for a Sonic show, and even more so a comedic one. The humor isn’t dumb, the characters are personable, and it’s all-around a great addition to the Sonic franchise, let alone the only saving grace of Sonic Boom as a sub-franchise
  3. Thanks Oh, and is there some sort of active communication like an IRC or Teamspeak? (I read it's being renovated or something?)
  4. Hey! I'm StreaktheCommandante, and I'm a 2D artist. I hail from Indonesia, and I just turned Sonic's age yesterday. My other aliases include Raptor177, Raptor1752 and BrawijayaV I'm looking for some programmers, for my own fan game project, but I'm conflicted between using UDK, Unity or some other engine :S (I'm voting on UDK because there's already the Sonic GDK that has some source code). But otherwise, I wouldn't mind pitching in some work for your other projects, to get better connections with the community before I'm gonna pitch my idea (because it's a craaaazy fan game idea... hint: it involves fusing Sonic and another genre, so it's a pretty unique idea compared to most Sonic fan games, in fact probably the first of its kind, so why not join in if you're bored of another Sonic re-hash?). I don't have the fullest portfolio yet, but I'm making concept art for my project, so you could get an idea on what I can do for my project. I can also get my hands dirty on making some textures, so if you're looking for someone to make textures for you, shoot me a message so we can know each other, and maybe exchange some skills My Sonic alias is Streak the Hedgehog, a fan character I made back when I was about 10 years old, who looks like this. Yes, that's my actual wallpaper, and yes, that's for you to get an idea of what my capabilities as an artist are. I'm wholly passionate and serious about my fan game idea, so you'll know I'm not just throwing ideas at the wall. Sadly however, I have no experience in programming . That's why I'm asking you guys! I hope there will be a bright future for all of us! Oh, and while I'm still a newbie here, is someone kind enough to be my guide and tell me how things work around here, what's the general etiquette, what's what and who's who? Thank you!
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