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Everything posted by Klonoa

  1. This is a demo of my knuckles fangame called "Knuckles' Hunt"....I might have to change it. There's no story yet but the master emerald broke into pieces AGAIN for the third time, and knuckles has to use his emerald sensing abilities and strength to regain the lost pieces. I was thinking of turning the story into a comedy or something. Anyway this demo doesn't have much, all you can do is use some of knuckles' moves and collect the emeralds in a very small beta stage. There's a few glitches in here that I need to fix. I intend to make the actual stages very big. Controls: Arrows keys: Movement Space Bar: Jump X key: Punch Techniques/moves: Gliding: While in midair press jump and hold jump to glide Punching Combo: While on the ground press X 3 times to perform a 1-2-uppercut combo Drill Claw: While in midair press X to drill straight down I still need to add: Invinciblty power up Digging Bosses stages fix some glitches result screen and a story. Well I look forward to seeing people's comments (probably mostly negative I bet..) Well here's the download link: http://www.sharebigfile.com/file/113029/KnucklesHunt-zip.html
  2. Yeah I agree you're pretty good at makin' cutscenes. Oh and the camera in Sonic XCR is kinda jumpy. I'm guessin' because of both sonic and tails onscreen?
  3. Energon huh? So does that mean Megatron is going to be a boss or something?
  4. I don't need help any more. I got it figured out.
  5. Allright I've got a new problem. I've got two knuckles objects; The sidescrolling one and the climbing one. When the Knux climbing object is created it destroys the sidescrolling knux. When you press fire 1 while on the wall the climbing knux will be destroyed and the original knux will be created. But the problem is that if you stay on the wall too long (like 5 seconds or so) and press fire 1 instead of creating the original the climbing knux will just be destroyed. I noticed while the knux climbing object is on the wall the sensors for the normal knux start to fall down then when the sensors are off screen and I try to jump the climbing object is destroyed and the normal knux doesn't get created. Why is this happening?
  6. Well I can't use the same object for moving and climbing because of the sprite limits for objects. So I guess I have to make another object right?
  7. I need help with making knuckles climb in TGF with a basic static engine. My problem is how would I make knuckles climb? Would I use a seperate object with eight direction movement? My other problem is how would I make knuckles pull himself up when he reaches the edge of a wall? There's a tut on the site but it's not very good and it's in platform movement. Could someone help me? This is the last thing I need to complete my engine and start working on stages.
  8. I'm not sure if anyone knows about this but I found this online fighting game the other day. It's like virtua fighter and tekken. You create a character and choose their fighting style. Right now they have Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Muay Thai, Tai Chi Quan, and Ba Ji Quan. They're gonna add a gym mode where I guess you have your own dojo. It's still in closed beta though so there's not that much. But it's pretty fun. So if you're a 3d fighter fan or a martial artist you should check this out. http://kwonho.ijji.com/index.nhn My char is AkiraYuki. heh.
  9. I tried lookin' for some but couldn't find any. You could always try ripping them from screenshots or somethin'. BTW I think this is the wrong forum for this...
  10. I'm pretty sure you can't increase the limit, so you're gonna have to try and cut down on some of your objects. Try getting rid of objects that aren't REALLY needed.
  11. One thing I noticed lately is the lack of snow/ice levels. Sure they had them in the advance games but recent 3d games haven't had them. I think Sonic and the secret rings might not be that good. Sure it looks cool but notice how you move forward automatically, this makes the game very linear, plus you don't have much control really, move left/right,homing attack, boost and that's kinda it right? I wonder what boss battles will be like? Sonic heroes/Sonic advance 2 style?
  12. One thing I noticed is that Sega keeps adding new moves to sonic which aren't really needed or useful. Like that sliding kick he has in Sonic heroes or the advance games. Most of the time a simple spin dash would do. Speakin' of spin dash anyone notice how in Sonic rush the new boost thing has totally made the spindash obsolete? I hope Sonic and the secret rings will reedem sonic back to it's former glory....or at least a sequel to Sonic rush.
  13. Hey it worked. Thanks for the help guys.
  14. How do I make Sonic jump higher the longer you hold down the key? It's easy to make him jump higher by holding it the key down, but how do I set a limit and and make sure you don't jump up again by pressing the key again while jumping? BTW I'm using TGF with a basic X Y static engine.
  15. If you think that's ridiculous, where I live (RI) someone shot this guy at a store because he tried to take his ps3. Only one way to respond to this; ZOMG WTF????
  16. Yeah I know the background is a little messed up, and the HUD is kinda big, but I'll fix it. What about the window size? Is it too small or should I change it to 520x340?
  17. Screenshots of one of four projects I've got going. I haven't named it yet so I'm just calling it "Sonic Advance" for now.
  18. Hey it worked. Thanks for the help midiman.
  19. Anyone know how I can make a Sonic Advance style jump dash? I know how to make sonic dash in the air but, how do I execute like in Sonic Advance? Instead of pressing jump again while in the air I want it to execute when you do >> or << like a fighting game dash. It seems simple but I'm stuck...
  20. I personally think Terry Bogard is a much better character than the shotos. I mean c'mon his Power Geyser totally neutralizes projectiles. Power Geyser > Shinkuu Hadouken.
  21. Yeah I already saw that tut Bluehog made. It can't help me since it only uses 2 characters and I'm using 3. And I might release this as an engine if I can get past this problem.
  22. I'm making a sonic heroes styled engine with static in TGF and my problem is when I try to change the leader it won't switch. It's like this; I have 3 counters. Sonic Leader, Tails Leader, and Knuckles Leader. Along with that icon that shows you who is the leader. If sonic is leader then the Sonic leader counter is set to 1. If tails is leader then sonic's counter is set to 0 and tails' is set to 1 and so on. When sonic is leader and you press B then I have it switch to knuckles as leader by setting sonic's counter to 0 and knuckles to 1. But the problem is that since everyone uses B and Y to switch to another character, if I press B with sonic as leader (or anyother character as leader) then he doesn't switch and everyone switches at once since like I said and it stays on Sonic. I set the events like this; If Sonic Leader = 1 and user presses B= Set Sonic Leader to 0 and set Knuckles Leader to 1. But it just doesn't change and sonic stays like that. I noticed the counters changed for a split second though. I just need to know how to fix this. So does anyone have any idea what I should do? Or is a 2d Sonic Heroes engine impossible to do?
  23. I got the sounds, thank you very much.
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