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Posts posted by Felik

  1. I was starting to think I am the only one who thinks that original was shit and this remake is not making me excited in the slightest because you're trying to recreate an experience that wasn't going to be good in the first place.


    But you have passion for this thing and made a lot of work so suggesting anything would be pointless. Also this project seem to have quite an audience.

  2. Hello everyone, presenting a video of my S3&K hack. I am progressing with this hack is already a few months.

    C&C welcome.

    Edit: Have a problem if instead of showing a fangame I shows a ROM hack?


    Really like your layouts (I checked your YT account). Also I'm glad that you altered but didn't fuck up palettes of the levels. S3 hacks tend to do that a lot.

    If you will ever need a beta tester please call me!

  3. Looks epic indeed. Love the level of detail and palette is chosen well.


    Also must agree with OB. Those low detail building look weird because they are in front of a more detailed building. Maybe putting them in the background would fix it?

  4. Neat concept! But it's bugging me that in order to proceed you have to NOT kill badniks. When I play a Sonic game I like to destroy every badnik on my way especially if they contain innocent animals inside waiting to be rescued. Maybe it'd be a better idea to change badnik into some badnik-ish robot (like Starlight zone bombs except these would be destroyable) that would not give you score and release an animal upon destruction?

  5. I knwo the bonus pack is only for full version of MMF2. But it doesn't matter I will continue with the 0.5. Sorry if I misspoke, but I meant , if we could find, for example, only parser.mfx.

    It won't work. Extensions from service packs only work for a legit version of MMF2. IF you put a .mfx file into the extension folder MMF2 still will not see them.

  6. Huge kudos for using Unity instead of UDK. If you manage to make automatic camera and enemies that actually work then it'd be a №1 3D Sonic engine by far. Also you'd better reconsider using "Nexus" word in it's name. :)


    Also glad to see sonic with good animations.

  7. Plus everyone's not a lake.

    Yeah I'm not a lake. I'm more like a river :rolleyes:


    Also before starting the project I contacted (or at least tried) a dozen of talented people who were (or are being) involved in making a classic MMF-based fangames in the past to start a game together or to jump onto their projects. But unfortunately things didn't work out as you see.


    Well anyways, this SAGE will be the ultimate test if making this game is a worthwile idea or not. So let's wait till then and see!

  8. Deciding to cancel a fan-game, and then leave the fan-game community forever, simply because people will not aid you is indeed a VERY selfish thing to do and borders on blackmail.

    How so? I'm being honest with people and don't want to raise their expectations for no good reason.

    I'm just trying to make a really good classic Sonic game. So it's more like "let's make a great game together" rather than "help me to make MY game". I'd be really glad if someone with the same aspiration as mine and good MMF2/CF2,5 programming skill jumped in as a partner rather than helper.




    Try to do it yourself. 



    Tried it. It's too slow and hard. Also my talents are limited. So no for that matter

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