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Everything posted by sonicdude3

  1. How many DBZ characters does it take to change a lightbulb?
  2. So I need some opinions on the title. The codename for the project is SIS which stands for "Sonic Isla Sorna" which is the name of the island from Jurassic Park 2. I don't want this game to be a crossover with Jurassic Park. I am only using the sprites. So anyone have any ideas? So far I got Sonic Dino Panic Sonic Dinosaur adventure (so corny) (please don't post moronic titles like "Sonic shoots his gun" it is really annoying)
  3. Well the control's are W,A,S,D to move and click to shoot. You can only shoot left and right though
  4. Here USC, I made a storyboard to demonstrate how I would like the Raptors to attack.
  5. Just a little update. Got paralax working! Never had that before heh. I really need some people to help with the AI of the Raptors. The one USC sent me was alright, but it is too simple. Anyone willing to help me out?
  6. Look, DW and BlazeHedgehog, I don't think you should argue over a little fangame. My intention is not to make some epic fangame its just a little project for fun. I am not trying to make Sonic a badass with a gun. There is only one gun in the game anyway, its not like hes gonna be using rockets or an AK-47. Look, if you don't want to play the game, don't. No one is making you shell out 60 bucks or anything, its just a little game that you have the CHOICE to download. If you don't like it, don't download it. If you download it and dont like how it is, turn it off. No one is making you play this so please just stop with all this "It dosent look right" its just a fan game. Nothing more, nothing less.
  7. Don't worry, I am not doing to make sonic "LOL GUNS R COOL" it is just a simple game play mechanic.
  8. Everyone thanks for the support so far and USC, I will try that tomorrow. I just have a small update for those who want to see the dinosaurs. That is all for today
  9. Yea, weird topic title huh? So if you did not see my topic in fangame assistance, I am trying (yet agian) to create a 2D shooter/platformer. Now your probably asking, "Why are you so stupid?" well because I am so deal with it. I always thought it would be fun to make a Sonic and Dinosaur cross over. This thread is to discuss updates, ideas, help, and possibly even recruit a team to develop together. Before you post, please know I could care less if you don't like the idea. I am not going to be a game developer or anything. I just wanted to have some fun and finish a fan game for once. I have started this project about 10 times and I really want to finish it. So please, don't just come in here to bash go somewhere else for that. I don't mind critique, but just insults need to stay out of this topic. The story is not 100% yet, but the basic story goes as so: Sonic and Tails are in the tornado finishing a battle with Dr. Robotnik. They succeed and it almost seems like its the end of a game more than a beginning. As they fly home, a storm hits and the wind is too strong and Sonic is whooshed off the wing and into the water. He awakes on the beach of a strange island, and from there he enters only to find (you guessed it) dinosaurs. The control's are as follows: W,A,S,D: Walk Space: Jump Left click: Fire I don't have too much done besides basic walking, but I am in the process of ripping sprites and backgrounds. What I really could use, is some AI for the Dinosaurs. Just simple attacking the player. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. I am using MMF2 and I am sure you could point me out. Also, how can I play .MP3's for the music? I cant find the extension anywhere. Well I leave you with a sample screenshot from a very EARLY build. This is not the final in anyway besides the Sonic and Tails sprites.
  10. Back to the future theme - Alan Silvestri
  11. So here it goes again. For those of you who have known me since SFGHQ started way back when, I always tried to do projects that crossed Sonic and Jurassic Park. Well I would like to try once more. Before I set off though I would like some input from more experienced game makers. The gameplay will be your classic 2D shooter. It will play like Jurassic Park for Genesis. I will be adding some twists here and there, but I just want to have Sonic slowed down. I have been seeing so many fangames that look like they play the same. Run, jump, hit a loop, repeat. I want to have some fun platforming, not press right and win. This may seem childish, or boring, but when I was first starting this off it was a lot of fun. Don't criticize me on my idea, its a free interwebz. If you don't have anything nice to say about it, than go to another thread. Just post here if you have some helpful information. Firstly, what program should I use? I am a whiz at TGF although I haven't touched it in years, I can remember it really well so it wouldn't be a problem to use. The problem with TGF, is that its too basic. It also seems to crash all the time. I would like to use MMF, but if you read on and see what I want to achieve you can help me choose. Second, AI. This is what stopped my last build of the game. I want to have dinosaurs that aren't just on a path movement and come at you. I want them to move like they did in genesis. The dinosaur that will be moving in this way are the Velociraptors. I have set ideas for every dino, but Raptors will be the main enemy like in all JP games. How I would like interaction with the Raptors to be is this: <If sonic shoots the Raptor> Sonic approaches Raptor, trigger sets off, Raptor comes running, if sonic fires, it stops for a moment and screeches in pain, continues to run, sonic shoots till Raptor dies. <If sonic dose not shoot Raptor> Sonic approaches Raptor, trigger sets off, Raptor comes running, sonic dose not fire, Raptor jumps when it reaches him, Raptor flies past sonic knocking him down, sonic falls unable to move for a moment, Sonic gets back up as Raptor turns for another attack. Thats how I would like it played out. Also, sometimes I would like the Raptor to possibly be perched up somewhere higher, than jump down and begin to attack. For movement for sonic, a static engine would be nice, but I don't know anything about static movement. I tried to modify a couple engines in the past, and failed miserably. I just want sonic to be slowed down to walking for this game. For shooting, the ammo system I would like to have would go like this. The gun can hold up to 15 bullets. Once those 15 bullets are gone, the gun cannot fire (obviously) so the player has to pickup an ammo box. I can do that no problem, but I want to make sure that the gun will NOT fire unless it has ammo. So any input would be appreciated, I have only started concept art and story ideas. I would love to start soon so I am relying on you guys for some help. It is much appreciated.
  12. Just a vid I did on Sonic Fanfiction.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=RzwSHxPVfoQ
  13. Looks like the fella's over at Sonic Retro are bringing the classic Sonic 2 to High Def! http://www.racketboy.com/retro/sega/2008/04/sonic-the-hedgehog-2-hd-remix-may-become-reality.html Discuss
  14. Just goes to show you, people have too much free time.
  15. My newest sonic voice thing you people love so much lol http://youtube.com/watch?v=qgP88RJ_Rok
  16. No, that link is to a flash my girlfriend and I made that includes my voice.
  17. Just a flash with my voice. The sound quality butchered it X_X; http://bleeding-fingertips.deviantart.com/art/Sonic-short-1-82447324
  18. If anyone thinks this will kill WoW, think again. No this has nothing to do with the fact I play WoW, it is just from what I have seen it looks like a Oblivion/WoW hybrid. It seems to want to be both, but IMO it is just another "pretty game". From the videos, it looks unfinished but than again its not launched yet. WoW has about 11 million players. Thats a lot. This game might have a small audiance, due to the whole "build it yourself" but here is the thing. When you compare it to second life there is one big problem, this is a mid-evil RPG. That doesn't appeal to everyone. Second life is basically Myspace 3D. This game is the pretty version of WoW. I doubt this game will be the WoW killer, but if it is than I will be proven wrong. If there is a demo sure I will try, but I doubt it will make me leave WOW.
  19. This is what happens when your fridge wants to have butt smex with you.
  20. Hey everyone. I am trying to work hard on a big voice demo. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a program to make me sound like a robot? I am doing some transformers voices and would really appreciate it Thanks,
  21. BEST TROPHY EVER yea I won my gamestop tourney. I need some money!
  22. LOL I LOVE SONIC FANZ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_E7PMzTxTo seriously I loath them...
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