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Status Updates posted by Miru

  1. ...Still waiting for the next Sonic World reveal...

  2. I just created my first program on Unity.

  3. Jet and Wave are in Sonic World! Yes!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nemox


      I'd love to use the Free Riders models in my game, but I only have the originals. Not terribly familiar with this whole ripping dealio.

      At some point I really want to add extreme gear to my game as well.

    3. Riseodvi
    4. Miru


      I think the models are completely custom.

  4. Just downloaded the Sonic 1 hack Yeth, and was SOOOO dissapointed in it.

  5. Just finished using Sculptris to make a 3D Morain Blackthorn. Now importing to blender for rigging and a few minor tweaks.

  6. Making scratch-sprites for an original indy game.

  7. Successfully disassembled Sonic World's original BlitzSonic version. Now to read through the code to find where things like the animations lie...

    1. Riseodvi


      Might be rough porting all that code to Unity, but I'll be interested to see what becomes of this...

    2. Miru


      The data has shown up in some really complex formats I don't know how to read yet, so it'll take a while to transfer the code to Unity (and maybe Blender, UDK, etc).

    3. Miru


      In other words, I'm trying to read the complex hex code as plain text.

  8. The sheer amount of trash on Steam Greenlight encourages me to work for harder and longer on my games.

  9. Well, the code decompiler is a major pain in the spleen right now...

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