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Posts posted by ☆PicsAndPixels

  1. what if 


    What if this was a prequel sequel. if you don't know what I mean by watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1kw1RmzrPc&list=UUo_IB5145EVNcf8hw1Kku7w

    . . . . Uhh, like Overture _before_ Overture?

    Somehow that's an even worse idea >.<

    And did you forget about Tails and Knuckles being included in this "Sonic Overdrive" thing?

    Sonic met Tails a couple years down the road, maybe a year or less in Sonic 2, and then Knuckles right after Sonic 2

    This makes no goddamn sense. .

  2. cool, great, good, wonderful Sonic Overture 2 XD

    Hey wait. . Sonic Overture 2. . would just be Sonic 1 >.>

    Sonic Overture is supposed to be a prequel to Sonic one, so that makes absolutely no sense to invent a new "sequel" to the prequel >.>

    So. . What exactly is this trying to accomplish?

    Honestly, I'm a little ticked that someone is trying to do this at all, considering we haven't even released anything out side of 3 acts of the first level and a boss-fight. There's not really a whole lot to "expand upon" aside from Sunrise Gate, the boss, and the rabbit character yet. .

    It seems to me like this is just taking our entire concept and re-applying it to something else.

    Not cool. :/

    • Like 3
  3. Is the Second one. . Rocket Knight Adventures?

    I mean, Sparkster's been clearly stated to be an oppossum. . But some could mistake him for a mouse. .or a cat or a dog maybe >.<
    (with a grabby tail)
    But he does have a Children's difficulty setting in "America's house" because in Japan's house, there's just a normal mode in its' place. . .

    Hmmmmm. . .

  4. For the first one, i'm guessing ToeJam and Earl

    They had sick beats - Funky soundtrack and amazing 90s lingo.

    despite being "foreign", - Not sure yet.

    Gross names. Fun gameplay. - Toejam. The game was also a critical success with the gameplay being one of the good parts.

    Weird world to explore in. - not sure as well

    The "Foreign" part is because they're aliens, Spacebar :P

    'Weird world to explore in'- is self-explanatory if you've played Toejam and Earl 1 and/or 2 :)

    • Like 1
  5. Despite me actually not finding much enjoyment out of Spark, I still want to see you make this :3 I'm sure you'll improve it as time goes on, as with any project made as a labor of love. I'll even try out the finished one just like I did ATS and BTS ^ ^ And if I don't like it, hey, that's just my perspective on it XD I'm sure there's lots of people out there that it will brighten their day :)

    • Like 2
  6. Pulse0- "Spark the Electric Jester - Id love to write a review on it, but for now my over all opinion  is - boring - 4/10"

    Here is my review:




    get back to me with what you think please... :)

    Sonic Overture - Id love to write a review on it, no doubt the "best" game at show but for now my over all opinion  is - Fair - 7.5/10

    Can we get a review for Overture too, if you can be bothered? Or is that just your whole review?
    Because I believe it's missing a few things. . mainly a review :)

  7. Poe here.


    The best example of good level design (that's new) is sonic overture. Look how that is structured.


    Sonic should be able to automatically fall to the lower path, if he's not doing anything. Getting to the top path should be manual. Getting sonic to want to go to the top path is also veeerry important. This is Overture's one flaw, the top path does not invite you to go up there. Everything that is necessary to doing so is there, but it doesn't invite you. It doesn't do anything like move, and typically isn't that easy to see. It should be easy to see, but not that obvious.


     IMO, the top path is the most important.

    So, what you're saying is, Overture did an awesome job with the level design, and everything is there for you to explore the top path, but it's not INVITING? Wait a minute. The game is supposed to INVITE you to the top part? How would you want us to do that? XD With an arrow made out of rings? The first 3 games didn't have to invite you. You were supposed to WANT to explore the upper path if you want to, not have the game go "oooh look up there! There's goodies!" You don't KNOW there's goodies up there if you don't try it out for yourself. :)

    Also you said it should be "easy to see, but not that obvious."

    . . . What? XD What's the compromise here? Make everything visible. . but not show everything? That doesn't make any sense >.< What would you have us do?

  8. Just cleared the game tonight, will avoid spoilers, but I definitely caught shades of Cave Story as the game went on. I also appreciated the homage to Gunstar Heroes' Seven Force boss fight. Looking forward to Milla's adventure mode, as well as to Torque and Spade's gameplay as well. Pics and Pixels or Lange, could you please ask Strife to get in touch with me? I need to discuss a few SAGE related things with him.

    Strife says that he'll be happy to get back to you once he's finished attending to business with Press, emails and stuff :3

    • Like 1
  9. This game was SO soso cool! ^ ^ The heart, the passion, the real difficulty! The cutscenes and the voice acting were superb also! :D I'm so happy to have worked on this game! Everyone who wants to try it: Not only will you love it, but it will blow your expectations out of the water! It feels like a game I definitely could have played when I was little (but wouldn't have made it very far so I'd have to watch my brothers or my dad beat it XD) It really is the return of the 90s mascot platformers. . . <3

    • Like 1
  10. I used to worry about imitating others a lot. Going out of my way to not look at things for fear of imitating them. Overtime what I found though is imitating others leads to inspiration and I opened myself to a wealth of knowledge that the person I am imitating has, instead of avoiding it out of fear. Opening myself to that knowledge and letting go of the fear made me learn things much faster.

    That was. . like the opposite of inspirational. .

    "imitating others instead of being myself ultimately ended up freeing my mind and teaching me not to avoid copying others out of fear, and granting me knowledge and self-respect that I had never known before I started imitating!"

    As a sprite artist, and a game and story designer, I try to avoid unoriginal ideas as much as I can.

    I believe if you have a good idea, it should stand alone as it's own thing. People might say "Hey! This reminds me of (Ristar, or NiGHTS for example). . " but it only FEELS like it. It doesn't take anything FROM the game. But since it was inspired from the game, the energy it gives off draws parallels to the original idea it was inspired from.

    Another thing: If you aren't actively TRYING to borrow ideas, you should feel no guilt about making something. Don't try to AVOID SEEING EVERYTHING BECAUSE GEE GOLY GOSH PEOPLE WILL THINK I'M STEALING IF IT HAS SOME SIMILARITIES. It's perfectly fine to watch or play something and be inspired from it, but in my mind, the line is drawn when your project is no longer an original concept inspired by a feel or style, and instead directly copies elements from something else, even if you go so far as to change some elements to make them your own and try to mix them in with the original flavor (like if you recolor a sprite and call it a different character than the one it's recolored from), it makes the whole recipe taste conflicting, and poorly-made and makes it taste awful. . They just don't mix. And they can't mix; and any amount of tweaking to the recipe will not make it taste any less cheap and flimsy.

    No good idea can exist without inspiration

    Things that become lazy edits of other ideas and hide behind "inspiration" as a crutch feel very half-hearted and unimaginative as a result.

    Hi. I'm Pix ^-^

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