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Posts posted by Ryong

  1. If I want to sell my game with sonic adventure musics (must I pay for sonic team?)

    You can't use them in commercial games (Games that cost money). That includes Sonic the Hedgehog himself (And all other characters appeared in Sonic games)

  2. Yeah it was Fists of Mars, I always wanted to try a Zone of the Enders game...

    And I could never play normal Megaman games, which is why I like Battle Network. I could only beat two levels of Maverick Hunter X before I traded it in a couple months after I bought it.

    In my opinion Fist of Mars wasn't that interesting...but I guess it's because I'm too used to ZOE1 and ZOE2 with high speed robot action instead of slow strategic battles. :P (And I'm a graphics whore ._.) But then again, this is GBA game topic so other ZOE games are out of question.

  3. Make an entire spritesheet like this... no color, not overly complex or complete, and sketchy. It's got potential for some kind of niche project.

    Sounds kinda fun. Of course I gotta learn a bit static then cause even the most basic movement still gives me trouble. :P

    I'll start working on some more animations once I get back from my vacation. (Though I've already drawn possible jumping animation/spindash thingy)

  4. If it resembles John Travolta, it's gotta be the sexiest walking animation out there...Well, I gotta redo it so I can maybe add some detail. (No back spike! Too bad I didn't add it sooner. :f) Hopefully the remade one is as good as this. I hate it when I sometimes draw something really good but can't seem to do it again.

    Edit: I can't brain today. When I get back on my vacation I should be able to just add the spike and possibly a small tail with ink and then erase some other inked outlines with my comp (like the right side hand)

  5. Which makes me wonder. Has anyone ever used handrawn sprites in their fangames? I can imagine it might not fit into backgrounds as well as those that are edited from official ones but...It would look interesting I guess? :P

    Can you imagine a cartoony Sonic with a wobbly lines running through your fangame? Can you? :o

  6. Behold 90x90 (or something) pixels of doom. Maybe shouldn't have made another topic for such a small and relatively pointless thing but god knows how many hours I wasted for 8 frames of black and white animation. I couldn't color it because I'm on a vacation and I can't find an eraser anywhere to get rid of the pencil outlines.

    It's very wobbly...Kinda cute. X_x

    I know you all want me to sprite your fangames now! ...Cough.


    As you can see it's somewhat simplified version of Sonic. Anyone wanna give him a name? Oh well, I might scrap him and start a proper sonic sprite and include all the useful animation such as jumping and running...But it would be fun if you guys are actually interested in such. Now that you've seen my wobbly style it doesn't seem likely though. :P

    In any case, I won't be doing anything really finished for few days as I'm on vacation and thus I don't really have time to sprite. (Maybe some sketches like this one.)

    EDIT: Here's the link you can't see the picture.


  7. I don't really want to pay for this kind of program since it's just an alternate way to show my simple sprites. (I doubt people wanna download tgf files just to see looping pixels. :F)

    I'll try those programs and see if I can do somewhat same what I can with TGF.

  8. Ehm, sorry if this isn't the most proper forum to post this but I figured that most people who browse this section will know the answer to my question.

    My recent project is to make hand drawn Sonic sprite (Well, technically not Sonic. The sheet has project name called "Image of the Hero") totally from scratch and I already got some sheets done. Now I'd like to get a free and simple .gif animator so I could maybe show my work (And some other random concept art for a Sonic fangame I'd love to make but lack the skill to make it happen) So if you know any good ones please reply.

    Heck, even though I suck at fangame programming. If improve myself as a spriter, maybe some people who can do better engines than I do might be interested in my work. ._.

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