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Posts posted by Zal

  1. Okay well it's not so much a short film as it is a chase scene. And my first so don't throw things. After Epon's masterfully helpful advice I was able to compress and upload my video.

    Youtube people befriend me! http://au.youtube.com/user/fearingmonday

    Movie: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=stryRdnW2Qg

    Please for the love of God if you have an account and you watch it, comment there! It's where I need the lovin'. Not to mention here too if you like it.


    Harry Breese is the girl you see being chased the whole time and Lachy Binns is the larrikin behind that mask. He looks creepy with curly hair and a blank, Caucasian expression. Anyway, it was shot in ways in which I ended up hating, rushed and quickly edited because this was for a film project and I did it on the last night. Why didn't I make it better? I'm lazy, like you.

    I hope you enjoy. Watch the whole way through and if possible, blast your speakers and bass! You'll enjoy it.

    Constructive criticism is welcome but I'm over this. Hope you like it.


    • Like 1
  2. VirtualDub. Everytime I build an AVI after using the compression screen and compressing it down to about 17% (the bare minimum without loss of quality) and it ends up about the same size. Like maybe fifty meg less?

    Thanks, Nose. Oh look he's banned. Wonder why.

  3. Just noticed that actually. I never thought it was ever that big.

    Only signed up like two seconds ago too. Hmm yeah I think I have that but I'll need the newer version. I'll try to compress it as much as possible.

    Thanks man.

    This topic can now be locked and die. Thanks. =P

  4. Actually, it's not so much editing as 'dumbing down'. Basically I have an avi file, completely good movie it's all edited and that's fine.

    However, it's 800 meg. And I need to make it much smaller in resolution and in size so that it'll work for things such as youtube.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? By the way I compiled the avi file with Premier Pro and when I made it there was no option to make it lower quality etc.

    Any suggestions? Any help is welcomed. Thank you. :V

    Edit: It goes for four minutes total and it's about 700 x 520 resolution.

  5. Looks relatively accurate. I don't know how people have the patience for 3D rendering. If I spent twenty four hours on something, it'd be epic by now. I'm not saying that's not epic, but the amount of detail over that amount of time is like guuuuuh.

    But seriously, good job.

  6. It's okay, the idea sounds really cool. I'm not too sure about the backgrounds though. I know you're just starting to get into your spriting capabilities, but perhaps just try mixing things up a bit further. By that I mean, try not to make the zone look as much like hydrocity, ice cap, etc.

    Other than that, good job. And honestly, if you like Sonic 4, go with it. No one should really give a shit if it's called that. No one has yet to complete a game named that so I don't see the beef people have with it.

  7. Come to think of it, what's the incentive for people to break from the norm? Are they scared that people will shit on them because their idea wouldn't make for a 'proper' fangame?

    Or- It could just be that people want to create a game of their own, and god forbid not everyone is an awesome programmer, so they use resources which were supplied for them under that exact premise.

    Jesus who'd dare do that.

    Oh, this kid.

  8. Must say, as the only one who apparently thinks it, I don't like the photoshopped Sonic 2 and 3 graphics. Those pre-made paint effects that come with photoshop are quite frankly, terrible. They don't work for retro.

    Also ila, fair enough, a lot of people are just slapping new graphics on worlds, but it's better than nothing being made at all. What if this has badass bosses, awesome levels and killer special stages? It may not, but it may be original. I think the thing to be thankful for is that he's adding new graphics to worlds. I'm personally sick of people putting Sega's backgrounds, un-edited at all into worlds and just tweaking the engine a bit. That's nothing special.

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