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Everything posted by FredrikTheEvil

  1. FF9 is awesome. I cant believe people dont like it. There is a lot of humour, good story, lots of badass moves, and the awesome synthetis. Which you can use to combine weapons to create new ones. And the story is awesome
  2. I've been running linux on my dev machines for almost 4 years now. I didnt bother using X until a year ago. So dont think I dont know Linux. Ubuntu doesnt suit my needs, so I dont like it. Kubuntu is even more horrible. Debian and Mandriva are both awesome for development. But I use Mandriva atm on this machine. On Xbox I have a HDD which I run Gentoox (Xbox gentoo port), and a dd with Mandrive 2005 for xbox. I made some usb adapters for xbox, so I use keyboard and mouse. I also have 2 pc's which are dev only machines. One runs debian, and the other is currently without a OS (used to be Mandrake 8), which I'm going to install OS/2 Warp on for kicks
  3. I'll give you a advice. Ignore the RPC's, focus mainly on Squall. He can become incredibly strong very fast, and then he owns everything with one hit Then you dont need anyone else, so wasting time on them is pointless
  4. GD, I agree! I love FF8. The junction system is pure awesomeness. I can go from Lv1-100 in 2 days without a problem. I play FF8 alot. Over and over. Its so fun to beat yourself int time spent to get to Level 100. But, I always have my stats maxed at around lv 65, so from there on I dont feel that much of a difference
  5. I use Mandriva for my dev setup. I recommend getting the 2005 edition, and not 2006, as its less buggy. Its a excellent distro. It only took me 3 hours to setup a dev environment for dc, psp and ds. And that is with everything from the respective scene's primary svn. So, about 50-70 libraries. With Ubuntu, I spent almost 2 days ( It came with almost no dev tools installed ) EDIT: No, Mandriva is not ____ty. Its awesome
  6. I'm 100% sure that it uses a 3D API as a backbone. Because of that, it should be possible to use pixel shaders in extensions to provide filtering
  7. Debian. You can get NTFS read support in the newest kernel. I use Captain Nemo in Windows to get access to my linux partitions.
  8. Actually, this depends on what version of Windows, and what service pack you use. For pre-XP SP2, this is where it search, in this order: -The directory where the app was loaded -The current directory -The system directory ( system32 ) -The 16 bit system dir ( system ) -The windows dir Then it goes through all entries in the PATH environment variable SP2 and later, search in this order: -The directory where the app was loaded -The system directory ( system32 ) -The 16 bit system directory ( system ) -The windows dir -The current dir Then it goes through all entries in the PATH environment variable EDIT: Heh, forgot a entry
  9. Happy birthday man. And whats happening? I havent seen you online in like 2 weeks or something
  10. It might be the cable. Although, all this usually do is limit the speed. Get a cable for your harddrive which is the exact type that is made for your drive (if its a ATA-100 drive, get a ATA-100 cable, if its a ATA-133 drive, get a ATA-133 cable). This was the problem with my DVD burner once. Also, flashing your bios sometimes does the trick. But all new bios' has LBA48 support, so I dunno
  11. Ahh ok. I thought there was a chance it did since it uses D3D. But if anyone else needs a day/night pixel shader its very easy. Just by doing a linear interpolation between two images using the current time in the 0.0-1.0 range as the interpolation factor. Here is a HLSL Pixel shader for day/night transitions using the current time: //The following 3 variables has to be set in the constant table(assuming you use D3D)! float fTIme; // The current time in the 0.0-1.0 range sampler2D dayMap; sampler2D nightMap; struct PS_INPUT { float2 Texcoord : TEXCOORD0; }; float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR0 { float4 dayColor = tex2D(dayMap,Input.Texcoord); float4 nightColor = tex2D(nightMap,Input.Texcoord); return lerp(dayColor,nightColor, fTime); };
  12. Does GM by any chance support pixel shaders?
  13. Yngwie Malmsteen - Rising Force
  14. No, but some functionality wont work on them (ie, shaders, but its possible to do shaders in software mode, using a reference driver, but thats 100x slower than hardware). It will always be faster than software rendering as long as the graphics card has 3D hardware support (almost every single card in use out there has it). But, as a old-gen counterpart to shaders, you have the FFP (fixed function pipeline), which is a fixed rendering pipeline, where you can set states and sampler's, to create a shader like effect. The stuff you can do with this is very limitied. Creating a graphics engine for a game that supports both old and new gfx cards are absolutely no problem with either OpenGL or Direct3D
  15. HD doesnt necesarrily mean bigger tiles and higher resolution. Using 3D hardware for 2D operations give awesome results. Stuff like scaling and rotation without creating ugly jagged sprites, and incredible performance. And since you can integrate pixel shaders, you can customize how every single pixel is drawn through the use of a shader language (or shader asm)
  16. If you wanna do HD graphics, I recommend using OpenGL or Direct3D for rendering. You can play at 1280x1024 at thousands of FPS, and you can use pixel shaders to have full control of the rendering
  17. I can tell that you arent using doxygen( I made a single class decleration span for 3600 lines, 90% was commenting XD). But it was the largest class, and the one that needed the most explaining in the documentation (video device class, handles all communications with 3d hardware)
  18. He isnt using a program. He is using a programming language
  19. BASIC is bad. I started with it. It didnt prepare me for C or C++ much. If I had started with C, I would have learned C++ in the same time I would migrating from BASIC to C. Actually less. It took me 2 months to learn C++ after knowing C for 3 years. It took me atleast 5-6 months to get used to C. BASIC code is very non-structured(in VB this isnt necessary the case, since it supports classes, and interfaces to COM objects, but its still far from a structured language), while C code is very structured ( C++ and Java, and other OOPL code are even more structured)
  20. "Saying that java is great because its crossplatform is like saying anal sex is good because it works on all genders" - Quoted for great justice Honestly though, stay away from programming langauges that doesnt creative native code. And if there is someone here who is interested in learning C or C++, or is learning, feel free to catch me on aim or msn if theres something you need help with.
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