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Posts posted by FredrikTheEvil

  1. Recopying from my G+ post:

    I've been working on a game with a friend lately and been creating a general purpose game engine framework, which should make it alot easier to start with creating games. Its written in C++ and the core api is entirely portable.

    The graphics part is currently opengl 2.0 and soon gles 2.0 only.

    I'm releasing the core api I use for this game engine, not the game engine itself, I'll release it when I release a binary

    The core api is also very strict about interfaces, and wherever possible a interface should be made for a group classes sharing similarity. I didnt go for this with the graphics api, its only lots of extra work and I only designed it for opengl anyway.

    Its far from complete or to be used in anything production, and it lacks documentation, but it might prove a nice read if your interested in this stuff.

    I strongly advise against using it as is, and if you intend to use most of it, its better to wait until its more polished, I will release updates to it regularly. It lacks alot of vital things like error checking in most areas as I wasnt clear on what error handling system to use when I started. I'm still uncertain about this issue, but have implemented a crude placeholder that works for now.

    If you have ever used osg(OpenSceneGraph) you will notice I have adopted a similar

    system for refcounting, and alot of the base classes for objects are subsets of their

    classes, albeit without anything related to threading. Dont take the similarities to be absolute though, there are differences and this must be considered or else there will be errors in the code.

    If you havent, then it means all objects that will be allocated on the heap, must always be allocated on the heap, and implement the IReferenced class with the virtual keyword. A base class Referenced is provided that implements the empty virtual methods in IReferenced. Referenced is always used unless a wrapper class for another library which uses refcounting is created. The template class ref_ptr<typename> is used to implement smart pointers for IReferenced objects.

    Example of this system in pratice with a memory blob (useful for temporary dynamic arrays, since they automatically delete themselves):

    grow::ref_ptr<grow::Blob> buffer = new grow::Blob(new char[dataSize], dataSize);

    void * bufferPtr = buffer->GetBuffer();

    size_t bufferSize = buffer->Length();

    I'm happy to get feedback on what you like and what you dont like, so I can work on improving it :D I dont have any project files or makefiles, make those yourself :P

    Requires SDL and GLEW

    Download link

  2. SG's previous point is so right on I cant believe you havent noticed it. Mario 64 had the perfect type of storyline for a Sonic game. A game with deep stories, should be games where the story should be a important factor in keeping you interested, like RPG's, adventure games etc. A Sonic game on the other hand, has no need for a story, since its about runnning fast and foiling Robotnik's plans. There isnt a need for a story, the gameplay is all that is needed, so why spend the time that could be spent on improving the levels and engine, on creating really bad stories?

    I also think that all these new abilities and such is just annoying. Personally, I like Sonic 2 best in that regard, with just jumping, spindashing and shield. Sonic 3's additional shields were nice, but I still prefer just single one. Atleast in Sonic 3 none of the shields were required

  3. Heh, this is awesome. And it'll be opensource later? Maybe then I'll be able to practice level design more. =D

    Plays very well on my Athlon 64, but then I tried to use it to test full screen display on my old Pentium 2/450mhz which is currently hooked up to a TV =P. And it runs horribly. Around 5 fps, I think? I know PCs are getting faster, but I know a couple people who still run old ruins like that thing and they'd be left out of the fun.

    Thats because of MMF2. I'm sure that if Dami made this in a programming language, that wouldnt be the problem at all, but that wouldnt make it as feasible as a MMF2 version, since its meant to be easy to use. If he had to make this in a programming language, he would need to make tools, implement scripting etc. which suddenly elevates the scale of the project to another level. I'm glad he used MMF2, as that means it will be done, and done fast ( Dami always delivers :D ) . It also makes it easier for those already used to the click product series ( which is atleast over half of all Sonic fangame makers )

    I may be wrong though, but I believe thats it

  4. Create a text object, and set the alterable string to check what it says. You may need to add a slash or so. I'm not sure, I dont know how MMF handles it, but often, like in the GNU C library, getcwd returns the path without the last slash appended. So as a example, the above would result in:


  5. Mickey Mouse: Castle of Illusion ( Megadrive/Genesis ), James Pond 2: Robocod (PC version), Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers ( NES ), Beneath a Steel Sky (PC CD version)

    MM: COI has been my favorite game all my life. From the first time I played it, I loved it. I still do. Definitaly worth a try if you havent tried it before.

    Robocod was I game also played alot as a kid. A friend of mine and I played it all day long. I just found it on a abandonware site a few days ago, and I still love it.

    Rescue Rangers is also very awesome. Its a game I often find myself replaying when I have my NES available.

    Beneath a Steel Sky is probably the most underrated game of all. If you like point and click, science fiction, bizarre humour, and a good story, this game is really recommended. Its free now too

  6. You can change font and color in the text blitter setup dialog ( Options tab->Generate). Since its a bitmap font blitter, you can import bitmap fonts, which can have multiple colors, and use that too. Its also possible to swap colors via events. And if you want, you can use it as a sprite engine too :D

    Its absolutely one of the better extensions out there. Very flexible, very easy, and very very useful

  7. Lol, you underestimate the age. I believe he is 9. We dont get random idiots here (well, we do get those from time to time, but you get my point), people who come here are usually interested in the subject of creating sonic fangames. That means the possible list of persons who would be interested is narrowed down extremely. So that means that we dont get a random kid. We get a kid who has a interest in making games, and if you want to make a game, you should now what a sprite is. The age doesnt matter. And to tell you the truth, you learn alot better and alot faster when you are young, so he has a great advantage. I started young too, but I never really studied hard, it just sorta built up snowball wise over the years. If I studied harder I would be a much better programmer. So I kinda blew my chance of super learning, although I still learn fast enough IMO

  8. Its fully possible to beat both emerald and ruby without 7777 and KotR. I have beaten emerald twice without it, and ruby once without it. It takes a while though. I spent around 2 hours taking out emerald. I spent 2 days taking out ruby ( I only played a little bit each day though, so around 4 hours ). Its not the hardest fights in a rpg that I have fought. They are pretty easy, they just take incredibly long,and its easy to lose focus and concentration. Its vital to keep your cool and be focused all the time. A single slip makes the difference. It also helps to have Cloud pretty powerful. Also, you need W-Summon Final Attack and Omnislash

  9. I used to have a huge case of arachnophobia. And when I was 12 I had gotten a spiders nest under my bed. One day I woke up with lots of spiders in my bed. I completely freaked out. There were thousands under my bed. And atleast 20-30 in my bed. My dad went in and sprayed them all to death. I slept on the couch for weeks though XD

    Now I dont mind them anymore. I didnt realize until recently, but the last 2 years my fear is almost gone. I dont like having them around, so I kill them whenever I see them, but I dont freak out and stuff. I just kill like it was a routine

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