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Blue Frenzy

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Posts posted by Blue Frenzy

  1. - Which kinds of sound/music files does the engine support?

    Actually it uses wav, but it can use any kind of file, simply by using the right lib. Im planning on include midis, ogg and mp3. Maybe if i start learning how mods are, I could include them too.

    - Can Layer 1 support multiple scrolling parallax backgrounds?

    Layer 1 is for the ground itself. For example, if you want to draw trees, bushes, and other decorative on untouchable elements. Parralax, now is a different system and works different, appart. So, you define a parralax or bg image and after that, you draw the ground. The current system only supports 1 layer for parralax, but it sounds a great idea to add multiple layers. Thanks for the sugestion.

    - Is there a way to limit the palette for games? For example, if I wanted to set the game's palette limit to that of the Sega Genesis, could the engine do that?

    You can use the picture formats bmp, gif and png, the last 2 including palletes. The engine is built in over another graphic library, so you can use whatever the lib has. Actually the nds compilation uses the pallete system as default because of memory limits.

    Else, if what you want is to change palletes, i created a replacing colour method for a whole sprite.

    -How well can this engine handle time-based events?

    There are two ways of using it: by frame count and by

    using the time.h lib.

    My own game has frameskip so frame count usually works for this.

    But it'd be a great idea to have an inner clock with easy functions.

    -I see that your engine can produce sensors. Does the engine also have the potential to create sensors and/or hit-boxes for objects and enemies?

    Yeah. The method is simple. You just have to write:

    create_sensor(x,y, width,height, behavior_id);[/CODE]

    And it returns the pointer to the sensor.

    If you want to relate objects, you can do it. Unlike mmf, you can make a chain of objects relating themselves, so you don't have to search for an specific object. So for example, if you want 2 object to work paired (for example a laser shooter and the laser object itself) you have a reference property named "related"; When The lazer shoots you can write :

    [CODE]shooter->related= create_object(shooter->x, shooter->y, LASER_OBJECT_ID);[/CODE]

    So you can for example, destroy the object without having to search for the laser object:

    [CODE]destroy_object (shooter->related);[/CODE]

    You can do it for example with blocks. Imagine you code the behaviour of the sensor number 0 to act like an obstacle and you have a rock object that you want to make it to work like an obstacle.

    You can do:

    [CODE]rock->related= create_sensor(rock->x, rock->y, rock->width, rock->height, SENSOR_ID_0);[/CODE]

    Then, if you move the rock, for example, by being pushed, you can do:

    [CODE]rock->related->x= rock->x;

    Anything can be created at runtime, and any object can be assigned to another object. Maybe this seems hard if you don't have a good idea of how to code in c, but trust me, it's easy as hell and very powerful, because you can make chains like:


    or even more complex but powerful: imagine a flying bird with countless orbs moving arround him to protect him against attacks:

    [CODE]ObjectBase* orb= bird->related;

    while (orb != NULL)
    //do orb behaviour here

    Is it quite hard? if you know how to code in c, this should be as easy as peeing.

    [CODE]-Currently, how often has your engine crashed?[/CODE]

    Never. It just crashes when a file is not found during loading time. OBviously, it crashes if your code is wrong, like null pointers, division of zero and else. But obviously, this doesn't depend on the lib but on your programming skills.

  2. I am creating eversong in c, so I developed my own tools to make the game. Those tools consists in a c programming library, a level editor and an object editor.

    After finishing the game I am planning into releasing the tools so anyone could make his own game with this, with templates for a quick creation of the interface, with easy fuctions so the user should only program the behaviour of the objects, saving-loading game features, and another automated functions.

    The best of this, is that it will help programmers to make all the data they need, like animations, sprites, levels and other, without having to know anything about the file system. They can start making his game now by coding the behavior of the main character.

    Also it happens to be made in c, so, unlike other tools like multimedia fusion or game maker, you have all the power of c language, so you can do anything with it. There is no need of you to wait for someone to make an extension for your game. You don't have to deal with inner bugs, you can fix them yourself, anyone can do since it's open source.

    Also, it will be ported into different systems. You can make games for windows, linux, psp, ds, gp2x wiz, pandora, wii... any system that has a compiler for c. If you don't have your system on it, as open source, you can overwrite the input and output functions and it is done, it works in your system.

    And now, to do this, i need a great interface for the editors.

    The level editor is a big grid where you can load a tileset of 32x32 tiles, and some lists that shows all the objects created. You have some options like:

    -Hold alt to snap the object to the left-top corner of a 16x16 grid.

    -Hold space to snap the object to the center of a 16x16 grid.

    -Hold ctrl to draw a sensor object (an invisible square that you can give a behaviour)

    -Press 1 to switch to layer 1 (behind, no collision)

    -Press 2 to switch to layer 2 (behind, collision)

    -Press 3 to switch to layer 2 (front, no collision)

    -Hold shift to watch all the 3 layers to see how the final result will look

    -Click over an object or sensor to select it.

    -When sensor is selected, press up or down to change behaviour (identified by a number)

    -Press left or right to change by 10.

    -When an object is selected, use arrow keys to move 1 pixel.

    -When nothing is selected, use arrow keys to scroll screen.

    It also contains a pallete as foreground colour, so you can change it to make a good contrast between the tileset and the background. Also, a 4x4 big tileset. You can draw your tiles there and then, picking the block instead a single tile, you will draw the big tile. You can save 128 different big tiles.

    I will later add a menu where you can create your animations and objects.

    An sprite consists in different animations. Each animation uses different frame at a fixed speed. A frame has an image, a hotspot and an action point. You can define those ones by selecting the frames from the images folder.

    An object has an sprite and a name.

    So, how to improve the editor? What else should I add? how to change the interface to make it better? What would YOU like to see in a game editor?

    Any helpful idea is welcome.


  3. Although that's my hypothesis as to what to expect, you do have a point, Cyber Rat. They've been trying to kill the keyboard and mouse for a good few years and they still haven't succeeded, so I must concur.

    They did. Touchscreen owns mouse in every way: faster, more precise, no need of an icon. Next generation, at least for portable consoles, will have multitouch screen.

  4. good god i forgot why i don't talk to anyone here about anything.

    Opinions are like butts. Everybody has one. But it seems majority dislike the style. It looks like those 90's stop motion movies made with toys and plasticine, totally oposite to the cartoon look it has in the genesis games.

    Furthermore, levels look bland, not solid. Where is the shadow? It's hard to tell if they are floating or not. I can't draw a mental line in the surface. Maybe it's because I am not used to 2.5 games but still looks bad. I hope it plays better than it looks, else... R.I.P

  5. 200420092.jpg

    My eyes are so damn pretty that you do not deserve seeing them.


    This camera sucks, my hair sucks and I feel ugly ._.


    I'm bettah than yoo!!!


    Me and my gf. I :3 this photo.


    And this is one morning's breakfast. I was about to explode (think that this kind of breakfast is uncommon in spain)


    And now that I am in the mood of posting photos, this is my little recetly brought to the world "Rukia".

    She :3 you.


    My three kitties there :3


    Sexy pose for :3 you.


    How the heck can she sleep like that? O_o


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