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Posts posted by hRook

  1. Hi everyone! I haven't been present in the community for quite a bit, but it still holds a special place in my heart. You guys were very supportive of my music when I was working on Sonic Nexus. I wanted to return and seek feedback from the same discerning ears.

    Long story short, I'm about to make an honest try at breaking into professional composing for indie games. Last weekend I started preparing a "Pitch Reel" of stuff I want to pass around. I'm aiming for it to be 12 songs, splitting them up stylistically. 4 of them will be 8-bit NES style, 4 of them will be 16-bit Genesis style, 4 of them will be modern. For the most part, they're designed to be indefinitely looping pieces.

    Check the progress here: https://soundcloud.com/hunter-bridges/sets/2013-reel

    I'm looking for feedback and constructive criticism. Do the compositional and timbral limitations sound authentic? Are the songs repetitive? Too derivative? Let me know what you think.

    I'll keep you posted as I upload more.

  2. Programming is way more about concepts than it is languages. If you know the concepts, you can language hop pretty easily. Take that statement with a grain of salt though; the jump to Objective-C was hard for me cause I wasn't used to delegation. When I was just starting out, PHP was an easy entry point because I already knew some HTML and I didn't have to concern myself with maintaining a runtime loop.

    I can get around in C/++ but I really don't like working with it because it's so low-level that your code bulks up. You have to be very mindful of memory management and garbage collection, etc. It's strictly typed (Almost madness-inducingly). There are a lot of resources available, sure, but when you're beginning it can be a bit overwhelming.

    Java has its ups and downs. It comes with a ton of libraries and stuff packaged in and the syntax is nearly identical to C. The biggest drawback is Java apps run in a Virtual Machine (for the most part... yes I know native compilers exist), so performance tends to suck. It's a great learning language though... It's what I learned a lot of programming concepts in while I was in High School. Java is a lot easier to hop right in and start making little games with than C++ is. It's totally object-oriented, but OOP (object oriented programming) is extremely valuable knowledge anyway.

    BASIC is, in my opinion, not a very professionally applicable language anymore. I'm sure somebody somewhere would say otherwise but all my BASIC knowledge has only really been useful for little programs I made on my graphing calculator in high school.

    Python is a good choice, although I don't know much about it. I have been meaning to learn it. It can do web apps, enterprise apps, games, etc. Google uses it for a lot of their stuff and it's the language of choice in a lot of Computer Science programs.

    The order in which I learned the programming languages I know:

    BASIC, PHP, Visual Basic, Java, C++, Scala, Objective-C

    Easiest answer: start with Java and move to C++ when you're comfortable with all the concepts.

  3. Well, Sega approached me a couple of years ago. It only took a couple of months to get the contract down, but after that recording was such fairly simple. I only got some beta clips of the Ancient Rome level, so that's why the music doesn't fit the mood.

  4. For a bit that whole minigame seemed like a cheap Amplitude rip off... but Jamie, you posting the video about that glitch earlier made me as giddy as when people figured out how to get Mew without a Gameshark. But do you think it was really a glitch?

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