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Posts posted by Eminence

  1. Anyone else like that movie?  Oh my goodness, it's definitely a childhood favorite of mine.  I could watch it over and over again.  Eddie Murphy as donkey is hilarious.

    "That'll do donkey, that'll do."
    "Run, run, as fast as you can.  You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man."
    "I'm a real boy."


    SPOILER: Princess Fiona turns into an Ogre at the end!




  2. I don't exactly see the amusement here. I am a very intelligent person and my thoughts are QUITE valuable.

    For instance, since posting this http://forums.footballguys.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=676916&st=0 the stock has gone up $8.00 and I made a few people money on that forum.

    But if you think that limiting my ability to post on a Sonic Fan Games website is something to get your jollies about, I suggest that you reconsider that.

    This website and community could be much better which is why I simply asked to purchase the site off of Smidge.

    And again, it's a more of a loss to you guys than to me.

    You've banned someone who has various ideas to innovate the website and maybe even increase the amount of games that get completed / come through here.

    But are going to keep the various 13 - 17 year old kids posting nonsense.

  3. There is a lot of content on the forum that could be added to the site though Sonic Worlds for example.

    MFGG would probably let us use there CMS. Common CMS's like Wordpress and Joomla could do the job. They would allow us to integrate the community and site system together. Allow responsible members to post their games and tutorials to the site. I don't have access or permission to do such a thing though.

    This is exactly what I had in-mind.

  4. I don't know what type of funny business is going on here but I don't like it. A few months back, I started a thread which used to be found here:


    This thread suggested that we turn Sonic Fan Games HQ into a website based on 'General Fangame Creation' citing the game "Freedom Planet" as an example WHY this should happen.

    Recently, Freedom Planet (a game that started on here) raised over $6,000 in support and as such I bumped my thread to further suggest that my previously suggested idea was a GOOD IDEA.

    If a one-man team could raise $6,000 what is the potential of the rest of our website?

    The link to my post can be found here:


    Now, the part I don't understand is WHY is my original thread being hidden from the rest of the board? It is intelligently written and suggests a change to this website. It was not locked or hidden when I first posted it but now suddenly a moderator / administrator took action?

    Thread Link: http://sonicunited.org/hsfqmtif/forum/showthread.php?t=7722

    Why am I being censored?

    EDIT: Smidge, check your private message box from a few weeks ago.

  5. In case you haven't heard, Barack Obama has a proposed a plan that requires the United States to spend $500 million dollars on a new Gun Control policy.

    Riddle me this, is one Autistic kid really worth $500,000,000? Furthermore, didn't Barack Obama spend his first 4 years as President battling a recession?

    What sense does it not make to splurge that kind of money so recklessly over an isolated incident? Do you want to make a difference? Stop all these 'Walks for Autism'.

    I plan on protesting said events.

    SOURCE: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Obama-Gun-Control-cost/2013/01/16/id/471786

  6. I believe our core group of guys are all very talented in their own respect. I've seen a lot of legtimately intriguing projects on here. And, you may or may not like this idea but we need to update main page. More importantly scrap the current sprite section and replace it with a nice, neat, and organized sprite section.

    We have a premium domain, a dedicated fanbase, let's revamp the current site, and overhaul the sprite section. I mean we manage to host a gaming expo and spoonfeed people Game Engines.

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