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Everything posted by MidimanNull

  1. It disappeared when someone stole my cloudsong :<
  2. SAGE isnt in progress ( http://www.sagexpo.org/ )
  3. Well damn, I need to learn photoshop now ;E. Great work you artist you.
  4. WF DID THIS. HE BOUGHT WOW AND BITCHED 2 A CLAN, I THINKZ IT IZ <Ride or Die> -- seriously though, wtf, we dont even PLAY WoW
  5. Hmm, C:SOTN? I think I just had a mental and physical orgasm.
  6. Speaking of Sonic Legends, do you think any of you can whip up a simple sonic style logo with blue shades, in 320x240 size? Just like the old logo, maybe?
  7. 1.) GM 2.) Royale. I seriously need to use the screenshot feature more
  8. It wasnt path movement. it was sine movement.
  9. Both are pretty useful, but however you fancy creating coding/events matters between programs. MMF Uses a Event approach, with low-end coding ( ie, you have simple equations, not extremely long lines of CODE ) GM uses a drag-n-drop interface in conjuction with a very extensive coding language. even though the DND feature is pretty useful ( along the same line as MMF in the way it works ), you wouldnt get far without learning code.
  10. *butts in* Corkscrews are basically platforms with superforeground covering on them, easy to conceptulize, but pretty dang impressive. The animation is the only thing that gets people annoyed. And it basically goes like (PlayerXAnimations + XPosition / XSizeOfCorkscrew ) So that if the animation had 8 frames, and the corkscrew was 256 pixels wide, youd have an animation every 32 pixels, which gives you the idea of the corkscrew in works. But I seriously cant answer your question
  11. DW wins. IETab + All-In-One-Sidebar + Adblock(FiltersetG) + Fasterfox = Firefox > Opera All opera does is BT and Widgets. BT = uTorrent Widgets = Avedesk
  12. There's an ad infected with a certain virus only viewable in IE. The ad is a Windows Metafile ( WMF ), which automatically downloads spyware, the only way to bypass it is. 1.) Do not use IE 2.) Get the patch that disables the WMF exploit. stolen from : http://www.neowin.net/index.php?act=view⊂=c_reply&id=34222&cid=474739
  13. Check for any scripts or something like that? PHP/HTML stuff. ( whats up with the " For Islam " thing though? :\ )
  14. Hey guys, a little note for you. If you really are confused about GM, why not take the time to load up this engine and break it down? I mean, if you can break down something this advanced, youd be able to script period. Below is a double post that has been automagically merged into the original. Hey, remember when I said I dont need that HUD anymore SFGHQ? download the " I felt like doing this so I can make an even cooler HUD than this one " sheet :>
  15. ..This is kinda spooky, indeed. Eyes in space is like, pretty ok, but the Hourglass kind fricked me out a bit.
  16. In the deep abyss of Yuji Naka's never-used-ever-again mind. :>
  17. the plot is increasingly overcrowded, so as it grows, it gets more involving and intruiging, even though its the same thing over and over.
  18. 1.) raise it up 1 pixel. 2.) thats on your end either fix the code in room creation in roomTest ( it should be reffering to Music\R1.mp3, not 0.mp3 ) or make your own code that works
  19. America needs to stop importing anime and replacing voices and scenes before japan starts doing the same. pokemon > naruto.
  20. but that's not as extreme, but.. its better than 5+ years.
  21. To emphasize this post. TMNT = Owned & Copyrighted by 4kids :< Transformers? ok! Transformers w/ 3D? ..ok, sure. Transformers movie? I have a girl to rape. see, id rather go to jail than watch transformers: THE MOVIE.
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