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SoaH City Message Board


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Everything posted by Blues

  1. more like rushed sonic adventure (3) amirite lol
  2. Dont loving listen to anyone complaining in this thread, this game looks so old-school Sonic fan game that it's giving me an erection. keep it up
  3. http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070407/AUTO01/704070338/1148
  4. gorillaz- kick ass linkin park- cutting themselves while sucking on an ass
  5. kay that item sucks ass and is a whore how do i play as sonci? http://www.broomop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3267&hl=psobb2\.exe put that in your pso folder and make a shortcut to it with this in the thing "C:\Program Files\SEGA\PHANTASY STAR ONLINE Blue Burst\PsoBB2.exe" 1095189843 put this in the folder too http://www.uploading.com/files/LSWMQAA1/Character_Edit_Trainer.exe.html then start up the shortcut and start up the character editer, use your common sense and you can be npc retards too
  6. so i was totally just on and there was totally nobody else on, so i got bored and started ep 4 and OMG LOOK WHAT I FOUND OUT OF NOWHERE fuckin uber rare item that i cant use at my level
  7. next time start playing before midnight and i might be able to tag along
  8. okay i was on but nobody else was so i got bored and went home
  9. but i'm le tired i'll be on soon maybe
  10. So... it displays a card in 3d to swivel around and stuff? Thats... completely useless.
  11. None of you are ever invited to MTA ever again.
  12. ... wait... Liberty City? Again? :<
  13. See this is why i'm better than everyone else. Newbies know who the fsck I am.
  14. Everyone who is dissing GTA is just doing it cause they think they are cool :<
  15. i hope sonic isnt in brawl because everyone would play as him and that would be annoying
  16. they need to have two guys dressed in sonci and mario mascot costumes go run around the track
  17. http://www.rockstargames.com/IV/ or not cause April fools day is gay lol discuss
  18. worst emoticons ever lol except for that one
  19. just report it and move on. Posting about it isnt going to change it.
  20. Slinger is the only mod who tried to inject any fun into the forums. Everyone else was too tight assed to care about that. Turn being a mod into a job if you want, in the end it's a fucking internet forum and it's about having fun.
  21. Well for it to be a good prank at all people HAVE to not get it until the very end, epic fail :<
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