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Everything posted by SupaChao

  1. Fairly on topic here; I can safely say the same thing as Napalm, I couldn't do good at all when I was that age. Though, I did keep trying, and eventually it settled into a small skill. So just keep at it, and you'll get it good over time. I bid you goodluck. =P
  2. "This is just going to become a flame war..." Thats why you're taught to not assume a group of certain aged people don't know something. Oh sorry "most." I'm sure many people find this site at a young age. They don't need to use google, they could have found it as an affiliate, or stumbled upon it looking for sonic games. And yes, you are being ignorant. Your saying "Most nine year olds don't know what sprites are" Ignorance; simply because your unaware of those you're assuming have no knowledge of what a sprite is. If you'd get over that fact that not everyone is as uneducated as youd like them to be, there would be no posts regarding it, before someone realises this thread spun down a horrible little spiral of crap, and it gets closed.
  3. Thats sheer ignorance, grow up.
  4. SupaChao


    V1 for promo. V3 for ingame. V2 for humping.
  5. Dont give a worry about Kenji; I still talk to the old fellow on aim, he's just not at SFGHQ. He lives though. Its good to see SQ back. Smexy sprites too. If you ever need any help, I should be able to lend a hand if I'm able. I will support SQ visually once my sig comes to terms xD Then I will plug it in there. I also never posted in the art forum, but I'd like to say the new logo is visually pleasing; it appears to have soft colours, that just seem to blend nicely into each other, and your classic addition of stars. xD
  6. Simply because he can. Euan: like I said on aim; beautiful. Something about sonics jumping sprite makes it look at home too. >_>
  7. Hm. Wonder what that sounds like it gets crushed. Yummy.
  8. Okay you are all confused. Camel Spiders are REAL. It's just the picture of the soldier holding a two foot one that is fake. Yes they are real, no they are not that big. A regual site (as opposed to the hoax sites) says the soldier is holding two. The bottom one eating the top one. (...?) http://www.hoax-slayer.com/camel-spider-image.html You can pretty much tell which one is which, also noting that the soldier is holding the top one with plyers o_O So its logical that its just two of them, many people mistakig it for one large creature Smarty: -Camel spiders, or wind scorpions, are not actually spiders. They are in fact Solifugids and, like spiders, they belong to the class Arachnida. -The creatures are completely non-venomous. -They are silent. -They do not eat camels alive or dead. They mostly eat other arthropods. -Some eat lizards and, possibly, birds and small mammals. -They do run very fast for Arachnids, but certainly not as fast as 25 mph. -Solifugids are found world wide, although they are more common in drier regions such as Iraq. -Their bodies range in size from 25mm to 75mm in length. The outstretched leg span may reach 150mm.
  9. Oh bullshi. http://www.hoax-slayer.com/camel-spider-hoax-email.html Get over it. http://www.buckstix.com/camelspider.htm <- load of donkey crap. the feet, and dead horses and cows; complete bull. O_o
  10. I think I liked Midi's way of thinking xD I'd do the same
  11. No, just the master of making people cry.
  12. Those pictures made me laugh so hard. Very interesting idea. =P
  13. I suppose to not be a rod, I'll just say welcome back.
  14. Yea. Replace the Vb smilies with yours, thatd be better. They are very amusing lookin tho, good job.
  15. TISM : All Homeboys Are Dickheads
  16. Thats hawt. Yellow and black seem to suit together nicely.. no pun intended. >_> I didnt even notice eggman tho o.o Very nice actually, got'to admit, eggman does look pretty sleek in their though, like some serious ass kicking is about to go on. Very nice work
  17. Pet Shop Boys : Send Me an Angel 30 Seconds to Mars: End of the Beginning
  18. TISM : Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me
  19. Armor for Sleep - Stay On The Ground
  20. <.< Hui Meeting, gathering, for purposes of discussion and/or celebration xD
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