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Everything posted by shadowgoten

  1. I like the demo. Though I feel like sega is more keen on sacrificing good level spacing for the OMG SONIC IS FUCKING FAST feel, it's been their MO since the rush games, I guess we have to get used to it. One addition I am absolutely thrilled about is the on demand spin dash button, so useful and feels like it's an actual progression of the genesis era. Yes there is a bit of stickiness and I hope they do fix that, but so far I'm actually impressed with what's been shown.
  2. I've gotten pretty burned out on TF2, I might hop back in now that the community has had a significant boost, otherwise meh.
  3. Over half your posts contribute 0% to this thread man, chill the eff out with the negative vibes.
  4. To be honest Tuah your necro post has brought more activity to this forum in the past 2 days than we've had a in a bit.
  5. Holy crap this topic, no wonder the link was gone lol.
  6. well this is what transforms her from a rich bitch into a crazy treasure hunter that doesn't give a shit, or so that's what I'm seeing out of the trailers and such. It is the adventure that shapes her (she's thrust into it from a plane crash it seems)
  7. dude the amount of xbox fanboyism that oozes from each of your posts is pretty annoying. Chill out, halo 4 is just another halo, I'm pretty much halo'd out at this point, plus I don't trust a new studio (which IS NOT being developed by former halo peeps) bungie made it clear that they were done with halo and moved on to their next project like they should have. Halo 4 is pretty clear cut franchise milking at this point.
  8. Worst conference of the year hands down was Microsoft, the only exclusive non kinect offerings they showed were halo 4 and anniversery, both of which I don't give a shit about in any way shape or form. The kinect has and always will be a joke in my eyes, the fact that most demos had a good 2-3 second delay in response time drives me apeshit, I HATE IT. Nintendo's conference was kind of a circle jerk IMO, too much talking about shit not enough games, though they showed up on the floor and put out tons of trailers. I'm not sold on the WiiU yet, I'm a little tired of this innovation kick, I'll have to see some serious games be put out before I'm sold in any way to this device. As for the 3DS, I think it's finally starting to pick up on its showing and I'm hoping we'll see more hardcore games to come. Sony won best of the 3 IMO, their presentation was a no bullshit trailer/demofest and that's what I wanted. The PS Vita is shaping up to be a powerful handheld and I'm extremely interested in buying one myself, the Vita line up looked amazing, the graphics on the device are WOW, the touch pad on the back is a great addition without becoming too WIIINOVATION!Q111. What games was I personally pumped about this show? Kirby Wii! finally a proper Kirby sequel, something we haven't seen since Dreamland 3, with 4 player co-op this game is looking like a true winner. Assassin's Creed Revelations - I personally am a sucker for the Assassin's Creed series, it's been evolving with each game and becoming more fun each time so I can't wait to see what this one has in store. Mass Effect 3 - of course I'm ready for the thrilling conclusion to a fantastic storyline that I've invested so much time into already. Mario 3DS - The fact that they're doing plenty of nods towards mario 3 is amazing, I can't wait to get my hands on this beast and tear through the levels. Zelda Skyward Sword - Ok I admit the last few E3's dropped this game off my radar, I wasn't pleased with the shitty controls when watching them swing the controller around. But, with the addition of the wii plus peripheral and some serious time to clean this game up it's now shaping up to be a proper zelda game rather than a gimmick game. Sonic Generations - Fingers crossed for this game not to suck >.<
  9. Genesis, I was never a fan of the updated look compared to the old pudgy sonic.
  10. http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/06/07/e3-2011-kirby-wii-e3-trailer Game of the show, right fucking here.
  11. There just wasn't enough shown for the Wii U for me to properly pass judgement, there's a few ideas there that I like, but honestly if we're getting wii 2.0 I just can't deal with that anymore. PS Vita might be my next console purchase.
  12. Yeah so sony did a fucking fantastic job. Tons of games showed off, the Vita looks amazing, I want a wifi one already.
  13. I have, and like I said a few days ago, I hate it, I don't like motion controls in my video games, wii already pushed it and I don't like it. It boils down to arm flailing like an idiot with a good 2-3 second delay for the input to actually make it into the game. It's terrible and I'm not behind this concept.
  14. EA is already kicking ass on their presentation, they're just throwing devs out on stage to play their fucking cool games.
  15. man what a kinect wankfest that was ;_; I hate it so much. It's depressing watching all these people stand on stage and wave their arms around like fucking idiots.
  16. ok they ended on a halo 4 trailer. I'm going to call it now, even though we haven't seen the other 2, Sony and Nintendo will have to try really hard to win worst show of the 3 this year. I feel like Microsoft already won it.
  17. So far the microsoft conference has been complete garbage. I still give no shit about the kinect and that's been the major focus this year. The only new thing they've shown me that's not kinect related is the halo 1 remake, and c'mon, do I really care about that?
  18. This ^ Sure epic yarn was a neat game, but I yearn for a new kirby game that actually plays more like Super Star, it's so simple yet no one wants to deliver such a game to the fans.
  19. There was never a time I was satisfied with the motion controls on the wii (tiger woods golf + wii motion plus came close though) it was basically shake the control for gratification. I can remember how over it I was after about halfway through twilight princess, which was one of my first game on the wii. I for one am also hoping the cafe fails, I want nintendo to get out of this innovate for the family bs they've been stuck on for the past few years. This mentality is seeping into their games too, take Kirby's Epic Yarn for example, YOU CAN'T DIE. That game was a pretty disappointment with a few neat ideas baked in.
  20. I have absolutely 0 interest in a touchscreen on my console, it's a waste of space on a controller, and will probably make the controller cost like $100 per controller. Blah why can't they just make a console for the sake of bettering their franchises normally like everyone else ;_;.
  21. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/03/nikkei-wii-successor-has-touchscreen-controller-will-arrive-in/ ugh I spoke too soon, I really don't think I'm wasting my money on this, my wii has been useless for almost 2 years now.
  22. I'm particularly excited for Nintendo's presentation this year, they've got a lot to bring to the table. I'm not very interested in their new system, if I see some sort of stupid touch screen controller I'm going to go mad...I'm sort of done with innovation I want to see a good controller, at least move up to 360/ps3 graphics, and some solid fucking games. Tired of all the innovation with new bullshit I just want to be able to game like I've been doing for the past 20 years of my life.
  23. Perhaps I'll be down for that challenge. I'm going to be ordering that book DW mentioned earlier cause it seems like the best approach to general programming and then I can go from that foundation into the languages.
  24. not a big fan of this kind of comedy, I'm sure it appeals to some though, animation is decent enough though.
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