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Everything posted by shadowgoten

  1. Looks like the servers are down for maintenance currently, and this project is rather newish, but apparently when they're up they're relatively stable with a few features not quite working yet, if you poke around the forums a bit you'll see more information.
  2. http://psumods.co.uk/archives/forums/comments.php@DiscussionID=40&page=1.html#Item_0 Requires Ambition of the Illuminus, and it only requires a small bit of tampering with files to get working. I'm waiting for my copy of Ambition to arrive ;D I'm still tinkering around with this site, it looks like they're in the middle of a transition to a new website format so it's going to be harder to figure out what exactly teh process is, but I'll let you know once I've figured it out.
  3. In the meantime I've found a PSU private server I can fool around on, I never found PSU nearly as addictive as PSO, but the Schtack server programs don't even run on my computer anymore maybe I'll try it on the laptop.
  4. Game runs like butter on my comp. The character creator is actually really nice, of all the extensive creators in games, it's probably my favorite. The sliders are very easy to manipulate and you usually get an icon of what exactly you're morphing. EDIT: sega would be incredibly stupid not to bring this game to the US at all.
  5. Got my e-mail for the character creator/benchmark, downloading as I type this. Time to make some silly characters while I lament my not being in the beta yet
  6. I remember your webspace dump, I used to use it all the time. I've been looking for good quality rips of the OST's for the genesis games, but I'm having trouble finding non arranged versions.
  7. http://www.joystiq.com/2012/03/26/phantasy-star-online-2-is-free-to-play-also-coming-to-smartphon/ there's confirmation on the free 2 play bit.
  8. Fuck that, free to play is great, as long as they don't make the items you can buy with money anything that gives you an actual gameplay advantage over people that choose not to spend a dime. Like paying for XP/money boosts and things along that nature, and cosmetic items, is totally fine by me, as long as I don't have to shell out cash to have the best items in the game.
  9. Cars 2 actually.... http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/cars_2/ though pixar is looking to redeem itself with it's new movie, I forget what it's called but it's got a Scottish mid evil theme to it, it looks great. I saw 21 Jump Street yesterday, it was pretty hilarious, and had a ton of throwbacks to the old show. Johnny Depp (one of the stars of the old show) even makes a cameo appearance in it which is awesome.
  10. Apparently the Vita is doing great over here with the user base that has it. I think PSO on vita will be a huge selling point for kids in japan. much less here, but it will sell some units. I want one for it if they bring it out to America.
  11. Haha way ahead of you guys, SFGHQ heroes will be reborn ;D. I have signed up for that newsletter, here's hoping I get in, game looks like a blast. EDIT: Nostalgia meter went off the charts thinking about all the good times we had in SFGHQ heroes.
  12. I really liked the combat scenes in this episode, the main character is pretty cool, kind of a hot headed badass. I'm hoping it remains that awesome throughout.
  13. http://vimeo.com/38705962 You're welcome guys. Yes that's the full episode 1 for your viewing pleasure.
  14. He also got caught masterbating in public. So glad this happened, so now everyone can shut the fuck up about Kony 2012.
  15. This news yesterday pretty much has me pretty excited to snag a vita, I really do hope they port the game over, it would be really effing nice to log into the servers from a vita and play my same characters
  16. God damnit not here too... http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/qlc3u/invisible_children_stop_kony/c3yil0i http://ilto.wordpress.com/2006/11/02/the-visible-problem-with-invisible-children/ Read those and learn how shitty that organization that made the video is. Go read up on Kony on something like wikipedia or a reputable news source, just don't watch that fucking video.
  17. Lol are they running out of people to use for this show or something?
  18. I would be EXTREMELY disappointed if the soundtrack was altered in any way, this was a game I played way too much of in my youth. Now all I need after this is for them to put out shenmue in the same manner and I'll be a happy man.
  19. I had this urge to go watch chronicle yesterday, so I did. and I really enjoyed everything about that movie.
  20. Music was one thing I really liked about FF13, I wouldn't want them to continue in that style for the FF15 or whatever, only because I feel the music fits the style of the game world perfectly.
  21. Expanding on the whole growing up thing, I find myself just not enjoying a lot of the games that try to do the same thing I'm used to anymore. I hate the been there done that feeling, but it happens way too often nowadays. EDIT: Seraph it's the been there done that effect.
  22. http://www.steamcalculator.com/id/commandernojj That list pretty much speaks for itself. No I didn't actually spend 3k on all of that, I always jump on the omega sales they do though.
  23. DW and tentril's first posts pretty much nailed it for me. I work so much I barely have time to enjoy the things I pay for nowadays, and instead I'm left with a huge backlog because I don't have nearly enough time to thoroughly enjoy each game I buy, and if I take too long I feel like I'm missing out on everything else.
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