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Posts posted by Duckboy

  1. I didn't play very long tonight since it's late, but I played up through Cyan City's second act. But here's my thoughts so far:

    The game plays almost exactly like the old games, and it is fun. But there are some big problems that hold it back. The level design feels all over the place. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's god awful. The like 4 our of the 6 stages have HUGE sections of the levels dedicated to being underwater. Underwater stuff in Sonic is awful. I think some of the enemies are kind of BS like that sugar dude with the fire. In fact honestly I just did not like the sugar levels at all. The first two suffered from the underwater problem + those enemies, and the third act was just a mess all around. Hopefully it'll improve as the game goes on.

    That being said the music is great and I especially loved the music in the third act of the sugar level, very dubsteppy

  2. I guess I fail to see the uproar over the whole demos running on PCs thing. I thought this was a fairly common during console launches with games/demos/e3 presentations running off a pc dev machine or something? Its been a long time since the last console launch though so I can't remember.

    It's the kind of thing that wouldn't matter normally, because you'd like to give the gamers testing your games a perfect experience with the demos. Especially for a brand new system that they are likely still ironing out the kinks on, I don't think normally people would throw as much of a fit about the games not actually being played on the console itself.

    However Microsoft made so many boneheaded mistakes during the conference that this is just another layer of their shit sundae that they probably should have tried a little bit harder to hide. With the way the system is supposed to work, I can't see how it'd have worked at E3 anyway. Not to mention all the twitter XBOX support responses on twitter that just make you throw your hands up in the air. The horrible DRM, the online checks every 24 hours or 1 hour at a friend's house, the really strict region locking, telling people in the military to essentially eat shit and just keep playing the XBOX and you can just play the Xbox One when you get home, not having any really good exclusives, pulling out of pretty much all interviews, etc. It all just kind of piles on and this thing with the games not actually being played on the Xbones themselves just makes it worse for them.

  3. Not that I want to sound like I'm backing Tailssena (that's the last thing I want to do) but I thought Brawl played perfectly fine. Plus Melee doesn't have Dedede OR Sonic OR Lucario, my three main dudes in Brawl. Tripping was fucking dumb as shit though. It punished both competitive players and casual players equally. No one liked tripping. It's especially bad playing as Sonic and then tripping since his whole play style involves running really fast.

    Wii Fit Trainer looks awesome. Can't wait to see what they add next. I'd like a reveal that matches the Sonic reveal last time but that won't happen. Also we should probably make a dedicated Smash Bros thread.

    May I just say that Villager looks broken as fuck.

    Does he? From the zero evidence you have to show that? Christ

  4. - Square....good god, the only thing they can excite me with at this point is that GOD DAMN FF7 REMAKE /angryfist

    I'm not confident Square can pull of a remake of FF7 anymore. They'll never be able to capture the magic of the original. Even Square themselves has forgotten how Cloud and Aeris' characters actually are. The only thing I want to see out of Square is a Kingdom Hearts 3.

    Also I want to see some footage of that new Plants vs Zombies game. Not PvZ2, but fighting one, Garden Warfare. If it's TF2 but with Plants vs Zombies then I am DOWN

  5. Wii U's Desert Ruins...Sonic Team, there is a point where too much diversity in your levels goes a little out of hand. I mean, the tropes are cool, but they don't seem to fit together. At least the 3DS version gets the "desert ruin" aspect that is suspected: We have gravity-defying sweets for one Act, and suddenly a giant tree with honeycombs in the next. I can maybe understand if honey is being associated with the "sweets" theme, but could you maybe made it more...desert-y? Ruin-y? I could cite similar complaints for the first act as well.

    This complaint is insane. More level variety is ALWAYS a good thing. Besides from what it's called which to me just seems like a placeholder name for the demo anyway. The food stage and honeycomb stages looked awesome. Too much diversity is the way to go.

  6. The way Microsoft is handling the XBone is absolutely mind boggling and every new piece of information coming out about it makes no sense. The pre E3 presentation was a mess, the way they are going to handle used games is a mess, everything.

    Nintendo might as well not exist right now. They have an abysmal lineup of games right now. They aren't going to have a real presentation at E3 (just relying on Nintendo Directs to give us info on upcoming games like Smash Bros and whatever) and frankly the WiiU should have come out like a year later. Not to mention Nintendo is making the same boneheaded mistakes it usually makes with consoles, only it's a lot worse this go around. The fact that the Nintendo console is going to be behind in graphics again is just silly. But they're Nintendo, they've always just kind of done their own thing and Smash Bros is enough to get me to buy the system when it comes out so whatever.

    I haven't seen Sony's presentation but apparently they were like a million times better than Microsoft.

    The bigger problem though for me personally is that I just don't have the money anymore for consoles. I have a PC where I can get access to basically everything on Steam except for Nintendo exclusives, and for much much cheaper prices. I would love it if Nintendo went the route of Sega and their Dreamcast and made games that I could download on Steam. That'll never happen obviously but it's nice to dream.

    I do want a 3DS XL though. But again, money.

  7. Man I can't disagree harder with Sereph. I love the 2.5D levels. I love sidescrolling platforming. They actually managed to make Sonic's 3D levels a lot of fun. But the sidescrolling levels were a lot more fun to me.

    Or perhaps some people just have different tastes in gameplay. there's a thought?. And I for 1 play games to just enjoy myself. And running insanely fast is 1 thing that brings me such joy. And what is insulting me suppose to do again? To prove your opinion is better then mine? Ha! that's almost cute. How old are you again? and how about you go and enjoy what you want and I'll go do the same? It's a video game. learn to lighten up a little.

    Sonic has never been about blazing speed though. The entire point of his character is that he's fast, but the old games that are considered the best by the majority, Sonic never really ran all that fast. He couldn't, because the platforming simply wouldn't have worked. The newer games seem to view Sonic's gameplay more as speed first, platforming second when it should be the other way around.

  8. Satam suffers from a big rose colored glasses problem. There's a lot of problems with the show that are a lot more apparent nowadays where as Adventures was actually more Sonic-like and silly and had Scratch & Grounder. Sonic Underground is utter garbage that doesn't even really deserve to be mentioned.

    Robotnik is the only constant in all of them. Robotnik is always ridiculous and entertaining no matter what (well... except Sonic 06 but Sonic 06 was clearly a practical joke and I'll hear no other explanation)

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